
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Emerald Espeon

Oh really? I wonder why they'd make your starter follow you around. Not that I object. It's just that in Yellow, Pikachu had a reason to follow you around, right?

[12/05/2009 21:49:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, CoroCoro shows the starter following him later on in the game. Interesting.

And Mew, what the hell, no. o_O You want them to come and steal the creations of a random fan?

[12/05/2009 21:05:29]


i think the starters do follow you around for the whole game. In one of the CoroCoro scans Cyndaquil is following Gold. I don't know where he is though

[12/05/2009 19:22:17]


Hey, everybody! random shoutout in case gamefreak reads it : LETA AND COMPANY FOR 5TH GENERATION POKEMON!

p.s. i will finally get to catch smeargle and mew!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

[12/05/2009 18:57:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies


[12/05/2009 03:08:04]

Website: Lucarilution

Hello, Dragonfree…

I came here to ask you something. It's about you and other websites…

[12/05/2009 02:07:06]


True, but it WOULD be nice.

[11/05/2009 20:32:05]


Now thatyou say that, butterfree that sounds very true. … I didnt think about it that much .

[11/05/2009 16:59:50]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I have to agree with EvilPenguin; the starter following you is probably a temporary thing, and it makes sense that when you're borrowing a Pokémon to run an errand, you wouldn't get the actual Pokéball.

[11/05/2009 13:30:19]


Also i bet they wont follow you after they evolve :(

[11/05/2009 12:43:24]


True, but remember it has already been done with a select group of pokemon (the pal park)so its not too outlandish.

[11/05/2009 12:40:01]


My guess as to why Chikorita is following Hold is that when Elm sends you to Mr. Pokemon, you are only borrowing the starter, its not actually yours yet.

[11/05/2009 02:08:46]


wow Typhloise….that would be awesome huh!?….i would rather have it, if Cynadquil had its flame on….it looks odd without it…..

Zel is pretty smart and i don't think he will be bothered…he is a ninja :)

trapinch spammy

[11/05/2009 01:15:23]


I checked out the pictures on Serebii. It shows a Chikorita following Gold around. I think they might do something like in Yellow, where your starter will follow you.

Wobufett for spammifier! Not a single offensive move…

Spelt wrong. Snorlax!

[10/05/2009 22:08:50]


Zel won't be crying. The hacks aren't exact remakes; they're different.

It'll prevent new GSC remake hacks from popping up, but the older ones won't be harmed.

[10/05/2009 21:44:45]



[10/05/2009 17:15:56]

Website: Seems innocent-WONDER PALACE

Zel the ShinyGold maker will be crying soon after this.

[10/05/2009 08:45:58]


I think im going to get soul silver it seems i have always liked lugia more than other

[09/05/2009 20:39:17]

Website: Tha Board of Boards

I love this site so much!!!!

[09/05/2009 15:50:15]


It took a moment of staring at that post to figure out that you were using 'friendship' as a verb, Butterfree.

[09/05/2009 14:43:54]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC