Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Ji ra chu (is on vacation)
Just wanted to stop by to say hi?^^;; Yeah…okay I have no coments to make on the updates at the moment, but I got Bulbasaur as my 'please type this pokemon' this time. I feel special.
lol it's been awile…does anyone here still remember me?
Also, the Gold and Silver re-makes look…intresting. Is it just me, though, or are they trying to make the games look more brightly colored now days? o.o Not that I really mind or anything…it's just that the new G/S re-makes remind me of Kirby Super Star: Ultra a little….and I thought MY FAKE GAMES were the only Pokemon games that were aloud to look like…Kirby. Ahh maybe it's just me, or maybe i'm just desprite to see Pokemon become a little more….I dunno…..girl friendly? Yeah, please don't flame me. PLEASE. By girl, I was refering to more 'feminine' people. Oh God I am going to be bashed badly…lol Okay, cya later now. *zip's off*[30/06/2009 23:32:35]
This site is really amazing. I saw it last week, and I have a feeling I'll be coming back whenever I'm bored/get into a random Pokemon phase. Thanks. :]
[30/06/2009 16:27:05]
Such a cool website!
[30/06/2009 15:34:49]
Great website.
[30/06/2009 09:22:36]
That's sad. Why not just leave it up?
[29/06/2009 20:32:57]
Emerald Espeon
RIP Ed McMahon, as well.
But I'll miss Billy Mays the most, more than Michael Jackson…:P[29/06/2009 18:05:54]
Farrah Fawcet.
[29/06/2009 17:22:01]
RIP Michael Jackson
RIP Billy Mays
RIP that other girl who was forgotten (the one with cancer)[29/06/2009 16:02:27]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh, on the splash page? o_O
[28/06/2009 20:32:15]
O_o Where does it say Lugia's Island is closing?
'Cause I just checked the site…[28/06/2009 20:29:47]
That's sad. It just makes you think, a webmaster could just lose interest suddenly and shut down the site.
[28/06/2009 12:34:39]
Website: EonRidersAh, so LI is officially down now? I say a moment of silence for SilverWing, because LI was my first favorite Pokemon website, before I got addicted to tCoD xD
Mesprit spammy, yay <3[28/06/2009 06:26:20]
So, Lugia's Island is now closing..
Glad Dragonflycave is still alive. Thank you, Dragonfree.[28/06/2009 03:21:05]
Website: master of darknessthe dark world
[28/06/2009 00:00:22]
I won't be here for three weeks 'cause I'll be at a camp. Try not to miss my sparkling personality. ;D
[27/06/2009 14:45:16]
welcome :>
[27/06/2009 03:22:22]
Website: Cyndaquil's CaveHi
[27/06/2009 01:00:06]
Happens to me too, really bothersome when i'm in the middle of a very interesting conversation. :>
[26/06/2009 23:55:41]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, sometimes the server is silly. I really need to get a new one.
[26/06/2009 15:39:55]
Sometimes TCoD won't load for me, either. Sometimes the links will break or whatnot.
[26/06/2009 13:58:44]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC