
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I just had a horrible thought!

What if, next month, CoroCoro had an article called "The Ultimate April Fools Day Joke" about how Nintendo decided to pretend to be remaking Gold and Silver? They waited until May so people wouldn't think it was a joke!

…It's all one big conspiracy!

~ Solrock for spammifier

[14/05/2009 15:51:56]


Butterfree, didn't you read my earlier post? me am only 10.

p.s. me am training my sister to like pokemon. if she was in the anime, she would be a coordinator.

p.p.s. Mew for spamifier!!!!!

[14/05/2009 13:19:39]


Butterfree is perfectly capable of finding that news and owning a news site. However, I believe that she doesn't want to. As stated in the FAQ's, she said that this was not a news site, but a fan site to voice her opinion. Even the CoST contains her opinion, along with the news.

TCoD is the best fan site i have ever been to, and I thank you for it Butterfree.

[14/05/2009 11:20:47]


Sorry, didn't mean to make you mad

don't sell yourself short, you can and you do compete with other "big" pokemon websites

you are the only site that i know that has a collection of all the sprites in one package neatly organized and all

that is the one thing that makes you stand out of the crowd in my eyes

i looked and looked to find a site with what you have, never found one beside yours

you have a great site and i say it is good in it's own way

pokebeach centers on tcg and important news

serebii centers on anime and important news

dragonflycave centers on whatever the f*** it wants to and the important news

i love your site also for the guestbook, on every other site you have to sign in and comment. on your site you don't need to


did i make my point…

*squirtle for spammy*

by the way how does the spammifier prevent spam

just explain the whole concept of spammifiers

[14/05/2009 04:12:28]

Website: Lucarilution

Well, maybe this'll jog your memory…

Click it!

And I don't recall asking you for critiscizm. Blursh wouldn't lie to me…

She told me you were picking her site's faults out when it wasn't even ready to be on the Internet yet.

[14/05/2009 01:45:58]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The Cave of Speculative Theories was never meant to do the job of PokéBeach or and never has. It's nothing more than a blog where I post my commentary on Pokémon news that I happen to be interested in once they have already been posted by other sites. I'm slower, know less and don't even post everything I know. I could never compete with the big news sites as an actual source and am not trying to. I just discuss the implications of what's in the news.

[13/05/2009 21:48:47]

Commenting on: 05-06-09

You should still make a crossword soon. It's been too long since I've killed my brain trying to answer annoyingly hard questions!

[13/05/2009 21:45:45]


More images have surfaced!!

how do i know this

Not serebii (no disrespect)

not even you butterfree (definitely no disrespect)

but told me

[13/05/2009 21:04:21]


do you think there will ever be anymore remakes (RSE or FRLG) just to make them all on the DS

[13/05/2009 20:53:53]


i agree with buterfree

you should update Cave of speculation theory more often though

you are losing your visitors (like me) to

not that i dont visit your site everday

i dont like the idea of a pokemon following you throughout the entire game. i hated it when i had to lead that girl through the forest in DPPt

i dont know, i just dont like that concept and i dont like ambipom

miltank for spammy

[13/05/2009 19:51:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…there is… absolutely no reason to think they would ever do that and it makes no sense.

Why include all four regions? Why would we want to repeat the Sinnoh adventure we already had in Diamond and Pearl? And if transfering Pokémon between the regions were nigh-impossible, it would essentially be making four games and squeezing them onto the same game card. I'd much rather have one game done properly than four cut down so that they'll all fit on there, just so we can repeat the exact same adventures we had in previous games that we already own.

[13/05/2009 19:13:58]


what if… what if the GS remakes let you get into all four regions, but they have seperate pc systems and you have to pay 100,000 pokedollars to transfer a pokemon between regions?

[13/05/2009 17:24:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I was trying to post an update to the Cave of Speculative Theories yesterday with the CoroCoro scan, actually, but the server is having odd problems where it complains about having no disk space even when I cleaned out a whole bunch just the day before. :/ Meanwhile, you can also see the scan here.

[13/05/2009 16:14:49]


I mean the johto remakes. YAY!

[13/05/2009 14:06:03]


hey everyone! my mom is going to get both games! one for me and one for my sister!

[13/05/2009 12:29:31]


Hey, GSDS why dont you want the starter to follow you? Is there some repressed memory about yellow version and how you couldn't get Mew?.. .leafeon spammy

[13/05/2009 12:15:03]


New screenshot up. Touch screen out of battle looks like it will be used for the ingame menu (start menu). EP is pleased. EP is not pleased ambipom are being killed :(

[13/05/2009 11:10:41]


hmmm there are two options to see the CoroCoro scans

go to

or Butterfree can post updates on her own site

please Butterfree consider the second option

hopefully, the starters don't follow you around…i don't like that!!!!!!

tentacool for spammy

i'll spell it wrong

*kills tentacool*


*kills ambipom*


finally someone good! :)

[13/05/2009 06:31:02]


Maybe theyr trying to make her more appealing to audiences

[13/05/2009 03:10:59]


Ugh I added in an extra "l".

You know what? Forget it. Just google those sites.

[13/05/2009 02:53:28]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC