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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


My guess as to why Chikorita is following Hold is that when Elm sends you to Mr. Pokemon, you are only borrowing the starter, its not actually yours yet.

[11/05/2009 02:08:46]


wow Typhloise….that would be awesome huh!?….i would rather have it, if Cynadquil had its flame on….it looks odd without it…..

Zel is pretty smart and i don't think he will be bothered…he is a ninja :)

trapinch spammy

[11/05/2009 01:15:23]


I checked out the pictures on Serebii. It shows a Chikorita following Gold around. I think they might do something like in Yellow, where your starter will follow you.

Wobufett for spammifier! Not a single offensive move…

Spelt wrong. Snorlax!

[10/05/2009 22:08:50]


Zel won't be crying. The hacks aren't exact remakes; they're different.

It'll prevent new GSC remake hacks from popping up, but the older ones won't be harmed.

[10/05/2009 21:44:45]



[10/05/2009 17:15:56]

Website: Seems innocent-WONDER PALACE

Zel the ShinyGold maker will be crying soon after this.

[10/05/2009 08:45:58]


I think im going to get soul silver it seems i have always liked lugia more than other

[09/05/2009 20:39:17]

Website: Tha Board of Boards

I love this site so much!!!!

[09/05/2009 15:50:15]


It took a moment of staring at that post to figure out that you were using 'friendship' as a verb, Butterfree.

[09/05/2009 14:43:54]

Some Guy

Should I evolve my Riolu? It's the ranger one, so evolving it would make it lose its uniqueness, but I could really use the stat boost. :/

[09/05/2009 14:26:03]


*Complete shock over Emerald Espeon not getting HeartGold of SoulSilver*

[09/05/2009 12:18:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I watched the eleventh movie subbed shortly after it came out on DVD in Japan. Shaymin was really obnoxious, which I found kind of amusing, but overall I didn't think the movie was anything special; I think I hold them up to unreasonably high standards after the eighth movie, which is one of my favorite animated movies in general. Mostly for Aaron and Lucario, whom I obsessively friendship.

[09/05/2009 03:36:11]

Emerald Espeon

I doubt I'll get either of them.

I don't think I've watched a Pokémon movie since Destiny Deoxys…which was, what, 4 years ago?

Regigigas for the spammifier.

[09/05/2009 02:49:01]

Pikachu Goddess

I'm still waiting to see The Rise of Darkrai. x_x I look forward to seeing my favourite Pokémon in a movie (yes, people, it isn't Pikachu anymore!).

HeartGold and SoulSilver… I'm definitely getting SoulSilver; it sounds waaaaaay better than HeartGold, and plus it has Lugia.

[09/05/2009 01:50:27]


….sadly i think they'll be used in an evil attempt to destroy the world….or they could just be ignored…

did anyone see the new movie? i just saw part of it today, shaymin was cute, but real mean.

[09/05/2009 00:34:59]


Oh YEY! Remakes are FINALLY confimed!

I can hardly believe it.

But I don't like the names much. What do the heart and soul have to do with Ho-Oh and Lugia?

…Ah well, there's nothing I can do about it.

But I wonder what'll happen to all those fan-made Gold/Silver/Crystal remakes like ShinyGold, CrystalShards and Crystallized Echoes?

[09/05/2009 00:01:17]


Well, what about SunGold and MoonSilver? The sun and moon seem to relate to the legendaries, in a way.

Oddly, I got Chikorita.

[08/05/2009 21:26:05]

Emerald Espeon

HeartGold and SoulSilver?


[08/05/2009 21:09:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The names sound way cheesy, but I still think they're better than DuskGold and DawnSilver. FireRed and LeafGreen referenced common association with the words "Red" and "Green", which "DuskGold" and "DawnSilver" did not, instead bringing up random words that might at most have been associated with the legendary Pokémon on the covers. At least HeartGold and SoulSilver bring up a similar association, even if they sound a bit over-the-top.

[08/05/2009 17:53:28]


Those names… just…

It took me 1o minutes to figure out that it was HeartGold. I thought it said HeatGold, and I was trying to figure out the connection.

[08/05/2009 11:29:31]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC