
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


grenumbron u r smert ilu <3

[30/04/2009 04:10:35]


Haha i already do all of those creative outlets….but ill make sure its worthwhile to read…and nah tlkin lyk thes cuz is noyin. …greenumbreon do you have platinum?

[30/04/2009 01:56:06]



1.Find some creative outlet to spend your time on (ie. writing, drawing, movie making, ROMhacking ect.) so you're not tempted to post five times in a row.

2. Only post things that are worthwhile for others to read. (ie. don't post everything that comes to mind)

3. Use proper grammer, spelling, capitalization ect. (ie.

rightin lyke dis is rly anoyin

But writing like this is fine.)

Follow these three rules/tips/whatevers and nobody will ever complain again!

[30/04/2009 01:43:58]


….good point….so greenumbreon got any tips for me to be less retarded?

[30/04/2009 01:14:45]


Mehwmew, I understand your concern, but don't tell people not to click something, 98% of the time, they WILL click it.

Also, don't show any dismay at a spammer/troll's idiocy, 'cause it's exactly what they want.


[30/04/2009 01:01:04]


Sorry….about posting again but DO NOT click the website….eww….find a website with real ones….fake ones are creepy….

[30/04/2009 00:30:50]


Um….wth….why did you post 5 times about me and greenumbreon…i know im annoying and im trying not to be….whats with all the hating today?

[30/04/2009 00:29:05]



But those insults are so overused…

…It's hilarious.

[30/04/2009 00:01:27]


HE and what is the topic? Sorry i thought we could feel free to chat about anything we like.?

[29/04/2009 20:58:02]


Ringo, that is called flaming, and is uncalled for. Anon made a valid point, Mehwmew is getting really annoying, and as I said before, most of his/her (?) posts are pointless and off topic, and I doubt anybody even reads half of them.

Swearing's BAD

And what's MKPP?

[29/04/2009 20:36:08]


I know right? Shes a genious. And sorry about earlier i woke up in a bad mood. And that anon didnt help. Well anyway im getting Platinum :) metagross spammy

[29/04/2009 20:05:13]

X The Trainer

Your quizzes are good!

[29/04/2009 17:48:59]


Woah Ringo, thanks but calm it down a bit…..and @anon…**** you.

[29/04/2009 12:21:11]


Hey anon,FUCK YOU! at least he talks about something you DICK! if other people would post he wouldnt have to! And its not like all of his posts are right after another DICKBAG! God!, i hate people like you.

[29/04/2009 12:18:39]


mehwmew… get a life

over half the posts on this guestbook page is YOU

have you guys heard of MKPP? is it any good?

[29/04/2009 04:34:37]


pointless….but awesome!

[29/04/2009 02:07:25]

Pikachu Goddess

Um, that would be kind of pointless… you could just use a Water Stone on a newly hatched Eevee if you wanted instead of breeding a Vaporeon from an egg.

I wrote a paragraph of fan fiction! :D Yay me!

[29/04/2009 01:32:51]


So, i know this is completely idiotic but, suppose you bred an eevee with either a ditto or another eevee, who were both holding,say, a water incense and they made egg and it hatched A VAPOREON! …thatd be awesome huh

[28/04/2009 21:10:08]


So, i know this is completely idiotic but, suppose you bred an eevee with either a ditto or another eevee, who were both holding,say, a water incense and they made egg and it hatched A VAPOREON! …thatd be awesome huh

[28/04/2009 21:08:59]


@mumzy, why dont your hits go up when i visit your site? It stays at 58 but ive been to your site at least 4 times today.
medicham spammy

[28/04/2009 12:27:30]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC