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Pikachu Goddess
Yes, Linebeck did make me roll my eyes a couple of times, but around the end I gave him the title of "awesome". XD
[07/07/2009 18:16:05]
Hey , why do the pokemon games round down?
[07/07/2009 18:09:05]
Pokemon Fossil isn't dead *sob* it was MURDERED! Haha no… I assassinated it :3 , phantom hourglss was pretty fun, but i didnt like it very much (and isn't linebeck the stupid guy who's "fearless" he made me so mad sometimes >.> minish cap i played for about 5 minutes before my cousin lost it. Did you guys like the Oracle Of's ?
[07/07/2009 15:10:44]
Now Typhloise… No need to get angry. You haven't requested that I return it yet.
I never really liked Phantom Hourglass much.
Though I did beat it.[07/07/2009 11:55:50]
Sounds like a particular friend I lent Minish Cap to… Took him almost a year to beat it, and still hasn't given it back!!! *Glares angrily at Greenumbreon*
Also, I checked out Pokemon Fossil. It's dead.[07/07/2009 11:02:36]
Pikachu Goddess
I beat Twilight Princess in just two days, being the nerd I am. :3
I found Majora's Mask extremely annoying. I got up to the first temple before getting frustrated and quitting.
Come to think of it, I haven't finished Minish Cap. I borrowed from a friend once and just realized that I didn't beat the game…
Ooh! Ooh! Has anyone played Phantom Hourglass? The boss battles are very entertaining; there's a couple of creative battles that use the two screens for the battle… the final boss battle was pretty creative, too. And Linebeck is just pure awesomeness. :3[07/07/2009 06:54:31]
silver, there's no topic, talk about whatever you feel like.
[07/07/2009 03:11:50]
Website: EonRidersWould the Pokemon Fossil mentioned in the Wall of Shame happen to be an original, or a version two? I was searching Google for some Letaligon pictures, and about all I found were some very peculiar sprites, one looking like a dark green scizor. I checked it out and found a Webs with many stolen sprites. If Butterfree knows about this "V2" of Pokemon Fossil, then false alarm, and I'm just being unknolegdable(I SO spelled that wrong, being the smarty-pants I am <.<)
Erm, in an attempt to stay on topic, I never got that far in Majora's Mask. I found it confusing and frustrating, and instead, I play on my friend's profile that is way farther then mine xD I've always found the fact that the moon 'cried' kind of unsettling, like it didn't want to kill everyone. I was like 9 or ten at the time, so I was relly creeped out xD
Drapion spammifier~[07/07/2009 01:02:04]
Kyuu Fox
My favorite Zelda game was always Majora's Mask. Something about it made it awesome to me.
I remember fighting Majora's Incarnation. That's the second form of Majora's Mask in the final battle. I love the way it shrieks and dances.[07/07/2009 00:34:00]
Oh. Will they be shiny in the picture before you choose?i really want a shiny starter
[06/07/2009 21:29:42]
Yes, it is possible to get a shiny starter. The only pokemon that don't have a chance of being shiny are other trainers' pokemon.
[06/07/2009 21:13:54]
I do too, just not the crashingintotheworldkillingusall part… :3 and is it possible to get a starter shiny? ((i keep getting ice/ghost pokemon spammys ))
[06/07/2009 20:23:46]
Oh hey, it's Neosierra again. Been a while hasn't it? (unless you're someone else using the name Neosierra, which i find unlikely)
Mehwmew, that game is called Majora's Mask. And I liked the moon…
Muk for the spammifier.[06/07/2009 17:50:05]
Neosierra, we're talking about Pokemon Green, and Zelda, series. And GreenUmbreon, i just meant compared to the games after it. :3 my first Zelda game was Oracle of Seasons(? The red one) and i loved it. I like Ages better though. And ive played (not beaten) all of them up to TP, i dont has a wii yet. I hated…i cant think at the moment, where you have like 2 hours to beat it. RAHHHHH DIE YOU STUPID********G MOON >><<
[06/07/2009 15:33:03]
Hi people!! What are you talking about? =3
[06/07/2009 14:13:39]
I'm actually getting better at Moldorm. I'm getting him down to his final hit before I get nervous and mess up. TWICE I gave Moldorm his final hit, but the spin attack hit both his head AND his tail, therefore knocking off to the middle hole, and two floors below… >.<
My first Zelda game was Minish Cap, and I found the bosses incredible easy, except for Vaati's second form, which I needed some potions. Twilight Princess's bosses were much to easy. I think they were some of the coolest, but easiest. I can imagine the discussion between designers.
Designer #1: Got the bosses finished!
Miyamoto: They're awful in every way! Now we have to delay the game! Make the bosses better!
Months later…
Miyamoto: Let me see them.
Designer #1: Yes sir! We made them bigger and better!
Designer #2: Much better!
Miyamoto: You just made them bigger! They're still awful! Fix them!
Second delay for a couple of months…
Designer #2: Finished sir! We made them cooler!
Miyamoto: Great! What about the IP, fighting, and difficulty?
Designer #1: Oh… Um… You wanted those?[06/07/2009 13:25:30]
[06/07/2009 01:54:41]
Haha, noobs… I beat ALttP twice in six days (I had nothing better to do, okay?). Four days the first time and two the second.
And it's called Mothula, Pikachu Goddess. I actually found her(?) to be rather easy. Just bring along a bottle of life medicine and a bottle of magic medicine. And then torch her a couple times with the fire rod.
But the hardest boss for me was… I'll have to say (aside from Ganon) Kholdstare Trinexx. The first time I beat him it took me thirty some tries. But the second time I killed him in one try losing about two hearts. XD
Yeah, the Zelda bosses really need to have their difficulty upped a bit (though ALttP wasn't too bad). Especially Teilight Princess. The first boss was 80 friggin feet tall and I killed him in three hits. :\
@Mehwmew: Green wasn't that bad. It was just mew's froggy-ness. Poor poor mew…
Burmy for the spammifier.[06/07/2009 01:53:40]
merry birthday~
and Green had REALLLY bad graphics, compared to Red and Blue, but those had bad graphics compared to Yellow (sorta :/) Green is the only game where i didn't like Mew. (it looked like a frog, whos midsection was run over by a very heavy man , on a very light bicycle.) my favorite Mew is the Emerald one.
*ZOMG, i got Zangoose spammy… Zangoose and Mew ares mai favorite poekamans*[06/07/2009 00:09:58]
Pikachu Goddess
@Typhloise: Yes, that boss is annoying when he pushes you off the edge, but you just need to scurry around a bit before you get a couple of hits in. Just go cautiously, run around a bit, and then hack up that little weakspot on his rear end when you get the chance. Sometimes just running away randomly from his gigantic head when he's chasing you gets you a good target.
@SilverLatios47: Yeah, that dungeon is pretty tough, what with the switches and all. I always get stuck on Ganon's Tower, though. All the damn keys you need just make me lose my will to go through that dungeon.
The most annoying boss for me, though, is Mothro(?), the third dungeon in the Dark World's boss. Stupid little conveyer belts… Always pushing me into the spikes… Added to that, he has an attack that shoots out three little waves that sometimes you can't escape from because of those accursed conveyer belts. So many deaths…
By the way, I'll be gone for a few days. Watch for my birthday tomorrow. XD[04/07/2009 12:54:05]
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