
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Pikachu Goddess

Sorry about the double post, but I feel bad for not acknowledging your surgery, Typhloise… v_v That must suck. I hope it passes.

[20/06/2009 06:08:57]

Pikachu Goddess

Linkin Park's all right. I like their new song; New Divide's the name, if I remember correctly.

I like most of the older bands, like Boston, Nirvana, The Beatles, Def Leppard, Metallica, ACDC, U2, The Cars… the list goes on. There's also some newer bands that I enjoy listening to, like Billy Talent, Green Day, Coldplay, and so on. I can't bother to list all the bands I like. XD

[20/06/2009 06:03:04]


That really sucks, Typhloise. I for one have a fear of surgery and almost had to get surgery on some part of my nose that has been inflamed since I was born, and from your discription of the effects of surgery, I made the right choice in not getting surgery.

[20/06/2009 02:40:25]

Emerald Espeon

I like Nelly Furtado, Imogen Heap, The Hush Sound, and Linkin Park <3

Awwww Typhloise that sucks :( I hope you didn't get any side effects from the anaesthesia.

[20/06/2009 01:35:27]


I did, i feel better now, and i didnt mean to spam the list, sorry i really did, and hope you get better! Why'd you hafta get surgery?

[19/06/2009 22:33:03]


The sprite of the shiny Pichu in HeartGold/SoulSilver looks a lot like the original Silver sprite! Do you think they are revamping the sprites from Gold/Silver, using one as the first frame, the other as the second!!

If they are that would be so cool!

*steelix (G/S) for spammy*

it's a sign :O

[19/06/2009 21:26:21]


Never… been… in so much… pain!

I end up getting surgery on my knee in the morning on Thursday. I wake up three hours later SCREAMING from pain. So they give me heavy painkillers. I stay in recovery for three hours while they check my vital signs (To make sure I'm not dead). Then I go to my room at about three. I fall asleep for two hours, and wake up feeling nausea, and decide to go back to sleep for three hours. I take some less heavy painkillers at this point, then go to sleep, and wake up several times in the night. Finally,y at seven in the morning, I wake up with horrible pain, and take some more heavy painkillers. I read and play Platinum until about 11:30, at which point I take more painkillers, and are taught to use crutches. At one we left the hospital for home, and arrived back at 3:30. And every day, I'm supposed to do painful exercises. Right now I'm in less pain, but the meds are making me feel dizzy and disoriented.

And I like rock. My favorite bands are Led Zepplin, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Black Label Society, etc.

And Mehwmew, please don't spam. You obviously don't want to die, and are just trying to get attention.

[19/06/2009 20:52:17]


i went to the psychaiatrist (how ever the hell you spell it)

and he pretty much just shoved a pill bottle at me and told me to leave. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

its people like that that make me want to shoot myself.

psychaiatrists are supposed to help you

not shove pills down your throat and say you have

ADHD or wtf ever

[19/06/2009 20:43:30]

Pikachu Goddess

:O Why?!

[19/06/2009 20:21:20]


I feel like killing myself, anyone think of any particular gruesome ways to die?

[19/06/2009 17:21:22]


I like almost everything.
favorite bands?

mine are
Asher Roth
Avenged Sevenfold
Blink 182
Green Day
Drowning Pool
Fall Out Boy (is o.k.)
System Of A Down
Serj Tankian
um…um… Um um um…, i really suck at making lists,( i always forget what i wanna write) and my phone wont keep these in the neat, comfortable rows i wrote them in so please excuse the chaotic mass that is that list

[19/06/2009 00:54:21]


I like almost everything.
favorite bands?

mine are
Asher Roth
Avenged Sevenfold
Blink 182
Green Day
Drowning Pool
Fall Out Boy (is o.k.)
System Of A Down
Serj Tankian
um…um… Um um um…, i really suck at making lists,( i always forget what i wanna write) and my phone wont keep these in the neat, comfortable rows i wrote them in so please excuse the chaotic mass that is that list

[19/06/2009 00:53:59]

Pikachu Goddess

I love classic rock. :3 Actually, I like rock in general.

[18/06/2009 22:17:38]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Classic rock, mostly.

[18/06/2009 21:55:56]


Hey Butterfree, im dying to know, whats your favorite type of music?

[18/06/2009 15:43:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-16-09

Usually I don't update the site talking about chapters of that fic, since if people are following it they can just check the fic minipage (which does post updates when chapters are posted).

[18/06/2009 13:50:26]

Commenting on: 06-16-09

Then, you must feel guilty often.

Did you write those last three chapters all in one night? Because I never saw an update talking about them until now.

[18/06/2009 13:33:18]


Lmao. This site is Butterfree's baby. (hey darkshaymin, sorry i didnt get on today i had pressing urgent matters to attend to -_^*winkwink* giggle giggle

[18/06/2009 02:54:09]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-16-09

For not updating my site enough? Whenever it goes unupdated for a week or so, I start feeling like I'm neglecting it. :/

[18/06/2009 02:23:12]

Commenting on: 06-16-09

…Why on Eath would you feel guilty?

[18/06/2009 02:17:39]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC