
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Yeap, and thanks everyone for my birthday-thingys, and wtf. President Obama and Gates are the racist ones! Wow you're a Harvard Prof. , that doesn't mean you shouldn't be arrested, also it was an /accident/ get over it!

[30/07/2009 17:35:25]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Is the new change about the Fossils? If it is, yay me!!! *claps* I pay very close attention to the site, or at least try.

Yay! I just finished a colored anime-style drawing of Loreen, one of my fic's main characters (I still haven't been able to link to my chapters, :/ ). It turned out really good, too! She turned out looking somewhat like the FireRed female protagonist (the hair, minus the hat, plus bangs covering her right eye). She has the same basic pose, but she is holding a pokeball in her left hand. Seriously, when I can get on the computer, I may (maybe) show it on my site.

[30/07/2009 10:21:50]

Pikachu Goddess

Good. XD

[30/07/2009 02:10:11]

Website: Cyndaquazy's Site
Commenting on: 07-28-09

This challenge is made even harder with the fact that the changes aren't in chronological order… Hmmm gonna take a long while for me, if not forever…

[29/07/2009 23:54:16]


Woah!!! I didn't mean for that many!!! sorry, Butterfree

[29/07/2009 22:29:16]


i'm on my wii, and did'nt feel like writing out my whole name. :) and PikachuGoddess, it's on the side, like ( ^_^ )* where the asterisk ;) annnnnd, just so you know, it looks verrrrrrry cute. ~ _____

also, where's Typhloise?

[29/07/2009 22:27:12]


Thank you for the "Platinum change" page! I was wondering why I was only digging up Skull Fossils… x.x Among other things, of course, when I felt like digging and stuff Underground.

[29/07/2009 22:27:02]

Emerald Espeon
Commenting on: 07-28-09

I'm guessing the new Platinum change is the VS Seeker one…you're making the Platinum VS Seeker page? :D

[29/07/2009 21:56:17]

Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Ohhh, I see. That makes sense. Haha…. *feels out of place for some reason*

[29/07/2009 20:49:58]

Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Wow, Butterfree it's about time. :P

[29/07/2009 18:18:56]

Pikachu Goddess

Hmm, I'll have to check what this new change is…

[29/07/2009 06:00:01]

Commenting on: 07-28-09

Well, I haven't noticed what it is XD And yay, update :D

[29/07/2009 03:54:36]

Website: Pikachu's Plaza
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Oh yes. I didn't notice that at all. :P

In response to the previous comment:Oh, oh yes she is…

[29/07/2009 03:47:39]

Who am I? Hmhmmm
Commenting on: 07-28-09

I have no idea.

You're making a Platinum Vs Seeker page, aren't you…

[29/07/2009 03:33:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Coincidence. The spam protection Pokémon are completely random.

[29/07/2009 00:55:10]


hello, trainers of TCoD! happy late birthday, mehwmew! my birthday's in two days, and in about an hour, you guys will have the option of getting a heracross with pokerus over the GTS!!!


Mew is out!

P.S. butterfree, why do I keep finding GSC pokemon on the spammifier?

[29/07/2009 00:37:17]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Oh sorry. I'm doing this on my phone and it messes up a lot.

[28/07/2009 23:42:43]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Well, at least I have my Platinum… and I wish HGSS would come out soon. It sounds so fun!

Mwahahahaha I now have an ARMY who shall denounce the evils of hate and Pokémon-haters!

Oooooooo shaymin spammy

[28/07/2009 23:33:23]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

@Emerald: She didn't- I kinda snuck 'em in, hehe.

@silverlatios47 and Pikachu: she thinks Pokémon's "demonic" or something *shrugs* Now, who here thinks Eevee is demonic?… anyone?… exactly. :/

[28/07/2009 23:22:25]


Hate to break in, but this is the most hilarious thing ever.

[28/07/2009 21:39:36]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC