Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Pikachu Goddess
Get Final Fantasy IV. Super fun. :D
[12/07/2009 03:53:13]
Emerald Espeon
I want to buy a new DS game, one that will entertain me for a long while :P Anyone have any suggestions?
Yay, an update :D I should read Morphic sometime.[12/07/2009 03:04:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTyphloise: I went through Toronto and Niagara Falls, but we were only there for a couple of days.
[11/07/2009 20:14:06]
Commenting on: 07-07-09Aww, you took out the part about Corn Flakes. I loved that part of the About Me section.
Otherwise, hurray for the server update… thing![11/07/2009 19:49:57]
By the way Butterfree, did you visit any places in Canada on your way to the U.S.A.?
[11/07/2009 19:27:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI did a bit of research on this a while ago and found out that the very most frequently misspelled Pokémon according to the ratio of correct and incorrect results on Google, at least out of the ones that were tested (i.e. ones I seemed to remember seeing misspelled a lot), the one most misspelled was Flaaffy. Although of course, that was a couple of years ago, before the fourth generation and all. :/
[11/07/2009 19:12:18]
Commenting on: 07-07-09A Morphic Chapter is a good an update for me as anything. As long as it's not dead.
[11/07/2009 19:08:45]
What do you guys think is the hardest P-O-K-accent-E-M-O-N to spell is?
[11/07/2009 17:33:43]
I couldn't spell Typhlosion anyway….
[11/07/2009 15:36:36]
No. Typhloise, you catch on like two viruses O_o….heh
[11/07/2009 06:43:54]
Commenting on: 07-07-09Yay, new Morphic chapter! *reads* Wow it's getting very interesting, I can't wait for more chapters!
[11/07/2009 04:12:07]
I catch on like a virus.
[11/07/2009 00:45:04]
I often type Typhloise instead of tyhlosion too.
It's a bit annoying[10/07/2009 23:41:09]
Website: Shari's WorldI misspell pokemon names all the time xD I try not to though.
[10/07/2009 22:47:25]
Website: Shari's WorldHi.
[10/07/2009 22:45:57]
I've done the same.
[10/07/2009 22:22:17]
Pikachu Goddess
Yes! Chapter ten! :3
… My God, I typed in Typhloise instead of Typhlosion for the spammifier. O_o I'll bet that will weird you out a bit, Typhloise…[10/07/2009 21:24:58]
Website: EonRidersLol, so you eat more then Kelloggs now Butterfree? xD
…sorry, I couldn't resist.
Garchomp spammy, wheee~[10/07/2009 20:58:38]
Commenting on: 07-07-09Yay! Finally chapter 10 of Morphic is posted :) (Goes to read it)
Otherwise, Glad the server is fixed up.[10/07/2009 20:55:14]
exactly. :3
weirdly was my starter a few days ago ….i didn't know that was possible
ZOMG LATIOS SPAMMY :3[10/07/2009 18:47:32]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC