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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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You have a "heart of gold", a "sould of silver" and "a brain of rocks."
*Laughs at gawdawful pun.*[30/05/2009 14:36:50]
Huh, never heard 'soul of silver' before. But it has Added Alliterative Appeal, so that's okay.
[30/05/2009 14:28:41]
"Heart of gold" and "Soul of silver" are sayings used to describe kind people, generally.
[30/05/2009 13:44:26]
Nintendo hasn't really adhered to patterns much recently, though. Remember that FRLG were released before Emerald, and after RS. HGSS are to be released after Platinum and DP, so…
I'm confusing myself.
Anyays, I always thought CrystalClear would be a good name for a Crystal remake.
Though I guess MindCrystal would make more sense, what with the Heart and Soul things.
I still don't understand where Heart and Soul came from, though.[30/05/2009 13:24:42]
Website: Hihello earthlings!
[30/05/2009 04:21:30]
I am officially out for the summer! Yay!
~Ralts for spammifier[30/05/2009 03:18:07]
Pikachu Goddess
I don't think there will be, EE. They didn't remake Yellow (much to my dissapointment… D:), so why should they remake Crystal? It would be cool, though… one of my favourite versions to play.
Whoops. I accidentally typed Snorunt instead of Snover (at least that's what I think it's called… major brain malfunction!), so now I have Sunflora instead.[30/05/2009 01:12:48]
Emerald Espeon
*hits Bob with a tomato* Hey, you called yourself Bob! :O
Will there be a Crystal remake? After all, there wasn't a sequel to FireRed and LeafGreen.[30/05/2009 00:58:55]
man news this week is really slow!!!
i want more HGSS news
should i change my name to HGSS?
oh and the crystal remake should be called…
Heart, Soul, and Mind
it fits perfectly
*how appropriate*
*cyndaquil for spammy[29/05/2009 22:17:16]
HAH , Bob you're awesome! Hehe
[29/05/2009 22:03:41]
It's "Endless Name Possibilities." :D
*hit with a tomato*[29/05/2009 19:05:32]
How about this one, R F A?
real F***ing Answers?
Really Freaky-Awesome?[29/05/2009 01:41:01]
Sorry for the triple post. The last one was EPG.
I'm so unobservent…[29/05/2009 00:01:42]
Ah, whoops. Second to last one was ENG, not ENP. Sorry.
[28/05/2009 23:56:33]
Extremely Numb Pork.
Every Number is Pi.
Even Nerds Pee.
Extra Numels n' Pidgeots.
Encore Energy Partners.
Enterprising Non Profits.
Elderly Nutrition Program.
Everglade's National Park.
Environmental Policy Group.
Ethiopian National Project.[28/05/2009 23:52:04]
Emerald Espeon
Eggplants, Not Peppers. :D
First 3 words that came to my mind >.>[28/05/2009 22:22:56]
Egypto-Nygerian Police
[28/05/2009 21:45:44]
European Neighborhood Policy.
[28/05/2009 01:19:40]
Oh! Here's a game! Try to figure out what "ENP" might stand for. :P
[27/05/2009 22:44:51]
i feel really OLD!!!
i'm as old as butterfree
i think
*parasect[27/05/2009 20:05:33]
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