Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Haha you guys are great. We are like a little family, since i've been here, you've all been here and its cool having recurring people :) its nice having people stick around for a change
[26/06/2009 06:11:40]
Emerald Espeon
Michael Jackson's death was so surprising…he was just this really famous kind of controversial music dude, and suddenly he's dead… D:
Earlier today The Cave of Dragonflies wouldn't load for me at all. But it's fine now. Hm.[26/06/2009 03:52:33]
Schools out! Woot! ^_^ It doesn't feel that way, though. Probably because I can't walk or anything, and I've been away for the final week, except for today.
I said something nice about TCoD, and Butterfree responded in a short post, thanking me. I then jumped in, and started adding onto some discussions.
:O Micheal Jackson is dead! That's insane… I'm sad that his music legacy will die, but I am not sad that he died. Does that make sense?
And I jut try to add onto conversations if I have anything to say.
Schools out! Woot! ^_^ It doesn't feel that way, though. Probably because I can't walk or anything, and I've been away for the final week, except for today.
Now what.[26/06/2009 01:56:55]
Pikachu Goddess
My first post made me feel awkward… Well, posting it, actually. I remember it was when people were talking about Mystery Dungeon, so I put my opinion of the game in the guestbook and people responded. Then everything played out from there. :3
Yeah, I don't have anything interesting to say too, EE. I just say stuff that's related to the conversation, but sometimes I feel like I'm ignored… v_v[26/06/2009 01:46:15]
Yeah, that's what happened to me, too. I just don't really have anything interesting to say. :P
Ooh, Jirachi.[25/06/2009 23:02:55]
Emerald Espeon
Lol if I posted more often, you wouldn't think what I had to say was very interesting because I'd just be saying random things to look like I'm contributing to the discussion :P
I can't get to The Cave of Dragonflies homepage, when I picked a style it took me to a page that said "Runtime Error" and a bunch of text about redirecting to error pages or something? I got here through Google :P[25/06/2009 17:32:52]
Sorry, i just remembered something from WAYYYYYYYY back, Harlequin never changed his name i don't think anyway.haha i wrote ' flaffy spammy' in the spam box haha. Ooooo i gots a Butterfree C:
[25/06/2009 14:51:16]
I'm the one who never has anything interesting to say, you , on the other hand Emerald, have made some very interesting comments and great points. :3
[25/06/2009 14:48:06]
Emerald Espeon
I first posted as a response to one of ShinyNoctowl's quizzes too. To tell the truth, I'd been trying to convince myself to join for days, but I didn't know how to make a non-awkward first post because it seemed like everyone on here knew each other :P
I always read but don't post, when I don't have anything interesting or meaningful to say :P Not that anything I say here is ever really interesting or meaningful, but pshh :P[25/06/2009 04:02:15]
Why do people read but not post >.> Butterfree! I WANNA KNOW YOUR DEEPEST FEARS SO I MAY HAU-… chess… Yeah thats it….play…chess*shifty looks*
[24/06/2009 21:49:42]
Wow, Butterfree, you must be a huge fan or something!
[24/06/2009 21:26:36]
My phone is stupid! It says Network connection lost after i click submit, but it still posts my message, thats.the reason for the majority of my double post, again i apologize.
[24/06/2009 17:37:43]
Weird….you also have the same name as the person who does …..hmm…..strange….
[24/06/2009 17:35:38]
Weird….you also have the same name as the person who does …..hmm…..strange….
[24/06/2009 17:35:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI've been here for more than six and a half years. :o Why, it's almost as if I own the place!
[24/06/2009 16:20:35]
I started coming to TCoD at the tail end of the '900,000 views' splash, and I first posted on one of Shiny Noctowl's quizzes (I got a trophy from that, but I lost it. :D).
[24/06/2009 15:49:31]
I'm not sure when I started posting. I don't really pay attention to things like that.
But, if I remember correctly, I started TCoD a couple of months after really getting started on Pokemon, which was before they announced PMD and Ranger. So maybe it's my two-year anniversary too :P Not quite sure, though.[24/06/2009 14:55:42]
I stated visiting the site about two and a half years ago, but have been posting for about two years, I think.
[24/06/2009 12:50:12]
OHWAIT It's two years- I started in 2007, I think.
[23/06/2009 23:50:38]
Really? I could have sworn you were here before me…
[23/06/2009 22:30:55]
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