
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


@Typhloise: thats 2 in Icelands history *shoves money further into pocket. @Butterfree: im going to laugh if it is the end of the world. "haah silly butterfree" *explosion* -dead- :3

[02/07/2009 16:56:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, Iceland is awesome. I just like to make fun of the way everybody here treats the economic crisis as the end of the world. :P

[02/07/2009 04:48:40]


awesome site

[02/07/2009 01:55:51]



"Our goal is to release info in early 2010, and have the game completed sometime in 2011."

In other words, the game will be finished somewhere in 2017.

Canada Day today! The UN rated Canada as the third-greatest country in the world! We work harder than the Germans, are richer than the Americans, and the only better lovers than us are the Swiss and the Austrians! In fact, we are only topped by Norway and Iceland!

I don't why you keep complaining about how Iceland is a horrible place to live right now, Butterfree. Sure, you guys are in a major recession that has hit you harder than anyone else, but there are awesome things about your country! Iceland has only had one armed robbery in it's history.

[01/07/2009 22:43:43]


Greenumbreon, i was being rather sarcastic. I was just saying that it will be a long time.

[01/07/2009 20:50:19]


I figure that it'll be just three or four years before the new Zelda is released.

Not eight.

[01/07/2009 18:56:40]


Typhloise, if they follow recent announcement-trends, New Zelda, won't be out for about…*calculates* …8 years :\

[01/07/2009 17:29:00]


Sometimes I hate Nintendo for appealing to a wider audience. So far buying a Wii was a big mistake. I've just been waiting for a good hardcore game for a while. I don't want to sound like people on forums who whine,

"Why won't Nintendo make any good gaaaaaaames?! I'M going back to my PS3!"

But I've just been so bored. Luckily a new Zelda game has been announced, so…

[01/07/2009 02:57:59]


Ji Ra Chu, noone cares if you call us feminine or whatever, we know you didn't mean that insultingly. And i think Nintendo is trying to appeal to a wider audience (younger kids, older adults) and people who loved gold silver n crystal.

[01/07/2009 00:21:30]

Ji ra chu (is on vacation)

Just wanted to stop by to say hi?^^;; Yeah…okay I have no coments to make on the updates at the moment, but I got Bulbasaur as my 'please type this pokemon' this time. I feel special.

lol it's been awile…does anyone here still remember me?

Also, the Gold and Silver re-makes look…intresting. Is it just me, though, or are they trying to make the games look more brightly colored now days? o.o Not that I really mind or anything…it's just that the new G/S re-makes remind me of Kirby Super Star: Ultra a little….and I thought MY FAKE GAMES were the only Pokemon games that were aloud to look like…Kirby. Ahh maybe it's just me, or maybe i'm just desprite to see Pokemon become a little more….I dunno…..girl friendly? Yeah, please don't flame me. PLEASE. By girl, I was refering to more 'feminine' people. Oh God I am going to be bashed badly…lol Okay, cya later now. *zip's off*

[30/06/2009 23:32:35]


This site is really amazing. I saw it last week, and I have a feeling I'll be coming back whenever I'm bored/get into a random Pokemon phase. Thanks. :]

[30/06/2009 16:27:05]


Such a cool website!

[30/06/2009 15:34:49]

Website: ---

Great website.

[30/06/2009 09:22:36]


That's sad. Why not just leave it up?

[29/06/2009 20:32:57]

Emerald Espeon

RIP Ed McMahon, as well.

But I'll miss Billy Mays the most, more than Michael Jackson…:P

[29/06/2009 18:05:54]


Farrah Fawcet.

[29/06/2009 17:22:01]


RIP Michael Jackson

RIP Billy Mays

RIP that other girl who was forgotten (the one with cancer)

[29/06/2009 16:02:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Uh, on the splash page? o_O

[28/06/2009 20:32:15]


O_o Where does it say Lugia's Island is closing?

'Cause I just checked the site…

[28/06/2009 20:29:47]


That's sad. It just makes you think, a webmaster could just lose interest suddenly and shut down the site.

[28/06/2009 12:34:39]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC