
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Hey! I just updated my FanFic site!!! I fixed the links, and added two new chapters! Come visit and I'll give whoever does a LOLLYPOP! XD

@Mehw: Like I said with SilverLatios, no, it doesn't have to be about Pokemon.

[07/08/2009 08:19:49]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Okay… Frank… I'll remember that (I hope).

I don't think I'll be changing my name anytime soon. Sonar Mew is unique (I even googled it), and I think it suits my style.

I shall rant this to the world until we have Hoenn remakes: YAY FOR REMAKEZ!!! Why, you ask, do you love remakes so much? They're better than the originals ^o^

[07/08/2009 05:35:53]


Oh, and I officially guess Bob's name is Frank… It just fits the genre :D

[07/08/2009 02:58:39]


And the Halo series is one of the greatest…EVAR. I had a very long discussion on Halo with Butterfree, and I couldn't name the reason it'sso awesome… It just IS >-< :D …Cara? Carin Carie Cassie Casey Capultheta.(haha Strait Jacket)

[07/08/2009 02:55:38]


Sangheili are the Elites :D ~ Mehw

[07/08/2009 02:52:33]

Pikachu Goddess

I really want to see "Coraline"… :D

I think I might change it to something with Darkrai in it or Sangheili. A cookie goes out to the person who guesses what Sangheili's from. (I think this was discussed already, but what the hell.) :3

And you guys are getting close. It's not Caramel. XD Think shorter. (I'm finding this very entertaining, by the way. XD)

[07/08/2009 02:28:08]


Gah, Turtwig spammy. >:( why does it haunt me so!?…. :o anyways, Pikachu Goddess, what are ya going to change your name to? And does anyone have Call Of Duty: World at War for Wii? Please!?

[07/08/2009 02:20:07]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

@SilverLatios: No, it doesn't. So sure, why not? I can send and receive email on my phone, which I have with me almost always. I think it can support PDF and Word files, and supports .txt files, so sure, send it! I'll try to fix those links on my site asap, too.

[07/08/2009 00:25:20]


I've had Geodude, a Boo, and one that was entirely invisible. I made all the weapons invisible too and ended up getting myself hurt so I could see myself.

[07/08/2009 00:07:44]

Website: EonRiders

Bob: Drawn to Life is an absolutely epic game. I'ev made the heroo look like articuno and lugia before xD

@SonarMew: Yeah, does it have to be a Pokemon fic? I have a wolf fic, but its not Pokemon.

Lol, Machoke spammy!

[06/08/2009 23:17:05]

Commenting on: 08-04-09

I'm using Opera, and having just switched to Spectrum Style I can't spot anything wrong with the menus… o_O

[06/08/2009 20:36:45]

Emerald Espeon

My name is completely unoriginal, but I don't care. :D

[06/08/2009 20:20:08]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

I know! It's either Caren or Carmen or Caramen! ^*^

Machop spammy! When I first watched the Pokémon anime, I thought the machop evolution line was Manchop Manchoke and Manchamp 0.O

[06/08/2009 20:15:56]


Wow, it's been a while since I posted on this… So how's everyone doing??

[06/08/2009 18:27:29]


Sorry for the triple post, but what if her name is /just/ the first three letters? Car. :D

[06/08/2009 18:17:00]


Wow… I used ALL of the space… Hehe [/rantover] …her name is Caramel. xD or Caroline or Carolina or Caralimeanthamimamimaduniko. (psst! I think it's the last one, for sure!) if i have a daughter, I want to name her Coraline, that's a pretty name :]

AND STOP GLARING! *trys to glare at everyone at once, but fails and blinks* :'(

[06/08/2009 18:14:51]


D: WHY'S EVERYONE STARING AT MEEEE and I wrote 'Unknown' in the comments box, but in the spammy box I put 'Unown' o.o;; geez. ….o.O and no Typhloise I haven't used your name… o.o SonarMew, Does it hasta be Pokemon related? And RAGGLE RAGGLE D: *~off topic completely~* I tried to play Platinum last night, only to find someone had restarted it and picked /Turtwig/ not only did they delete my lvl 98 Dragonair<3 , they named it Turri, or something like that…wtfudge. Grr i absolutely HATE when other people go in my room when i'm not home, only /worsened/ by the fact that my room has two large /glass/ doors, leading to the living room, diminishing almost all my privacy, but the other door leads to my sisters room, so she has to walk through my room to leave or enter, there's ANOTHER door that leads outside, and my cousin who's 5 entered it while it was locked. He came in and i was like "Jared…how'd you get in here?" and he said " that door was unlocked…" and i tried opening it ad it was locked… O.o

[06/08/2009 18:11:29]


Carametnaltamahlha, right?

[06/08/2009 18:04:48]


What about Electrode?

*glares at Mehwmew for no reason*

[06/08/2009 15:03:47]


Pikachu Goddess: Carey?

You would think that a name like Typhloise is original, wouldn't you? I invented it about two years ago, and first used it on this guestbook. However, over the years, when I try to sign up on different sites, Typhloise is taken. Either it's a major coincidence, or someone here has been stealing my name. *Glares at Mehmew*

[06/08/2009 14:12:34]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC