
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


rofl, i know exactly! what you mean!, i lost motivation for about a year :P . Especially when the save gets deleted also, my diamond has been on since ssaturday and i just remembered (its on teh charger tho) lol

[28/04/2009 11:39:44]


*Raises hand awkwardly*

Um… I do.

I'm just too lazy to pick up Pearl or Platinum and look at the moment.

Actually, I haven't played Platinum in about two weeks. I just kind of…lost motivation.

[28/04/2009 01:22:57]


So No one has wifi?! …hmm….and can diamond and pearl wifi battle Platinum? …@mumzy, ill have em soon just be kinda chaotic since my vacation ^_^ any specific activitys the houndoom should be doing?

[28/04/2009 00:22:26]


So No one has wifi?! …hmm….and can diamond and pearl wifi battle Platinum? …@mumzy, ill have em soon just be kinda chaotic since my vacation ^_^ any specific activitys the houndoom should be doing?

[28/04/2009 00:21:59]

Website: HoundFire

@mew- yup!

[28/04/2009 00:16:55]


Why in the world would raikou learn Rain Dance instead of Thunder?

[27/04/2009 21:55:16]

Commenting on: 04-21-09

Yay! Starly!

Anyway, another attack that got a cool graphics change is Flash Cannon (just figured this out while re-battling Byron yesterday!).

[27/04/2009 20:38:33]


so it's four different types of the strain? WTFOMGROFLSADNESS

[27/04/2009 17:13:57]


holy balls, Iowa is almost surrounded by the flu :( eep im scared, especially cause Tyson is the main employer for our town. My mom works there :(


Pidgeot, makes you fidget with your wikipedia .com

Sorry to all of you midgets, Pidgeot will eat your digits(FINGERS)

[27/04/2009 17:08:12]


It's all in this article.

[27/04/2009 16:51:25]



Russia is banning pork sales from some U.S. states.

[27/04/2009 16:47:27]



Any in America?

Bulbasaur spammy

For a poem please contact Prof. Oak

[27/04/2009 16:45:56]


I just checked out Wikipedia, to learn more about this swine influenza problem I heard on the news.

Over 1600 people have been infected within the couple of days with this virus. 200 more have been infected globally. And just over 100 people have been killed (only in Mexico, however).

Does anyone here live in Mexico?

Only six people have been infected up here in Canada (eh?) so I'm not as worried. Still, scientists think it might turn into a pandemic.

[27/04/2009 14:20:18]


Well, there's no cookie called style in the spyware quarantine log, so I don't know what to do.

Flaaffy for the spammifier.

Flaaffy has some cotton wool,

That you really oughtn't tear and pull.

Flaaffy can easily zap you 'til you're toast,

Or shock you 'til you roast.

[27/04/2009 13:30:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The style cookie is just called style.

[27/04/2009 03:32:17]


? So what is everyones Pokemon Diamond or Pearl Friend Codes

[27/04/2009 00:30:59]


I believe they are mint chocolate chip.

[27/04/2009 00:28:54]


Well, it should accept cookies.

Maybe my spyware scan thinks they are spyware cookies, instead of normal ones.

What are the cookies here called?

[26/04/2009 20:51:49]

Mehwmew ADMIN ...i wish :P


[26/04/2009 17:06:00]



How did they bring such horror at the Old Chateau? It really terrifies me.

[26/04/2009 11:30:02]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC