
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


:( I'm bored, and sad. Someone help!

[09/08/2009 18:30:41]


I has teh c0mpl3tez opositez of a waill0r3d, an igglybuff. :D

[09/08/2009 15:12:21]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Heh, I never read the book, or watched the movie, although they both sound good. :)

Woah, Wailord spammy, too! +.+ (haha, yeah, when I heard he died, the thought of Billy snorting Oxy Clean crossed my mind, too XDDDD )

[09/08/2009 02:14:00]


I read the book as well. Never saw the movie though. Scariest book I've ever read; or, at least when I when seven.

[08/08/2009 22:41:57]

Emerald Espeon

*hereby announces the same thing as Typhloise :D*

Sangheili, I thought Coraline was a terrible movie. Maybe because I read the books, years and years ago, and loved it. But it really escapes me how it's gotten so many positive reviews…

[08/08/2009 22:34:11]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Oh, hey Typhloise :P. Ooh, I really like that!

Squirtle spammy! My 4th fav Pokémon!

[08/08/2009 20:52:50]


*acknowledges Typhloise*


[08/08/2009 20:15:37]

Commenting on: 08-04-09

I had already noticed about the menus a long time ago, but I thought it was part of the skin :P Well, I use Mew style, so it doesn't really affect me anyway.

[08/08/2009 18:40:33]


Does know one acknowledge me anymore? !_! I guessed your name was Carey! Isn't that close to Cara? Come one! I should get the BIGGEST cookie!

I will hereby announce on this here guestbook that I have never played Halo. Ever. I haven't even touched an X-Box 360.

But I do have Call of Duty 5 for Wii, and once my Wii is set up downstairs where the computer is, I'll be able to play online.

*Is thinking of Billy Mays snorting Oxy Clean at time of death…*

I've written stories, but never a fanfic before.

"As I stood on Mossdeep beach, gritty sand wallowed between my toes, the sand changing shape just because of my single step. I ran further, squinting from the blaring sun and all the while trying not to slip in the wet sand.

Standing at the oceans edge, emerald waves glistening with sunlight lapped around my ankles. Turning around, I saw what a major difference my simple run had done to the surface of the previously smooth shore.

Just one footstep created a cracked, jagged line that went on for meters, disrupting the serene, smooth shape of the shore. Hundreds of footsteps, however, changed the shore's beautiful look completely. Now it was rough, with evidence to what had happened to it.

A deep call bellowed from the ocean, making me quickly turn around to see the creature that caused it. Now the water seemed to mold itself, rising into a large, blaring hump. The sunlight reflected off of it, and I strained to see it. Slowly it grew larger, until an enormous shape erupted from it. Larger than any creature I had ever seen, I realized what it was as it jumped out of the water into the air.

The humongous creature was a Wailord, rarely seen around people, let alone whole cities. Once again it let out that deep, proud voice, making the gritty, loose sand on top of the beach vibrate. It wasn't a painful voice though, just proud. Leaping from the water once more, foamy white water erupted from it's spout, spraying the entire beach. The Wailord then quickly dived underneath the mass amount of water, and disappeared.

I stared out at the water in disbelief- Something so large could be swallowed up by something as harmless as water? The ocean, however, started to seem to rise higher and higher, eventually created something that resembled a thick wall. I stood in shock and curiosity, all the while the wall moving closer. It stood about five times taller than me, and cast a large shadow over the beach. I then ran, slipping over the gritty beach shore, and breaking up it's very face. But I ran to late, and the wet, overpowering wall crashed upon me.

It was like being hit with just brute force at first, but I happened to stay conscious. The water was salty and cold, and mostly dark. Going to take a breath, I panicked as salty water slithered down my throat, causing me to gag. I was terrified.

Almost ready to give up, I saw a sparkling light in the distance. With all of my remaining energy, I groped for the light, tired but desperate. After a small while the light got closer, and closer, and closer, until I could put my head through it.

Gasping for air, I looked around me. The water was starting to go back out to sea, but luckily I dug my hands and feet into the sand so I wouldn't be washed away. he sun was blaring, and I crawled farther away from the water, only stopping to vomit in the sand. Salt was in my throat, burning it, and my head was throbbing with pain. But I could breath. And that was all that mattered at that point.

I turned around once to take another look at the Mossdeep beach. It was so longer hot and gritty, but cold and mucky, and a smell pervaded from it. My last look at it showed me that it was smooth; my footsteps were gone."

Awful. Awful, awful, awful. I just thought of it now, because spammy was a Wailord.

[08/08/2009 15:42:25]


Oh yeah, ANNNNND, SonarMew. I didn't get all of your email, about the unfinished fic. D:

[08/08/2009 14:45:09]


Oh yeah, haha… That was me, (v) :D. Did you know Billy Mays did Cocaine? D: WTFZORZ

[08/08/2009 14:43:08]

*wide-eyed :D*

Oh your name is beautiful! Halo is the bestest game :D and (haha i got live on my cousins :DDDD) what kind of xbox do you have? O.o i have an idear if you don't have an an Arcade. *omnomnomnom* yay, but seriously…Your name is AWSUM *fwee*

[08/08/2009 14:42:00]



[08/08/2009 12:43:05]


(Changed the name! 'Tis Pikachu Goddess speaking.)

Why, yes, it is, Gacatail. Yes, it is. XD

No, you're right, Mehw: it's Cara. Oh, and you get a cookie for getting it right. *gives cookie* I just love that game. I beat the campaign on Legendary, and I've gotten every achievement you can get without Live (because, sadly, I can't get Live. T_T). Not lying. Seriously.

… Aw, what the hell. Everyone gets cookies! *throws cookies at everyone*

[08/08/2009 03:29:10]


Her name is most definitely Caramelldansen.

[07/08/2009 17:50:29]


Haha I noticed you were up at 3 today xD okay, check your email I wanna know if you got the messages xD

[07/08/2009 15:35:43]


I love this site. Thanks

[07/08/2009 15:25:27]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Yeh, I noticed. XP . Thoe, ya gonna thend that fic for me to thee? I goth a cup of coffee and haven't thlept in liek theventeen hourth. XD

[07/08/2009 11:47:08]


I asked first T^T

[07/08/2009 11:42:40]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

I mean gets a lollypop.

[07/08/2009 08:31:37]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC