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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Didnt realizw you said that, and i thought you were talking about the ones from Death Note

[06/05/2009 11:34:18]


I already told you; I don't battle people.

Shinigami is Japanese. It's not from any series, they're basically Grim Reapers, and they're several interpretations. They have actually been incorporated into several series.

~Cacturne for Spammifie

[06/05/2009 11:22:36]


Weird…i just went to a porn site on accident…spelled almost exactly like

[06/05/2009 04:21:34]


oh yeah i forgot to tell you earlier Kyuu, Shinigami is from Death Note…? o.0

whats your Friend Code!?

[06/05/2009 03:45:58]


I agree. The Bleach dub sucks. That's why I watch FanSubs.

Soul Reaper? I've always thought that sounded stupid. Shinigami just sounds cool.

[06/05/2009 02:05:20]


Ha ha Pikachu Goddess, manga is aaaaalllllllwaaayyyss better…has anyone played or read Kingdom Hearts? What about Tegami Bachi?

[06/05/2009 01:08:15]

Pikachu Goddess

*jumps in donning a Soul Reaper costume* Did somebody say Bleach? :DDDDD

Personally, I prefer the manga. The anime always takes out or adds in things. Plus, I hate the voices for the English characters.

[06/05/2009 01:00:41]


Why cant i trade my RAWR! shaymin on the gts? Omfg…its annoying meee i want that shiny croagunk! Its got a japanese name!

[05/05/2009 23:15:03]


KON! ! THATS THE TEDDY BEAR :) HE'S A PIMP. And seriously some one battle meeeee

[05/05/2009 22:38:50]

Emerald Espeon

Now that I think of it, the word zanpakuto is kind of familiar.

I tried to watch Bleach once. I remember there was this teddy bear or something in the intro that made me laugh.

Wurmple for the spammifier.

[05/05/2009 22:36:55]


Both, but more on the battle side , i could care less about poke wanna battle!

[05/05/2009 22:33:00]


Both, but more on the battle side , i could care less about poke wanna battle!

[05/05/2009 22:29:21]


Since Ichigo was 13, and it was Rukia right? And he took all of her darkgod power er someting….so anyone heard about that nikki catsouras girl? Not many things bother me , but they showed a picture on the news and half of her face was gone and i think im traumatized because everytime i close my eyes i see that picture….its horrible…

[05/05/2009 21:52:44]


What the heck? I double posted again?! Why is this happening to me?!

But, mehw, I don't understand what you want. Are you wanting PokeRus for yourself, or wanting to battle me? Or both?

[05/05/2009 21:14:43]


Bleach is an anime about a high school student named Ichigo. Ichigo is able to see "ghosts".

Well, basically, one day Ichigo is attacked by a weird monster, which is killed by a girl in a black kimono. Later that night, he is talking to the girl, who is a Shinigami (In this series, they are psychopomps). He finds out that the monster was a Hollow.

Another Hollow appears, and Rukia is injured, and she transfers her powers to him to protect his family.

…And everything spirals from that. I don't want to be too spoilerish.

[05/05/2009 21:12:05]


Bleach is an anime about a high school student named Ichigo. Ichigo is able to see "ghosts".

Well, basically, one day Ichigo is attacked by a weird monster, which is killed by a girl in a black kimono. Later that night, he is talking to the girl, who is a Shinigami (In this series, they are psychopomps). He finds out that the monster was a Hollow.

Another Hollow appears, and Rukia is injured, and she transfers her powers to him to protect his family.

…And everything spirals from that. I don't want to be too spoilerish.

[05/05/2009 21:12:04]


Typhloise , haha! Those are both slightly correct, Bleach is more …well Kyuu why don't you explain it from what i forget… Ichigo (the main character mostly) is a "normal school boy, and he goes into this …ugh i dont want to explain it wrong…let me think about this for awhile. Ill be back after i write a paper on it :)

[05/05/2009 20:58:00]


Would it be safe to say I don't know what Bleach is?

Two possibilities:

A laundry detergent.

Or the more likely one:

Isn't it a show about people who capture ghosts or something?

[05/05/2009 20:28:40]

Hey kyuu.its mehw

Can i borrow that tangela? Whats your fc anyway?

myne is…*sneaks ds out during english*

……..3523-8560-7187….battle meeee

[05/05/2009 19:10:53]


put your five favorites in with it! in your party and run round then put all your pkmn in one box and put tanglea in twith it! hurray for pokeAIDS

giratina spammy

[05/05/2009 17:15:57]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC