
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Pikachu Goddess

Everyone's a germaphobe these days… -_-;;

Welcome back, Emerald Espeon. Where were you?

[02/05/2009 00:35:55]


I thought I told you to find something to do, Mehwmew!

And here you are being an idiot, again.



Oh, and welcome back Emerald Espeon! *hands cake*

Voltorb for the spammifier.

[01/05/2009 22:02:57]

Emerald Espeon

Woah, I haven't posted here in so long! I think it's been at LEAST a few months *gasp*

I think the whole avian flu scare happened in 2005-2006, didn't it? Because I remember that I was on a school trip then and they gave us bird feathers for some reason, and then I was scared I'd get avian flu from them…O_o Yeah. So I know someone who has swine flu…well actually I met her over the internet >.> But it really creeped me out when I found out :S

It's been a while since I last posted here, but I still use too many faces. Shame.

[01/05/2009 19:53:42]


….bird flu dies in winter

and swine flu dies in summer,,,,yay as long as no one goes out side during spring or fall we wont die ^_^

[01/05/2009 18:37:12]


yawn. I don't get why everyone is getting so worried about the swine flu. The same thing happened last year (or was it two years?) with the Avian Flu, and look what happened with that. All this is is the media using scare tactics to get higher ratings. Stay out of mexico and you'll be fine >.>

[01/05/2009 02:19:04]



how could i ever have thought you wouldn't?

heh. sorry

ph yeah i was wondering …does my phone have an IP address? o.0

[01/05/2009 01:52:46]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ahem. Mehwmew, I know that Spoiler is you. Stop the act.

[01/05/2009 00:42:19]


[30/04/2009 22:03:16]


How the heck did you know that?! Oh…you sneaky ma…thing! You looked at my forum…but..i didnt put my middle name in there …did i?….how did you know that? Please leave me alone

[30/04/2009 22:01:05]


your name is jordan ray pohl you are 15 almost 16 july 26 is your birthday you live in perry iowa. i AM YOU!

[30/04/2009 21:58:04]


O.o what?! Im pretty sure you aren't…. Shuppet spammy…what a noob

[30/04/2009 21:56:36]


Because i am you…

[30/04/2009 21:55:39]


Who the heck are you? And why do you act like i know you?

[30/04/2009 21:54:31]


haha you noobs turning mewmeww to the darkside….
why do you stry from the light mewmew

haha all of you dumb numnuts suck…i got a shiny lugia spammodifier

[30/04/2009 21:52:30]

Website: Look for " Kiba-kitsune" without the quotes,of course

@typhloise thanks, and the person who died was a little(boy?) who was visiting from mexico. And i heard theres a couple cases in my state now. (iowa) …im not worried though i just dont want to get it :) and if people would stop visiting oher places and sneezing on me…err people..then we'll be fine. Its just as bad to be TOO clean… I.e. People who use hand sanitizer every three seconds and people who uses bleach on everything.. Those thing kill GOOD bacteria as well as the bad. Also it makes our immune systems weaker when we aren't exposed to bacteria on an everyday basis (you know…the normal bacteria that is on everything, everywhere.)

[30/04/2009 21:05:15]


Mehwmem: Greenumbreon is male. Also, try not to be generally offensive or swear ijn the guestbook. It would look really weird if I said things like, "It was so f**king aweome, b*****s!" or "That stupid guy was really retarded!"

Also, you don't have to talk about Pokemon. There are many things that you could talk about. Just as Butterfree sayds in the paragraph above where I'm writing, "Please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading."

Anyway, did anybody here about the person in the U.S.A. who died because of swine flku? It's a phase 5 now. Hopefully it doesn't become a pandemic. However, the way it's looking, there's a good chance.

[30/04/2009 19:33:23]


in other news, damn phone.

[30/04/2009 19:22:09]


lulz, just because its a pokemon site doesn't mean you HAVE to talk about pokemon.

[30/04/2009 19:20:59]


lulz, just because its a pokemon site doesn't mean you HAVE to talj about pokemon.

[30/04/2009 19:19:53]


… Si he is …he?…it is pretty smart. , this is totally not random, sour skittles + mike n ikes = mouthgasim :) im eating them both …crap…make it relevant….um…so ive been playing Platinum and prof. Rowan talks alot more now…hes not just the creepy old guy in the background anymore…

[30/04/2009 05:04:48]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC