
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Both, but more on the battle side , i could care less about poke wanna battle!

[05/05/2009 22:29:21]


Since Ichigo was 13, and it was Rukia right? And he took all of her darkgod power er someting….so anyone heard about that nikki catsouras girl? Not many things bother me , but they showed a picture on the news and half of her face was gone and i think im traumatized because everytime i close my eyes i see that picture….its horrible…

[05/05/2009 21:52:44]


What the heck? I double posted again?! Why is this happening to me?!

But, mehw, I don't understand what you want. Are you wanting PokeRus for yourself, or wanting to battle me? Or both?

[05/05/2009 21:14:43]


Bleach is an anime about a high school student named Ichigo. Ichigo is able to see "ghosts".

Well, basically, one day Ichigo is attacked by a weird monster, which is killed by a girl in a black kimono. Later that night, he is talking to the girl, who is a Shinigami (In this series, they are psychopomps). He finds out that the monster was a Hollow.

Another Hollow appears, and Rukia is injured, and she transfers her powers to him to protect his family.

…And everything spirals from that. I don't want to be too spoilerish.

[05/05/2009 21:12:05]


Bleach is an anime about a high school student named Ichigo. Ichigo is able to see "ghosts".

Well, basically, one day Ichigo is attacked by a weird monster, which is killed by a girl in a black kimono. Later that night, he is talking to the girl, who is a Shinigami (In this series, they are psychopomps). He finds out that the monster was a Hollow.

Another Hollow appears, and Rukia is injured, and she transfers her powers to him to protect his family.

…And everything spirals from that. I don't want to be too spoilerish.

[05/05/2009 21:12:04]


Typhloise , haha! Those are both slightly correct, Bleach is more …well Kyuu why don't you explain it from what i forget… Ichigo (the main character mostly) is a "normal school boy, and he goes into this …ugh i dont want to explain it wrong…let me think about this for awhile. Ill be back after i write a paper on it :)

[05/05/2009 20:58:00]


Would it be safe to say I don't know what Bleach is?

Two possibilities:

A laundry detergent.

Or the more likely one:

Isn't it a show about people who capture ghosts or something?

[05/05/2009 20:28:40]

Hey kyuu.its mehw

Can i borrow that tangela? Whats your fc anyway?

myne is…*sneaks ds out during english*

……..3523-8560-7187….battle meeee

[05/05/2009 19:10:53]


put your five favorites in with it! in your party and run round then put all your pkmn in one box and put tanglea in twith it! hurray for pokeAIDS

giratina spammy

[05/05/2009 17:15:57]


I watched the Inner Battle. It was cool. I can't wait until the anime gets to the fight with Ulquiorra! Ichigo's new Hollow form looks really cool.

But guess what?

…I was catching my Pokemon on Platinum, and I was checking the stats. When I noticed… The Tangela I'd caught had PokeRus!

[05/05/2009 16:08:25]


Yeh, Ichigo's Hollow form zanpakuto is badass , it almost reminds me of a less-badass sepiroth. Hehe , Who here saw Ichigo and his Hollow form fight? That was fricken awesome!

[05/05/2009 11:58:15]


Espeon, those are, all three, zanpakuto. Zanpakuto, in Bleach, are basically living swords, with names.

[05/05/2009 11:44:47]

You know who

Darn it didnt rotom spammy!

you should put all its formes in here 22222.

[05/05/2009 04:14:37]


I wonder if this works…..[sprite=frlg]Feraligatr[/sprite] Spammy.

[05/05/2009 04:13:43]


I remember a section of perverted pokemon things or…not pervy….'weird" i cant find it anymore, but has anyone noticed what the Pinap plants blowing in the wind look like? to quote my good friend Quagmire, GIGGITY!

[05/05/2009 02:14:49]

Shiny Riolu
Website: Lucarilution

I just wanted to let the site creator here know that I'm putting her Flaming button on my site. She's right, it is rediculous. -_- It'll be on the bottom of my Affies thing, if you wanna see X3

[05/05/2009 01:25:30]


hehe. Now watch Emerald Espeon will get a Mew :P…weird haha i got an espeon spammy! O.o creepy

[04/05/2009 22:22:40]


hehe. Now watch Emerald Espeon will get a Mew :P…weird haha i got an espeon spammy! O.o creepy

[04/05/2009 22:17:47]

Emerald Espeon

So I read a few pages back in the guestbook, and saw that someone (I think it was Mehwmew) got a shiny Espeon for the spammifier :O I'd proceed to be extremely jealous, but I'm just too lazy and it's not that big a deal anyway. Eventually… *crosses fingers*

I don't really watch anime, but I have two friends who watch/have watched Bleach. One of them taught me how to say a few…spells or something. They were like… Sen bon zakara, hiyorinimarou, and suzumebachi. Yeah, random fact. And those are most probably spelled wrong.

Beautifly for the spammifier. For a second, I thought it was Butterfree.

[04/05/2009 20:00:36]


Omg..sorry….i meant what to train on in Platinum

[04/05/2009 18:53:59]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC