
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Kinda wanting to play Platinum (to finish it!) i'm only at Crasher Wake haha, and he's like third now :( Augh Dang this Lazyness! Haha Heracross spammy, that's the first 2nd gen pokemon i ever caught! (yes i skipped all those sentret and ladyba :D )

[02/08/2009 01:49:53]

Commenting on: 07-28-09

Wow. Last night I had a dream that I was looking at this website, and Butterfree had a new update saying "Okay, the Platinum change I mentioned yesterday was ___ (I forgot what it was, but I think it had something to do with shiny Pokémon…), but I realized that change wasn't really there and removed it". O_o I had a TcoD dream!

As for the change, I have no idea… probably because I don't have Platinum yet. XD;;;;

Hey, Totodile for the spam thingy. Arceus is telling me to pre-order HG/SS as soon as I can! *shot*

[01/08/2009 22:59:13]


Just finished watching Dead Space: Downfall.

wow :)

Has anyone here played Dead Space, the game?

and seriously….where's Typhloise?!

[01/08/2009 10:01:18]


It's two in the morning, and i'm waiting for it to be 6 so curfew will end and i can stumble my way home to my comfy bed and sleeep :)

[01/08/2009 07:12:03]


Alrright, had been looking for it to find hwo to make one… Or at least the password part..

I liked clicking it for fun :)

[01/08/2009 03:57:34]

Website: EonRiders

@Sonar Mew : Why thank you. I shall see if your guest book is working now >.>

Pichu spammy! I wonder why Nintendo has made not one, but TWO uber-Pichus.

[31/07/2009 20:18:22]


Hehe, -headdesk-

[31/07/2009 19:02:33]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

*scratches head* oh… XD

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! What!?!?! School starts in 21 days… ;o.o;

I don't know if I'll be able to work on my site for much longer… I don't wanna delete my site, though. I'm making 50x more progress than my previous site, Mew's Cave of Awesomeness (corny name, I know, I know). I already have a dedicated member, a topic in the forums, and three guestbook signatures (ok, that's not really progress.) I've refined my expertise (or lack of) as a webmaster since my very first site, LoneLeaf (wich is my unofficial 'productions' company. I got the name when I first heard of D/P. Recognize the name? Twinleaf Town. Its a town… XD ).

@SilverLatios: I visted your site, SilverLatios, and… *drumroll*… AWESOME!!! When I can, I'll try to post in the forums, and maybe sign the guestbook. I like the way you organized your site (i.e. the Sitely Content page), and I may organize my site like that, when I can :D.

Oh, just to show you how I end up signing here roughly every 6-12 hours, it's 3:40am here ^-^

[31/07/2009 08:46:27]

Pikachu Goddess

Oh, yeah. I so knew that… >_>;;

My little sister got Platinum before I did… ;_;

[31/07/2009 05:54:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Mehwmew and Sonar Mew: It's neither. As has been pointed out already, it's the bit about the overworld sprite showing you using the Vs. Seeker like in FR/LG. Both the fossil thing and the languages thing have been on that page since I first made it.

cyndaquilrules: I removed it because it was stupid and I had just gotten done articulating on my Sections that Suck page precisely why it was.

[31/07/2009 05:03:47]


What happened to the "Sprite Thieves Click Here" that made you keep clicking Ok?

[31/07/2009 03:30:09]


@SonarMew: Uh, No, then, it's not the same anymore for me. Now mine are on the bottom under the polls, they used to be on the side but it changed recently.

[31/07/2009 03:02:12]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Ooh, I just got a notification from Webs… thankies, SilverLatios47! I really need to get back on my Webs…

Pika pii pik pika! (Translation: Pikachu spammy!!!)

[31/07/2009 01:41:54]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

@Mehwmew: I don't know, because my mom hasn't gotten a internet connection for the wii yet. This site works pretty well on my phone (a motorola sidekick slide) except the menu bar thingies are on the bottom of the page, and when I click Post to create a message it (mosta the time) takes me to the splash, and when I click Submit it mostly sends me to the main page. Its a miracle I can even do this on here, hehehe.

@SilverLatios: Hmmm… I'll try to see what I can do soon enough. Ugh, I'm still wrapped up in drawing my characters manga/anime style, so please bear with me, here

@Mehwmew again: No, I don't think it's that one… I still think it's the fossil one. Am I right, Butterfree? *big grin*

[31/07/2009 01:27:32]


Pretty sure it's the one after the Lvl 100 Magikarp, it's the language one, that pissed me off so much in Diamond, cause /none/ of my pokemon had other language things annnd now i've forgotten most of my Italian, so it's pointless D:

[30/07/2009 23:21:39]

Website: EonRiders

@ Sonar Mew: I wne to your site, and posted in the forums, butI found myself unable to sign your guestbook. The box that the text goes in dissapeared after a few seconds, and when i refresh it, the same things happen. do you know why?

I can't seem to find the new Platinum change…I read it and a lot seemed new to me. I only had read the page once before, however. Anyone know what it is? *headesks*

Togekiss spammy!

[30/07/2009 23:11:01]

Commenting on: 07-07-09

I'm just waiting for Butterfree to announce, after much speculation, that she didn't actually make a change and wanted everyone to tear their hair out trying to find it. :D

[30/07/2009 21:05:20]

Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Accually, Cindaquazy, they kinda are. *HINT HINT*


[30/07/2009 18:37:36]

Website: Poliwager Forums

Dang, my main site has been down for a few weeks now, I wonder when my dad can get it back up…

But my forums are going well still! :D

I'm not really excited about what Butterfree might have in store for the site, because I don't really like Platinum/own it. XD

Leafeon! =P

[30/07/2009 17:55:39]


@ SonarMew, does your phone internet page, of TCoD, look like the wii one?

[30/07/2009 17:39:44]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC