Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Emerald Espeon
I got 98 percentile on my PSAT (H) Of course, that means pretty much nothing as far as I know.
Awww Typhloise that sucks get better SOON :( I hate throwing up, it's one of my many pathological fears :S[24/05/2009 23:39:32]
My highest score on a nation wide test was 98% better then all of american students :) ha brag
[24/05/2009 21:24:36]
Pikachu Goddess
Aw, that sucks, Typhloise. :( I rarely get stomach flu, and if I do, I don't throw up as much as that. Even so, seeing that you're hurling that much, I'm assuming you feel like hell right now… Get well soon.
I do well on my finals. XD Last semester my marks ranged from 83% to around 90%. [/brag][24/05/2009 20:14:36]
Hello! We're talking about Butterfree's trip.
I had a head cold, which progressively turned into the stomach flu. I've created a timeline that no one will probably read, but I'm doing it anyway, now that I've gathered up the energy to get out of bed.
Hour #1: Wake up with nausea and stomach pains. Think it's from having to much cake at a party.
Hour #2: Take medication; doesn't help.
Hour #5: Throw up. Think everything's over. Take small nap on couch.
Hour #7: Wake up and throw up again. Realize that it's the stomach flu.
Hour #8: Throw up for third time. Take a hot shower.
Hour #9: Throw up for fourth time. Decide to take second nap to get rid of the pain.
Hour #12: Wake up. Feel weird, but not as bad. Decide to stay in bed to make sure.
Hour #13: After an hour of no serious pains, I decide to go on the computer. I make a timeline about me getting the flu to help take my mind off the weird feeling.
I've drunken half a cup of ginger ale, and have no appetite.
Garchomp for spammifier.[24/05/2009 18:50:57]
Some Guy
Basically, everybody's giving me cookies. :D
Feel free to join in.[24/05/2009 18:25:54]
Mewtwo iz awesome
This is my first time on the guestbook… what is the discussion going on?
[24/05/2009 17:29:11]
Emerald Espeon
Public speaking…T.T
I'm nervous for my careers exam. It's an interview. And even though the teacher is a really easy marker, I won't be able to pass unless I can actually find a job posting to interview for D:
And I'm nervous for my geography exam, which I am absolutely DETERMINED to get a 90 on. On my geography exam in January, I got 30% :S Although, I might actually never know what I get on these exams, because I might not be able to go to exam take-up day.
Butterfree will be about an hour away from me! Le gasp.[24/05/2009 14:48:20]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 05-22-09No! Stupid Midwest….
Either way, have fun, Butterfree! [/receives random greeting from complete stranger][24/05/2009 05:04:13]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 05-22-09No! Stupid Midwest….
Either way, have fun, Butterfree! [/receives random greeting from complete stranger][24/05/2009 05:04:12]
[24/05/2009 04:03:41]
I live in Texas, USA. no, that does not mean I am a cowboy.
[23/05/2009 21:56:12]
Website: The Silent Bell
Commenting on: 05-22-09Nice, the U.S. What part? I live in the US. :D
[23/05/2009 20:47:03]
Commenting on: 05-22-09America? :D
Which state?[23/05/2009 16:01:12]
Watch this; the site will implode the second she's gone.
[23/05/2009 15:45:00]
Commenting on: 05-22-09Lol behave while you're gone; are you talking to the site or to the visitors? :)
[23/05/2009 14:13:49]
Mhaha! OH NO, A BEAR! … OH NO, A BLACK MAN! Yeah, doesn't feel to good does it? … Jerk ha ha … Typhloise , ours didn't have any music :(
[23/05/2009 12:48:46]
Canada, eh? Well, I live in Ontario, Canada's most populous province. I's where Toronto is… Butterfree should be coming rriiiiiiiiiiiight by me… >:) Hehehehehe…
Why is it that you have to fly to Toronto, anyway? And why ARE you going to America, anyway?
Congratulations on passing though, Butterfree! Are you planning on going to the University of Iceland? Or is it mainly for medicine and such, so you wouldn't want to go?
School doesn't end for us for over a month. Yay.
I do love doing public speeches! I never like them until this year! Maybe that's why my oral average is *brag*94%.*brag*
Oh, and has anyone heard about the new Seth McFarlane show coming out? The Cleveland Show? Well, i can't get the theme song out of my head! You guys listen to it.
The Cleveland Show[23/05/2009 11:55:44]
Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 05-22-09Congrats on graduation! (I'll be graduating from 5th grade on the 4th -_-) But I seriously doubt anyone "will behave while you're gone" :P
*Walrein spammy*[23/05/2009 11:46:48]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-22-09We'll be flying to Toronto, then driving over to the US, to Cleveland and then Indianapolis.
[23/05/2009 10:10:44]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-06-09Yes, it can - it's just a bit more difficult. I considered it when I replaced the D/P/Pt locations, and I eventually concluded that making it a bit more challenging really doesn't hurt.
[23/05/2009 10:02:07]
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