Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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So… The U.S.A. students get out at the end of May, but the Canadian students only get out at the end of June? *_*
[05/06/2009 22:59:41]
So… The U.S.A. students get out at the end of May, but the Canadian students only get out at the end of June? *_*
[05/06/2009 22:59:29]
Emerald Espeon
I'm still in school and I forgot today was Friday. But then again during exams I always forget what day it is, because it's a variation of my…routine :P
Mew for the spammifier.[05/06/2009 22:23:46]
@Typhloise, ohmyfudginggosh! That was pimpish, and @ Kyuufox, i saw peices of it and thats so true! I thought today was tuesday but its friday! What the fudgemuffins!? Weird huh? All i remember was Ichigo's face going"rrrawr" then i passed out or something….5 whole days till Butterfree comes back :( sooo borring
regirock spammy[05/06/2009 19:30:51]
I just realized two things. Beedrill's DP sprite is ugly, and I haven't watched the new episodes of Bleach in a while!
I can't help it; I watch Bleach on Wednesday, but, without school, I don't know what day it is…
~Beedrill for spammifier[05/06/2009 18:08:44]
The Sun will Rise,
But also fall,
As with the way with all,
Once again.
Thought provoking.[04/06/2009 19:59:54]
Haha burger king commercial for pokemon cards lol have any of you seen it?
[04/06/2009 19:15:33]
no HG SS news
i'm gonna go crazy!!
*zigzagoon for spammy
**takes anger out on ziggy
***Shinx as new spammy[04/06/2009 16:35:45]
Dragonite….my first pretend rare /codikodikodycodyckhody
[04/06/2009 04:36:45]
Kirlia? I never liked it because i always had a boy one :P
[04/06/2009 04:36:01]
Purugly? Eww lol jkjk when do you get a house in platinum?
[04/06/2009 04:35:10]
Granbull, Granbull can be quite a handful. GRANDbull looks like a pit….bull.>.>
[04/06/2009 04:34:08]
Time for some stimulating conversation? this especially goes for Greenumbreon, Pikachu Goddess, and Typhloise: Challenge: make a moving poem around the word, "Rise". Are you up to the challenge? my phone cannot skip lines so i will make one in my next post. all impromtu! Arceus spammy :)
Arceus , of space and time?
Arceus, you're all of mine,
Arceus , don't run away
Arceus, i win today :][04/06/2009 01:51:35]
Commenting on: 05-22-09If only you could visit your fans in America… I would invite you to my graduation party!
[02/06/2009 17:26:30]
Who is this Butterfree lady? , what is this Cave of Dragonflies? Hmm I guess i will have to check it out *gets mind blown* …nice!
[02/06/2009 12:50:57]
Who is this Butterfree lady? , what is this Cave of Dragonflies? Hmm I guess i will have to check it out *gets mind blown* …nice!
[02/06/2009 12:50:52]
Who is this Butterfree lady? , what is this Cave of Dragonflies? Hmm I guess i will have to check it out *gets mind blown* …nice!
[02/06/2009 12:50:25]
Cool, and no Typhloise . She knows something that enables her to log in. And Butterfree, how can something be forbidden? I keep getting messages " HTTP Error: 403 Forbidden" something like that…how can that be? Like what about what im doing is forbidden?
[02/06/2009 01:30:49]
No, but don't you have to be at the exact same computer for the ADMIN symbol to appear?
[02/06/2009 00:00:58]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesShadey is my boyfriend. His father lives here, hence the trip.
[01/06/2009 23:45:05]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC