
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


what? i posted that.

[19/05/2009 15:08:53]


okay, who tried to mimic mehwmew?!

[19/05/2009 14:33:49]


I like posting! *skips around the room*

[19/05/2009 14:32:41]


so , Butterfree , what's your favorite american movie?

[19/05/2009 14:30:31]


I just meant some of the older movies … And i didnt know the whole world did…why dont we get hen…anime?!

[19/05/2009 12:19:42]


butterfree, it looks like you are thinking of making a medium blue metagross style

i am not asking that you do, i would just love it if you made one

the decision is completely up to you

going off the movie discussion:

Have any of you seen the show

Avatar: The Last Airbender

M Night Shaymalan *i hate spelling*

is making it into a live action movie!!

i am so excited!!!

also are any of you going to see transformers 2

*Raikou for spammy

my favorite legendary dog!!!!

[19/05/2009 05:16:07]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Of course we get American movies. o.O Doesn't the entire world?

…not that I'm entirely sure what you mean by "the older ones were pretty cool". It's not as if you can lump "American movies" into a descriptive category; there are old American movies that are good, old American movies that are bad, and new American movies anywhere on the quality scale.

[19/05/2009 04:46:22]


M e w is like i was. Butterfree do you get american movies over there? If you do not i should send yo some ;-) the older ones were pretty cool

[19/05/2009 03:04:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You're not being hated. Just please follow the rules of posting in the guestbook.

[19/05/2009 01:56:58]


did you know that porygon-Z is actually a gitched version of porygon2?

[19/05/2009 00:22:00]


why am I being hated by butterfree??

[19/05/2009 00:19:03]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Please don't make many posts in a row or post stuff like "I have nothing better to do than posting here" or "Why isn't anybody posting?" Only post if you have something to say that somebody else might want to read.

There is a Roar of Time style, and it has Dialga, but it's a much darker blue than a Metagross style would be if it were made.

[18/05/2009 23:44:42]


did anyone read my random poll????

[18/05/2009 23:36:24]


yes i do! :)

[18/05/2009 23:35:27]


haha, mew , neither do i….

hey do you have wifi? o.0

[18/05/2009 23:20:47]


I post so much on here because I have nothing better to do…

[18/05/2009 22:37:49]


Is giratina really based on a centipede? gamefreak is getting really wierd Ideas nowadays….

[18/05/2009 22:35:41]


should I change my name to DataFreak (which is the nickname of my Porygon-Z) so I'm not confused with mehwmew?

random poll: what's your pokemon team for the fourth generation, everyone? mine is:

female Lucario, nickname: Rita; lv. 51

Azelf, Lv. 50

female Absol, nickname: Vanessa; lv. 42

Porygon-Z, nickname: DataFreak; lv. 42

and I curently have 2 hm slaves as well. ^_^

p.s. I need a guide for sinnoh victory road

p.p.s. your name predicted right, GSDS!!

[18/05/2009 22:33:39]


Did you know that Giratina is apparently based off a centipede? Also, does anyone here know a good free web host that supports CSS and such?

[18/05/2009 22:30:06]


I am not the same person as mehwmew, GSDS.


[18/05/2009 22:14:24]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC