Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Pikachu Goddess
*is flattered* XD
Kyuu Fox: Hey, I've never had someone named after me in a Pokémon game. … Well, one person, if I remember correctly, but their name was spelt with a "K" instead of a "C".[03/08/2009 05:22:44]
Kyuu Fox
Artist Kevin! So I only have one person named after me in Pt?
…Typical.[03/08/2009 05:13:19]
I remember one day i was bored and i learned about leafeon and glacieon before-hand, and i made an entire website
with all the eevee lutions, just pictures of them, and their names. :D then i completely forgot the URL (lol how do i do it?) xD , and Butterfree, Thank You, i knew the basic story and i wanted to know the factiful side. I had Green, and i cried (almost!) when i saw Mew. (WOW!) it was tinted green and pink, and looked like a frog![03/08/2009 03:48:40]
Oh, there'll be bad websites. There will always be bad websites. It's a fact of life. :D
[03/08/2009 00:17:02]
Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: Whaaaaaaaah! *tiwtches* need... to... UPDATESOON!!! *twitch*Wow, so many comments, so little time… I remember first playing Blue– I was hooked. I remember thinking that it was just AWESOME and that I'd never love another Pokémon game again… hehehe… if I played it now, it would probably be a drag, especially compared to Platinum. Or, coming soon, HGSS. Like I said, YAY FOR REMAKES!!!
Well, if I could pick a fav guestbook poster… I wouldn't have one. You guys are all awesome, especially Mehwmew, PikachuGoddess, SilverLatios and EmeraldEspeon!
My friend told me that 2009 (and possibly '10) is the golden year(s) of the Pokémon Website. There are still many horrible horrible absolutly horrifingly horrible fan websites out there, but they are becoming few and far between. The rest (about 50%) are good or better (i.e. TCoD, :D ). And that's really great. Of course, in the future where there are flying cars, there'll still be bad websites…[02/08/2009 23:49:03]
Commenting on: 08-01-09I found the change! It's Trainer Name Changes!
Also, the VS. Seeker page is very useful! Thanks![02/08/2009 16:37:08]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-01-09Theoretically there could be a better one, since I've yet to go through all the major EXP-yielding trainers and who might be near them, but I doubt it.
[02/08/2009 16:08:29]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMehwmew: Japan originally got Red and Green, which were like the American Red and Blue but had worse graphics (well, worse for the most part), Then there was a limited-edition game called Blue, which had Pokémon in different places, different in-game trades and better (for the most part) sprites. For the American (and later worldwide) release, they took Red and Green's Pokémon and in-game trades but Blue's improved (for the most part) graphics and released them as Red and Blue, presumably because they thought Blastoise looked cooler than Venusaur.
[02/08/2009 16:06:01]
Commenting on: 08-01-09I can't believe I found that high level spot all by myself wehn I was in Portugal. I was sure there had to be a better one somewhere, but nope. Woo!
[02/08/2009 14:20:02]
Hello everyone… Just thought I'd thank Butterfree for such an amazing Pokemon site… I've been in love with Pokemon for 13 years now… Have a nice day, guys and girls!XD
[02/08/2009 11:00:53]
Hello everyone… Just thought I'd thank Butterfree for such an amazing Pokemon site… I've been in love with Pokemon for 13 years now… Have a nice day, guys and girls!XD
[02/08/2009 11:00:53]
Hello everyone… Just thought I'd thank Butterfree for such an amazing Pokemon site… I've been in love with Pokemon for 13 years now… Have a nice day, guys and girls!XD
[02/08/2009 10:56:36]
What /exactly/ is the /whole/ story of Green, and Japanese Blue? And hahaha Butterfree, did /you/ name your dining table after a pokemon?
[02/08/2009 04:44:18]
@PikachuGoddess, :D you're my favorite TCoD guestbook poster. Everyone else is 2nd :P
[02/08/2009 04:27:20]
Who am I this time? Hmhmmm
Website: Hm?
Commenting on: 08-01-09Much more obvious this time.
Right below the Vs Seeker one, it uses the word "bizarre" which was hinted at in the post.[02/08/2009 02:59:10]
Pikachu Goddess
Thank God they changed Ninja Boy Antonio's name; honestly, what kind of ninja is named Antonio?
[02/08/2009 01:56:12]
Kinda wanting to play Platinum (to finish it!) i'm only at Crasher Wake haha, and he's like third now :( Augh Dang this Lazyness! Haha Heracross spammy, that's the first 2nd gen pokemon i ever caught! (yes i skipped all those sentret and ladyba :D )
[02/08/2009 01:49:53]
Commenting on: 07-28-09Wow. Last night I had a dream that I was looking at this website, and Butterfree had a new update saying "Okay, the Platinum change I mentioned yesterday was ___ (I forgot what it was, but I think it had something to do with shiny Pokémon…), but I realized that change wasn't really there and removed it". O_o I had a TcoD dream!
As for the change, I have no idea… probably because I don't have Platinum yet. XD;;;;
Hey, Totodile for the spam thingy. Arceus is telling me to pre-order HG/SS as soon as I can! *shot*[01/08/2009 22:59:13]
Just finished watching Dead Space: Downfall.
wow :)
Has anyone here played Dead Space, the game?
and seriously….where's Typhloise?![01/08/2009 10:01:18]
It's two in the morning, and i'm waiting for it to be 6 so curfew will end and i can stumble my way home to my comfy bed and sleeep :)
[01/08/2009 07:12:03]
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