
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Ooooooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ohh! I know it! Pick me pick me! Want me to say it aloud?

[06/08/2009 05:57:11]

Pikachu Goddess

I think my name is sort of original… but I want to change it. Pikachu's not really my favourite Pokémon now, and I don't want to seem like I'm referring to myself as a goddess. >_>

Mehwmew, it starts with a "C". XD Here's a hint: the first three letters are "C", "A", and "R".

[06/08/2009 03:37:56]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Hmmm… well I don't think Unown is that hard to remember… XD_

Yeah, Butterfree, I think you're right. You'd have to purposly misspell Gloom, hehehe… >_> *looks at Mehwmew*

Well, tomorrow I'll try to fix the links to the guestbook and The Games links… as well as the links to my fic chapters… oh, speaking of fanfics… I've decided to hold a little contest… *chuckles evily* just send me your fic (must be 2+ chapters) and whoever's fic is the best… mwahah– oh, er, I will personally post on my fanfic site. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I said it! I revealed my, MWAHAHA eeeeevilllll plot to get people to look at my site! MWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! *glass breaks*. Crap. Superman's here. Gotta run. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *runs away*

[06/08/2009 03:24:15]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's "Unown", actually. I believe the only Pokémon whose name is an actual non-misspelled word is Gloom.

[06/08/2009 02:35:28]


Mhmm i might get it then, it always looked awesome, but i can't keep a stylus for more than a month so i never got it. :( and RAWR why the heck didn't Nazi Zombies make it to the Wii? X-x does anyone have CoD world at war? *~do i have to put ' Unknown A' for the spammy, or just 'Unknown' ? Apparently just Unknown…

[06/08/2009 01:52:38]



[06/08/2009 01:34:45]


*sigh* my name is pretty original, i thought… And yeah Bob was Some Guy, and Bob, is DTL good?

[05/08/2009 23:38:02]


Oh, does anyone know the game Drawn to Life? 'Cause now I'm obsessed with its music. Especially "A Rocket!"

[05/08/2009 23:15:12]


Yeah, maybe I should change it to… *pulls out long list*

Fred! It's perfect! And totally original!

Whenever I try to change my name, bad things happen. *shudder*

[05/08/2009 23:13:36]


Bob actually did change his name. It was Some Guy I believe. But of course I could never remember who Some Guy was, 'cause I was used to Bob and then he changed it back and it's so mush easier now.

And, as uncreative as a name Greenumbreon is, I've never found anyone else with that name. I even Googled it, and all that came up was all my Guestbook posts.

Togekiss for the spammifier.

And 'cause I haven't posted a poem in a while (you all know you love them):

Togekiss' bright white wings…

Such fluffy things…

Curly feathers of colourless brightness,

All are completely and entirely whiteness.

[05/08/2009 23:05:25]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

@Bob: XD. Well, I think you should change it, Bob. Think of a unique screen name (i.e. GrandeGiratina, or something like darkdarkrai), and start using it!

Oh, about the GTS, I heard that there was some action replay cheat, and that's how they are able to 'look' for a specific Pokémon. It's sad, really, when I'm not able to get all those uber cool legendaries… and when HGSS comes out, everyone will rush to show off their 'OMG liek I gotz a red Gyradose let me trade it for a Giratinaz!' (yes I mispelled Gyarados). *sigh* I wish HGSS would come out soon…

[05/08/2009 20:30:49]


I know exactly what you mean. Can you imagine the number of people that steal my name? It's ridiculous. D:

[05/08/2009 18:25:45]


It has come to my attention that someone has been using my name on different sites, and I just wanted you all to know i only use Mehwmew, here, at PC, and for online gaming (Halo3 and CoD:WoW, mostly) so if you see it somewhere else and it is a disturbing post, bad language or whatever, please disregard it. I found it at some xbox site where they commented on a question, but i know it was not me because it was the day before my birthday, this year. And i wasn't online at all that, or the next day. *sigh* sorry longmessagedone.

[05/08/2009 17:31:40]


Pfft. There are people putting their just caught legends (i.e., level 47 Dialga) or hacked Pokemon (mostly events like Shaymin) for Enteis, Mews, and even higher leveled copies of whatever it is they're trading. The best part is that half of them are hackers, because they're all asking for Mews and stuff, and due to the way the GTS is set up, they'd have to SEE a Mew to even ask for one. I hate that, by the way, because if you've seen one, it's very likely you can get one relatively easily. You don't see that many Pokemon that aren't from Sinnoh- the Battle Island (or whatever) is only so big.

I also wish you could put up a Pokemon and not choose what you want in return- sort of like Russian Roulette.

LONG POST IS LONG. At least in this tiny little box.

[05/08/2009 14:06:57]


Haha @ PG , i don't even remember what i typed. D: hmm…. Starts with a C or a K? I forgot XX(

[05/08/2009 05:21:04]

Pikachu Goddess

Nope, and nope, Mehwmew. XD

[05/08/2009 03:06:34]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: Graaaahahahaha! I update now!

That's cool!

Have you ever noticed (on D/P/Pt) that when you find the Pokémon you want on GTS, they ask for a rediculous trade?! I wanted a simple Eevee, but somebody called Frank was asking for a FREAKING LV. 100 GIRATINA!!! *falls on knees* WHY MUST THE WORLD BE UNFAIR!!! (No, I definitly did not trade my precious origin form giratina for that…)

[05/08/2009 02:07:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Officially revealed, as in Poké acknowledges its existence. :P

[05/08/2009 01:50:35]


Arceus has finally been revealed? what do you mean?

it's in Diamond…. o.0

[05/08/2009 01:39:20]

Emerald Espeon

I'm awesome c: *flattered* Yes, late.

A trainer's never been named after me as far as I know :(

Arceus has been officially revealed? Really? :O *goes to check*

[05/08/2009 01:15:21]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC