
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Red Blimp

@Sonar Mew: Meh, I'd be careful about Rosetta Stone. I've read about it, testimonials and stuff, and it seems like a glorified flash card program. You could do something relatively similar with the free site Livemocha (and here, you can build your own flash card sets and give your own pictures, plus it comes with other awesome stuff).

I've always thought that copyright holders should be glad that fan sites exist; those websites exist because people love those books/games/whatever and want to share their thoughts on them with the world. It's a pretty cool phenomenon.

[23/07/2009 18:42:17]

Website: Pikachu's Plaza

Agh, I meant Pokémon sites. Could you fix that, Butterfree?

[23/07/2009 17:51:11]

Website: Pikachu's Plaza

Haha, free advertisement. It's true, though. that's what all the Pokémon do.

[23/07/2009 17:50:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There is no good reason for Nintendo to have any problem with a site like this that doesn't distribute ROMs or emulators. I'm giving them free advertisement for the Pokémon franchise; they should be happy. :P

[23/07/2009 15:02:06]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

Hmmmmm… I wonder what I should do with my life? I really want to work for Game Freak and help with making the Pokémon games. That would be freakin sweet!!!

But at the same time, I want to sing. I can sing fairly well, so maybe someday I'll go on America's Got Talent. *sings in Bass*. I dunno… I may have to scrape up for a Japanese language Rosetta Stone, learn html and how to build computers; or I could go on AGT or whatever when I'm in college or whatever, but I'm superduper shy about my voice and may end up doing the latter. Ack, ignore my rants; I'm just getting stuff off my chest. Tehe…

[23/07/2009 06:31:20]

Sonar Mew

Well, because Butterfree has everything legal situated at the bottom of every page, there shouldn't be a big lawsuit in the future. Lol XD

[23/07/2009 06:06:38]

Website: Lulullul


[23/07/2009 01:11:06]

Website: I can has wizard

I love this site! I hope it never gets in trouble with Nintendo! Keep it going, Dragonfree(or whatever you call yourself.)!



[22/07/2009 22:47:23]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign!!!

Umm… guess the song…

You Found Me, the Fray?

My Wish, Rascall Flatts?

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star??? o.0

HOLY SHLITERVAHN!!! SHINY WHISMUR!!! If I were old enough, I'd go to a casino!!! :3


[22/07/2009 22:45:50]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign!!!

Umm… guess the song…

You Found Me, the Fray?

My Wish, Rascall Flatts?

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star??? o.0

HOLY SHLITERVAHN!!! SHINY WISMUR!!! If I were old enough, I'd go to a casino!!! :3


[22/07/2009 22:45:33]


everything arrived at my house….except the wii

[22/07/2009 21:10:22]


That's fine. It was some After Dark "horror film" "the only horror film to use real human bodies" …no doubt the families consented to get some money. Gosh it just makes me so. Mad!!

[22/07/2009 20:19:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Uh, Mehwmew, it would be nice to provide some context before going on a random rant. Where did you hear this about a horror movie using real bodies? Sounds kind of like a hoax to me; the desecration of bodies tends to be, you know, illegal. :/

Deleting your post for swearing.

[22/07/2009 19:34:47]


I'm bored, waiting for my Wii. Let's play a game. Guess the song! (no using Google, either! -glances at Typhloise-) xD . Sonar goes first!.

[22/07/2009 17:42:22]


Sure, I'd say any shiny is good luck.

[22/07/2009 17:39:03]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign

One time about a year ago I did the entire crossword, but I only got one right…

OMGOMG!!! SHINY RILOU!!! That's good luck, right?

[22/07/2009 17:22:49]

Pikachu Goddess

I think the best I've gotten on the crossword was three words… and I don't think they were even correct. XD

[21/07/2009 19:13:21]

Sonar Mew

Ack, messed up again!!!

Last try, *breaths in*, here it is.

[21/07/2009 12:41:09]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: Mwahahahaha!!! Fear the Reign!!!

Eheheheh… kinda messed up on the BBC code so here it is:

POLor preview.

Also, I just got started on a new fic called Across the Stars, featuring Mewtwo and his struggles as a clone.

"If I have no friends, who is there to guide me?

If I have no feelings, what is there to hide me?

If I have no soul, what is there to carry me across the stars?"- Sonar Mew

[21/07/2009 08:08:10]

Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: Mwahahahaha!!! Fear the Reign!!!

To Mehwmew: it doesn't look purpleish gray to me. But I do have to agree shiny ninetales is freakin sweet!!!

And why do I always get hungry after viewing this guestbook? Hmmm…

Oh, I've also created a site for a fic I'm writing called The Plains of Lorénia. All I have on it right now is a sneek peek of it. So basicly it is unfinished (like my Sonar Mew site).

If you read the preview please comment here on this guestbook, and if you are interested, I'll try to hurry and get the first couple 'a chapters debuted ASAP.

[21/07/2009 07:35:43]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC