Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: Igloos and DumbbellsOh no! In your New Years update you closed one of your list items with an < / l I > (capital I instead of lowercase i) so it messed up your list and the validator is hating.
And there's random spaces because apparently the server thinks I'm a hacker if I put in XHTML.[26/01/2010 01:17:33]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-15-10Even if there are parallels, is Atlantis really very relevant to the movie? It wasn't a major complaint or anything, just a general silly thing that isn't really much less so even if we can say "Oh, this is really all about Atlantis." It would be worth mentioning if there were some focus on the People of the Water being an advanced civilization, or if the Sea Crown was really some piece of ancient Atlantis technology, but as it is that's just a possible handwave you could make, and the actual point still stands.
[25/01/2010 12:01:12]
Fox McCloud
Commenting on: 01-15-10Hm. I'm surprised at the fact you gave no allusion to the lost city of Atlantis. -_-;; I mean, there was no "catastrophe" of sorts that hid the Sea Temple, but the fact that they had the "epic awesome ancient technology" kinda reminded me of it.
Also Lol @ Kyogre. -_-;;
Ooh, look, I got a Smeargle.[25/01/2010 08:29:54]
Commenting on: 01-23-10Lol,yay. x3 Been so long I forgot 'bout it, and had to read all 12 chapters to catch up. Turns out I missed some too XD Great story. Really starting to feel real, can hardly tell it's not real til I remember I'm staring at a font. xD Great, great story. It's sooooo awesome ^____^
[25/01/2010 04:45:37]
Commenting on: 01-23-10Yay! More Morphic! :D
[24/01/2010 20:46:10]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-23-10Yeah, at the speed she's aging, she's equivalent to a normal seventeen or eighteen-year-old.
[24/01/2010 20:18:12]
Commenting on: 01-23-10Woah, one of them is learning to drive? Is that because she's aging faster than a normal kid, or no? It strikes me as a little bit odd, but oh well.
Whenever I think of her, for some reason I always thinks she's a Roserade, not a Roselia. *shrug*[24/01/2010 19:58:55]
Commenting on: 01-23-10Yay, more Morphic! Jean, Will and Mia make me smile. X3 There's a grammatical error, thpugh: "…but didn’t wait for Jean to voluntarily give her the cellphone before he’d torn it out of her hand." The first "her" is referring to Jack, so it should be changed. Anyway, awesome job! The story's really getting intense!
Whoa. Mew spammy. =o[24/01/2010 18:59:15]
Commenting on: 01-23-10Also ohmaigawd really? Awesome.
[24/01/2010 16:49:41]
Ohwait…the new styles are up? I just never changed.
._.[24/01/2010 16:48:47]
Who's off to the London Expo next year? Please tell me. NOT IN EMAIL.
Heatran spammy[24/01/2010 14:29:22]
Commenting on: 12-25-09Also move those ads back to the "LOOK AT MY ADS" position.
[24/01/2010 03:55:02]
Website: I am NOT Eighty!
Commenting on: 12-25-09My name is NOT Eighty, it's E-ighty. Do you like if I write one with a shiny Dragonair?
[24/01/2010 03:54:23]
Carpe Noctem
…Well, in my defense, when I asked that, the update wasn't up.
[24/01/2010 01:46:06]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesCheck the Quest Blog. It has links to switch back to the old styles.
[23/01/2010 23:19:16]
Carpe Noctem
Butterfree, I really preferred the Chalenor style of the TQFTL subpage to any of the three new ones. Could you maybe consider adding it back?
Or, if it is still there, hidden away, could you point me in the right direction?[23/01/2010 22:44:56]
Who wants to tell me what an
unggoy is?[23/01/2010 22:04:58]
[23/01/2010 16:05:47]
Pika for Prez
Hey im finally noticed and by the way wats an unggoy?
[23/01/2010 01:52:56]
Oh, yeah. Unggoy totally pwn. Especially when confetti flies out of their heads when you shoot 'em. XD
It would be awesome if you did change your screen name to Unggoy.[22/01/2010 23:56:40]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC