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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Im just finishing 10th grade and it sucks… I think ill steal my girlfriend and ill move up to canada :)
[27/05/2009 17:12:42]
Right now I'm in Grade 9. Or Ninth Grade. I get out this Friday.
I just turned 15 at the beginning of this month; most of my classmates are about to turn 16.[27/05/2009 11:26:22]
Commenting on: 05-22-09You're going to Indianapolis?? Can you come about two hours northeast-ish to the second largest city in the state? I live there.
[27/05/2009 10:57:36]
Emerald Espeon
Oh. I knew that, KyuuFox. *shifty eyes*
In two weeks I'll be done grade 9 :D[27/05/2009 01:06:42]
Do we even get percentiles in Canada? #_#
[26/05/2009 22:33:47]
I love ENTEI!! <3
this site is pretty awesomee!!
anddd i'll definitely be back![26/05/2009 20:06:26]
Commenting on: 05-22-09I believe you, and I live in America! Well, I'll be graduating on June 12th (from the 8th grade -_-)
[26/05/2009 18:21:53]
sorry for triple post, i accidently pushed enter …
well guess what happened to me!? I fell in love :)[26/05/2009 14:08:48]
I guess i read it wrong… s
[26/05/2009 14:07:18]
i know Kyuufox :) it was a test of Aptitude or something>.> and iguess it was iowa *unbrag* i was looking through my record ,,, and in like 5th grade i got 99th percentile in Science….WTF
[26/05/2009 14:04:27]
Commenting on: 05-22-09I believe you completely. You're always working so hard just to make your website better.
[26/05/2009 13:37:30]
…I was actually talking to mehwmew.
[26/05/2009 11:21:13]
Commenting on: 05-22-09Oh, that's awesome that your graduating (um, but I'm rather late). I have to wait to graduate until the 12th, and still then I still have 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades to go through… darn. Have fun!
[26/05/2009 11:02:15]
Sir Aaron
Website: Tree Of Beginnings
Commenting on: 05-22-09Have fun, Butterfree!
[25/05/2009 14:21:40]
Screw it, I'm going back to Bob.
Guess what I just got?
Well, in Platinum, at least. :P[25/05/2009 14:02:19]
Hi! Got my Platinum last friday(I live in Finland :P),and I'm super happy!
[25/05/2009 11:24:12]
Emerald Espeon
I know what a percentile is, I was just saying that I don't think my PSAT score means anything at all :P
Ahhhh! Vomit D: *backs away slowly*[25/05/2009 01:04:47]
Some Guy
But that sucks. Hope you get better soon.[25/05/2009 00:52:20]
Still feel sick, but haven't thrown up. Feels like I've been hit by a bus.
This is the worst flu I've ever had. It's been over two years since my last one. And I normally throw up only once. I ended up going to a party, and was so tired that I slept on the couch the whole three hours. My parents vomited when they got home as well.
Uxie for spammifier.[25/05/2009 00:39:34]
The way percentiles work is that it counts the percentage of people at or below your score.
(E.g. At 98, then 98% of people in your age group scored either lower or the same score as you.)[24/05/2009 23:41:42]
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