
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Pikachu Goddess

I still remember everything that I've learned about Pokémon, but I don't really put it to much use… >_> I'm more into things like Bleach and Halo now… but I might get Platinum when I have the money.

… And I won fifty bucks at a piano concert for placing first! :D Yay!

And I'll be using the money for something else other than Platinum, if you're wondering.

[04/05/2009 01:53:06]

Emerald Espeon

Pshft. xD

I feel like restarting my copy of Explorers of Time. Again. Just to get to the part of the plot with Grovyle. Again.

Come to think of it, I haven't actually played a Pokémon game in a really long time…

Drifblim for the spammifier. I think that's what it was called. My Pokémon knowledge is getting rusty >.>

Oh. I guess it was Driftblim? Well, Graveler for the spammifier.

[04/05/2009 01:15:38]

Some Guy

Ditched! :O

I just haven't had much to say.

[04/05/2009 00:48:08]

Emerald Espeon

Oh yeah, he did! I'd forgotten what he changed his name to.

I think I saw the link to the Art Thieves Click Here page a few days ago, but I forgot where. I think someone asked Butterfree for the link on a forum? So yeah, not on the site. Hm.

Mewtwo for the spammifier.

[03/05/2009 21:04:05]


i wouldn't go to serebii first, usually has everything first

and more info on it

im not putting serebii down but pokebeach is faster and more specific

[03/05/2009 20:51:47]

Pikachu Goddess

Didn't Bob change his name to Some Guy?

[03/05/2009 17:46:42]


Oh, and this is completely random, but I found a link to the "Art Theives Do Not Click Here" page! On the site! But can you??? >:)

No, but seriously, can you find it?

[03/05/2009 17:14:55]

Emerald Espeon

Oh, that sucks. (About the old posters ditching, I mean.)


A new game, yay :D

[03/05/2009 16:57:26]


I just checked Serebii, and it has info on it as well, so it must be legitimate. Gold and Silver remakes are the most obvious choices, what with the Johto starters on the movie poster. Also, in the announcment, there was a gold and silver Pokeball. Hint-hint.

Nidoran Female for spammifier! Should I try nidoran f?

Obviously that didn't work. Hypno!

[03/05/2009 16:28:10]


Major Pokémon game to be announced this month


[03/05/2009 15:00:27]


Make sure it is correctly capitalized… I've done that plenty a time.

[03/05/2009 00:01:12]


The forum. And yes, the password and username are both correct. Although, it might be my computer, not the site, but.. yeah.

[02/05/2009 18:36:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Log in where? Are you sure you have the username right?

[02/05/2009 18:33:25]


Am I the only one unable to log in? It keeps saying the password is wrong, over in over, even when copy/pasted in, so I know it's correct. Quite frustrating..

[02/05/2009 18:13:47]


Flora and ashes is at the forums now.

[02/05/2009 16:06:20]


V & S Lover- Stopped posting.

Sapphire Sneasel- Stopped.

Flora and Ashes- Stopped.

Shiny Noctowl- Guess what? Stopped.

Bob- Changed his name; hasn't posted in a while.

Heracross for spammifier! Reminds me of that lady in FireRed… "Hera-hera-Heracross! Bigger, better Heracross! I love big Heracross! Can you bring me some?" If I remember correctly. Oh, the laughs I had…

[02/05/2009 15:40:34]


H1N1 flu? I heard that the virus won't last long in a tropical countries. Glad I live in a tropical country!

[02/05/2009 09:15:26]

I was being creative =.=


[02/05/2009 04:18:01]

Emerald Espeon

Hey guys :D

What happened to Victreebel & Scizor Lover, Sapphire Sneasel, Flora and Ashes, Shiny Noctowl, Bob (I think he changed his name. Hm.), etc.? Do they still post here?

I kept forgetting to come on here after I deleted all my bookmarks.

Yay, pie and cake :D

I've always been a germaphobe :P

Porygon for the spammifier.

[02/05/2009 02:34:28]


I'm not afraid of H1N1 Influenza A. It's just not often that an epedemic happens.

I agree with Greenumbreon, but couldn't you be a little less… offensive?

Welcome back Emerald Espeon! *Hands pie, which is better then any cake that Greenumbreon handed Emerald Espeon. Assuming that Greenumbreon's cake was not as good as my pie.*

[02/05/2009 01:47:27]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC