
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


My knee.

[17/06/2009 23:55:35]

Dark Shaymin

"I've never spoken to Dark Shaymin (who is that? o.O)"


[17/06/2009 22:12:31]

Pikachu Goddess

Good luck, Typhloise!

[17/06/2009 21:52:11]

Emerald Espeon

Aw, what are you getting surgery for? Good luck Typhloise! Don't freak out when they shove that anaesthetic mask on your face :P

…Because I totally didn't freak out when they did it to me. >.>

[17/06/2009 21:19:14]


I have to get surgery tomorrow. Wish me luck!

[17/06/2009 21:17:17]


Hey everybody! I just got totodile for spamifier! maybe thats a sign that I should choose Totodile formy starter and get SoulSilver?

[17/06/2009 02:18:20]


Trade with a friend. Otherwise, no.

[17/06/2009 00:21:51]


I have a question.

How can I duplicate Stealth Rock without GTS or AR?

I have the American Diamond version and Platinum.

[16/06/2009 06:07:55]


thats what was thinking, i think you would'nt wanna give the site over, it just would'nt be the same.

….and Typhloise :PP

[16/06/2009 02:57:12]


…And Typhloise, because he's a generally awesome person!

[15/06/2009 23:49:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Honestly, no, I'm not going to give my site over to anyone even if I couldn't maintain it anymore for some reason. I'd leave someone in control of the forums, but the site would just stay how it is for the rest of eternity for whoever wants to see what's on it. If somebody else were running it, it wouldn't be this site anymore. Somebody else would be welcome to try to fill my niche in the fandom (make Vs. Seeker and locations sections for new games, etc.), but they wouldn't be running The Cave of Dragonflies. And that's just provided they actually felt like running a site to begin with.

As for the forums, I'd leave them to opaltiger (who has been my substitute admin for a couple of years), Dannichu (who is a she, by the way, and my oldest and closest Internet friend) and/or Negrek (who has been one of the better and more responsible mods and is generally a superior human being).

[15/06/2009 16:56:17]


I think i chose surskitty, Negrek, and Dannichu (you seem to have respect for him) but i dunno.

[15/06/2009 15:54:48]


Cool, i just call them that because I see their names the most, i know Dewgong pretty well, she has an awesome real name :PP do you know it? Hehe, and who do you think will be your succesor to TCoD? Dewgong and I narrowed it down to a couple people but we can't decide who you'll pick, i think i chose Negrek and someone else…so who do you think? I mean you have to continue tCoD even if you're not here. You've put too much work in it to just let it fade into the oblivion that is cyberspace.

[15/06/2009 15:52:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Uh, I wouldn't exactly call them the "big people" on the forums. I've never spoken to Dark Shaymin (who is that? o.O) or ShinyEevee, but Dewgong happens to go to the unofficial chatroom that I and various other members frequent (Departure Song, Eevee of Veekun, opaltiger, surskitty, Feralig8tr, Harlequin (although did he change his forum name at some point?), MidnightSaboteur, Shiranui, Dezzuu, Tailsy, Xikaze, Zhorken and some other people I forget.

[15/06/2009 12:55:37]

Website: Treeko's HQ
Commenting on: 05-22-09

So this is the famous Guestbook on the cave of dragonflies…amazing.

[15/06/2009 11:54:14]


Hey, Butterfree? Do you talk to those 'big' people on the Forums, like Dewgong and ShinyEevee and Dark Shaymin? I said big for lack of a better word.

[15/06/2009 04:55:51]


>:) I was right… Right from the beginning… MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

[14/06/2009 14:45:23]


Shiny vespiqueen spammy! Too bad i cant spell it lol, okay so, does anyone have a background in security guarding? Cause i wanna be a security guard but ive some pretty muffed up things that happen and are caused by them…. I dont like that people can get hurt im watcing rob dyrdeks street dreams and jesus….

[14/06/2009 02:05:34]


I wanna have Groudon following me around!

Or maybe Rayquaza.


Any other really big pokemon.

Yeah, I'm really excited for HGSS now.

[14/06/2009 02:01:31]

Pikachu Goddess

:O Really? That sounds pretty sweet. *goes to check*

[14/06/2009 01:45:10]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC