Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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haha Typhloise…. >.> why am I getting blamed when I'm pretty sure I was here already?
Eh….and when I said something about the GSDS commercial, I meant the ads there is one at a city close to my town that has a poster in the game section.
sorry yesterday was like 90's all day and it was hot as heck and I walked all over town:( it sucked…im a cold climate kinda guy.
*moves off to greenland*
crobat spammy[21/05/2009 14:12:50]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI use spoiler tags when I'm posting an actual spoiler. :P
[21/05/2009 13:09:42]
Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's just me, Typhloise. *Gets angry glare from other posters.*
I've been trying to post, but when I hit, "Submit Message" button, It either won' post, take an extremely long time, or go to a page saying how there was a server malfunction.
Primeape for spammifier![21/05/2009 13:00:03]
Nope , no spoiler tags for dragonfree.
[21/05/2009 12:24:34]
Everyone could tell you weren't Butterfree. For one, you don't have "ADMIN" under your name.
Other, less obvious reasons, are that you were saying "Hi!", unlike how Butterfree says things here. You didn't have a space between the exclamation marks and the next sentence, something Butterfree does.
Also, I don't think I've ever seen Butterfree use a spoiler tag…[21/05/2009 11:38:15]
Finally finish the marque already. Wow, wasted 40 min there.
[21/05/2009 08:57:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHi!!!Feel Free to Comment!!im not really Dragonfree/Antialiasis/Butterfree!
[21/05/2009 05:57:31]
Thank you GSDS. Did anyone see the new commercial for the gs remakes?
[20/05/2009 21:23:23]
well, i won't be mean if i'm not annoyed with it!!
so just stop and the nice GSDS will be back
sorry, mehwmew
for wrongly blaming you
*camerupt[20/05/2009 20:08:02]
Mehwmew (NOT MEW!)
hey that wasn't me!
the last thing i said was "what's your favorite American movie, Butterfree?"
….I wasn't spamming…that was a relevant question. It had a point![20/05/2009 13:58:58]
GSDS, that was mean!
[20/05/2009 13:35:10]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt is spam, as I've told them. I just don't ban people for making a couple of useless posts; I reserve that for those which really must be prevented from posting in the guestbook.
[20/05/2009 12:01:55]
Well, they're both based off of Kyuubi.
[20/05/2009 11:23:48]
thank you KyuuFox
whenever i see your name
i think of Kyubimon from digimon
*scyther for spammy[20/05/2009 04:10:15]
"…as long as it's not spam!"
How does "I'm bored" constitute as a worthy part of a discussion of any kind? I think it would be spam.[20/05/2009 02:45:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI can ban people from the guestbook, but I only do that when they're repeatedly just spamming links or trying to fill up the guestbook by posting the same word five hundred times or something like that.
[20/05/2009 02:37:40]
i hate how the mews post useless things!!!
Butterfree even told them NOT to do that!!!
by the way, the trademarks for Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver were found
which means it is coming out in America for sure!!!!
see mew and mehwmew how i say something useful when i post
i don't just post to say i'm bored
butterfree, can you ban people from the guestbook?
*azumaril* (pop)
*abomasnow* (melt)
*tangagrowth* (cut)
*volbeat*[20/05/2009 01:14:21]
Emerald Espeon
Yeah really, I keep confusing all the Mews :P
[19/05/2009 21:59:29]
Some Guy
So many Mews…T_T
[19/05/2009 21:33:51]
you know, once, in leafgreen, i got to the grass-type gym leader before i beat the third gym leader because i didn't know how to get cut.
[19/05/2009 19:07:20]
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