
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


@ mumzy ….okay ill have ssome soon….just houndoom s?

[24/04/2009 04:40:52]

Commenting on: 04-21-09

That's a great literal translation, but what the man is really trying to convey when you say no is something more like, "I have a hard time believing you….one just has to look at you [to tell that you like pokemon…]"

[24/04/2009 04:36:41]

Website: HoundFire

@Mehwmew-sure! some art work would be great!

[24/04/2009 04:09:29]

Commenting on: 04-21-09

You know what? I think Game Freak does read your site. I don't think it's a coincidence XD

[24/04/2009 03:43:08]


in diamond?

[24/04/2009 03:31:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Every existing Pokémon is in it. Even Arceus.

[24/04/2009 00:33:23]


very nice answer :)

i'vehad a butterfree on all ofmy games….i've found that it comes in very handy especially when you train them JUSSSSSSSSTTTTT right :) diamond i recently started so i havent acquired a caterpie yet, i think ill train it pure sp atk :) its fun and butterfree PWNS as a status inflicter, my butterfree in Emerald has Poisonpowder Sleeppower (supersonic?) and Stunpowder. :DDDD

then i bring in my specialy trained Zangoose for PWNAGE :)

and do you even have Mew in your spamifier?

[24/04/2009 00:15:38]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I don't have that many Butterfree, actually. In my first Yellow, I used a Butterfree to beat Brock, but then ditched it to the computer at level 28 or so. Gold was the first time I had a Butterfree as a permanent team member. I think I did on my original Crystal as well, though not when I started over after trading my team to Gold. (Gold's internal battery died, so I can't check.) The Caterpie family isn't found in Sapphire and Emerald, so I didn't get a Butterfree there at all. On FireRed I made one a permanent team member again, and on Diamond I bred a Caterpie with some very nice IVs after the Elite Four and trained that up as a permanent team member. On Platinum, I've caught myself a Caterpie, but haven't gotten around to checking its nature and IVs and evolving it.

[23/04/2009 23:47:35]


Evilcrazymonkey: what did that last part mean?

[23/04/2009 21:38:42]

Commenting on: 04-21-09

Yay! The guy speaks French now. If you'd like to add the translation:

"Salut! Tu aimes les pokémon?" is "Hi! Do you like pokémon?."

"Moi aussi! C'est génial!" is "Me too! It's nice!"

"J'ai du mal à te croire… Il n'y a qu'à vous regarder" means "I feel bad believing you… There is only you to look at."

[23/04/2009 21:31:35]


Hey Butterfree, how many butterfree do you have? :o

[23/04/2009 20:55:56]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Actually, even if it doesn't report the updates, it has only been a couple of months since they added the random "cave of dragon flies property" heading over a bunch of sprites that mostly weren't mine and took my quiz.

[23/04/2009 16:36:03]


My Chimchar has problems….Nature: Jolly……….Sturdy Body?……………..63hp……56atk….35 def…..32sp atk…….32 sp def………38 speed……..whats with the attack?!…its level 26 and ive trained it on purely starleys and bidoofs (about 2bidoof) im still outside twinleaf town……does anyone know why my atk is so high?!

[23/04/2009 03:08:10]


Yeah Typhloise , I checked it two and its got some cool pokemon…..too bad they're STOLEN! :D Butterfree, you should do another Rant….those are fun :]
Grovyle spammy

[23/04/2009 01:37:05]


Hi! I've been trying to figure out how to sign this thing for a long time. xDD I love your site, and just wanted to say. *Toddles off to read some other part of your site*

[23/04/2009 01:09:48]


Butterfree: I just randomly checked your Wall of Shame, and noticed that Pokemon Fossil is the only site left on it. However, when I went to the site, Pokemon Fossil hasn't been updated in almost a year.

[22/04/2009 23:56:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

They give the same number of effort points, but are not necessarily found in the same locations.

Hmm, Agility and Hidden Power. Don't think I've seen those in Platinum yet.

[22/04/2009 23:54:20]

Commenting on: 04-21-09

Unfortunately, the contact thing doesn't work for me, so I'm going to say right here that two more attacks in Platinum that were changed graphically were Agility and Hidden Power. I'm glad you made that list, because instead of looking for the other changes myself, I can just look online! Yay.

[22/04/2009 23:11:24]


Sorry again…..for pokemon emerald, do the pokemon listed in your r/s …ev training , give the same amount of points as in ruby or saphire?

[22/04/2009 20:15:40]


Sorry again…..for pokemon emerald, do the pokemon listed in your r/s …ev training , give the same amount of points as in ruby or saphire?

[22/04/2009 20:15:01]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC