
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: Graaaahahahaha! I update now!

That's cool!

Have you ever noticed (on D/P/Pt) that when you find the Pokémon you want on GTS, they ask for a rediculous trade?! I wanted a simple Eevee, but somebody called Frank was asking for a FREAKING LV. 100 GIRATINA!!! *falls on knees* WHY MUST THE WORLD BE UNFAIR!!! (No, I definitly did not trade my precious origin form giratina for that…)

[05/08/2009 02:07:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Officially revealed, as in Poké acknowledges its existence. :P

[05/08/2009 01:50:35]


Arceus has finally been revealed? what do you mean?

it's in Diamond…. o.0

[05/08/2009 01:39:20]

Emerald Espeon

I'm awesome c: *flattered* Yes, late.

A trainer's never been named after me as far as I know :(

Arceus has been officially revealed? Really? :O *goes to check*

[05/08/2009 01:15:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I've finally updated my site too! What a coincidence! :o

[05/08/2009 00:57:26]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Yay! I've finally updated my site!

ooh, Parasect spammy!

[05/08/2009 00:17:11]

Commenting on: 08-01-09

I noticed something in that Platinum V.S. seeker section. You know Breeder Kahlil? That guy who brushes his Pokemon? And then himself? He doesn't say that in Platinum after you beat him. Instead he just praises the Veilstone Department Store.


"The Veilstone Department Store is pretty impressive! Did you know they even sell Poffins?"

Great section and site, by the way.

Houndour for the spammifier (which, ironically enough, I just finished breeding).

[04/08/2009 21:45:38]


Hey, love the site! I'm a secret Pokemon fan and check back every so often. Your site is definately one of the best - I came back to it today and realised that I'd been visiting it regularly for ages and never commented… Your grammar is fantastic as well, you type better than most English people! (I'm a bit obsessed over typing properly too). Anyway, just popped round to say "Great site, keep it up", and to bring my rambling to a close…

[04/08/2009 19:21:08]

Website: EonRiders

I don't know when this was announced, but Arceus has been officially revealed by the official Pokemon website!

Wailord for teh spammifier!

[04/08/2009 17:17:56]


HA! I got my computer back…just wanted to say hey to everybody!

Lucario for spamifier…

[04/08/2009 16:17:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You can do that if you want, but I doubt if I can be bothered, since it seems rather pointless anyway.

[04/08/2009 07:27:53]


Kyuu lol i thought you said Hitler Kevin, for a second. And Butterfree…can't i just get a rom and look in a trainer editor?

[04/08/2009 03:20:37]

Kyuu Fox

I've met three characters with my name in the games. In GSC there is a Cooltrainer Kevin. In DP, there is Artist Kevin and Hiker Kevin.

I've never met anyone with more NPCs named after them.

[04/08/2009 00:58:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Well, that would need me to actually obtain a list of all the trainer in all the games - all of them, not just the ones you can rebattle with the Vs. Seeker. :/

[03/08/2009 23:28:28]


I think Veekun has the whole Pokedex thing covered :/ and is Jordan a trainer name? I think i was a psychic once. BUTTERFREE! You should make a thing like your sprite generator where you type in a name and you get all the pokemon trainers with that name, it'd be easir because you only have to enter answers for the names that are already in the games, and everything else you can just say " there are no trainers named 'name' ".


[03/08/2009 22:18:41]

Website: EonRiders

Huh, for about 10 minutes, my computer was saying that it couldn't find this page. How weird.

I have never been in a Pokemon game until DPPt. I'm one of the people who 'joins' you in a special cave where you can find Gible.

Froslass spammy!

[03/08/2009 19:59:25]


My name's been in all of the Pokemon games, and I've always been a fisherman.

[03/08/2009 19:00:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There is no real reason to make a Pokédex on your site nowadays. Or, well, the general rule for putting up information that can already be found elsewhere is if you can combine it with other information in a way that's not done anywhere else or if you can present the information in a notably more useful way than anywhere else. But if you don't think there is a serious lack of something or problem with the presentation of all other Pokédexes out there, you are much better off not bothering.

[03/08/2009 17:03:07]


I'm always a Fisherman… D:

I don't even like fish.

[03/08/2009 16:39:58]


BECAUSE! You said c in stead of k so ! Now, close to Casey…?…Cassie? Uh….hmm..

[03/08/2009 16:35:32]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC