Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Registeel spam :) , hey i had an impromptu speech today! Ugh the horror… Luckly i can make funny speeches… My attention getter was … Don't put a fork in your toaster. :) im just that awesome :)
[23/05/2009 04:44:23]
Commenting on: 05-22-09Oh my gosh! You're coming to America?! Where are you visiting? And can i write up an interview of junichi masuda and takeshi k. ? Its in my game informer?
[23/05/2009 04:38:00]
Commenting on: 05-06-09Because of the new Locations guide, the Magikarp: tG can't be completed.
[23/05/2009 02:48:29]
Pikachu Goddess
I have about fifteen days of school left, then it's finals. Geez, the year went by so fast.
[23/05/2009 02:43:38]
not really butterfree
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJust read the spoiler tag!!!!! You'll see!!!!i Wrote IM NOT REALLY Butterfree/Dragonfree/Antialiasis!!
[23/05/2009 02:20:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSorry TCoD!!!!!I Was JUST JOKING!!!
Ye suck! Somebody wrote the with the name Butterfree!!!![23/05/2009 02:17:47]
Website: Scyther's Meadow
Commenting on: 05-22-09Happy Graduation! Tell Shadey I said hi.
[23/05/2009 01:04:43]
Next Friday is the last day of school for me.
Ugh, finals. I have them next week. The one I'm dreading is my English class final. Why? It's a speech!
I had perfect attendance and they give a little card to people with perfect attendance. The slip allows you to skip one final. I was planning to use it on the speech; but my teacher won't let me!
Am I the only one who hates public speaking?![22/05/2009 23:19:52]
Emerald: it was at a target in des moines . Dude i have… 7 days left i believe …now it is 6 :)
[22/05/2009 21:36:21]
Emerald Espeon
It was cooler today. And cloudy in the morning.
But I don't actually mind the heat that much, at least once school is out. I have 12 more school days! And a few are half days :D
Oh, a poster. I guess it's uploaded on Pokébeach or something?[22/05/2009 20:06:31]
hey, Butterfree, in the battle hall in platinum, there's a youngster who says, "the prince among shorts-wearing youngsters, that is me!" hehehe…
[22/05/2009 15:26:48]
I woke up and it was 22 degrees F……its already 82 and it is 9:02….. :( jesus balls i need to move
[22/05/2009 14:02:26]
To all those people complaining about the heat: baaaaaaaw. Feel free to come to North Carolina, where the weather can range from 35 F in the morning to 95 F by noon. Then complain about the temperature :)
[22/05/2009 11:10:35]
I live in Ontario (which is in Canada, though you should know that). BEST PROVINCE EVER. Far better than the province Typhloise lives in. Far, far better.
Emerald Espeon: Wear nothing these. Frozen pants FTW!
Or maybe not. It's your choice.
Barboach for the spammifier.
Barboach was a floppy fish,
Squishy in every way,
Though its stats were kind of meh-ish,
Its cuteness would make your day.
Or something like that…[21/05/2009 23:19:46]
Funny thing is… I dont own a single pair of pants :) only shorts, even in the snow. And i meant a poster emerald espeon. Gsds … I live in iowa and its too fudgeing hot … 97 today :( how is it in iceland and canada recently?
[21/05/2009 22:29:50]
Funny thing is… I dont own a single pair of pants :) only shorts, even in the snow. And i meant a poster emerald espeon. Gsds … I live in iowa and its too fudgeing hot … 97 today :( how is it in iceland and canada recently?
[21/05/2009 22:28:35]
Emerald Espeon
Well, it was warm in Canada today too. I wish shorts didn't make me look fat. Jeans are too warm to wear all day :S
…Anyway. There's a commercial for GSDS? Where?[21/05/2009 22:13:34]
it's kinda weird
the people that write here are all over the world!! O_o
i'm from USA
*persian[21/05/2009 21:09:20]
Wouldn't i be a sight in snow… . Have white hair :) hey typhloise what part of canada do you live in? Shaymin spammy
[21/05/2009 20:37:56]
Come up here to Canada, eh! It's colder!
Actually, that's a common misconception on people parts. Most parts of Canada are actually no colder than the northern U.S.A. The only area that are actually cold are Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and Manitoba. The first three are in the North, and have a combined population of 100 000. Manitoba is… Well, I'm not sure why it's so cold. it just is.[21/05/2009 19:30:40]
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