Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Pikachu Goddess
:O Really? That sounds pretty sweet. *goes to check*
[14/06/2009 01:45:10]
Exact same. Right now I SHOULD be playing around with emulators to get to understand them better, but instead I'm listening to Led Zepplin. Specifically this song.
Have you checked out Serebii? Every Pokemon now has an overworld sprite, and they're all allowed to walk with you![14/06/2009 00:52:12]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-22-09I was more thinking "spam up the guestbook and start drama in the forums", but that too. :P
[13/06/2009 19:06:46]
Commenting on: 05-22-09Behave while your gone? what do you think we'll do, take over nintento and claim all copyrights of pokemon?! XD
[13/06/2009 17:43:44]
If Zelda II weren't so hard, I'm sure more people would like it.
I really enjoyed it. But beating the third palace required me to kill evil bird things for about an hour and a half to level up my stats enough :P
Now, about getting to the fourth palace…[13/06/2009 12:35:01]
I have all the zelda series, even have you read, the books? Some of em are pretty well written :))
[13/06/2009 09:39:41]
Commenting on: 05-22-09And yet it's the…. *checks calender*
13th of june… oh well, take as much time as you need >:)[13/06/2009 06:09:18]
I have played Zelda II. I never liked it; I never beat it.
All the other Zelda games (minus Four Swords Adventure), I have beaten.[13/06/2009 01:55:53]
Pikachu Goddess
ZELDAAAAAAA!!!! *tackles*
Love that series! 'Nuff said! :D
Zelda II? I've never played that yet… Speaking of, I beat Phantom Hourglass a couple of weeks ago, and I got more stuff than the guy that lended it to me. XD[13/06/2009 00:52:03]
I'm like that with a lot of video games too. Especially Zelda II (has anyone else played Zelda II?). I feel the urge to play it, but as soon as I start up the emulator and load the ROM, I realize that I'm still stuck in Death Mountain and quickly grow bored.
It's actually rather annoying.
Ninetales for the spammifier.[13/06/2009 00:42:04]
KYUUFOX! i know exactly what you mean! Thats been happening with almost all games especially Platinum, hehe it sucks, i just beat crasher wake, and i have no idea what the story is, its all confusing, then i would just sit it down for a week or two, and have no clue.. But i AM NOT starting over, i have lvl 99 dragonair and such. I worked hard so i might actually beat Dewgong for once.
[12/06/2009 04:09:03]
Yes! I really liked the Pokémon checklist. Glad to know that you're working on it!
[12/06/2009 02:57:55]
I don't know why, but I've been wanting to play LeafGreen and Sapphire for a while now. But every time I pick them up to play them, I suddenly don't want to play them anymore.
I can't explain it…[12/06/2009 01:09:35]
Sorry for the double post, but 1. Parth, wheres your name from? It sounds very familiar. And 2. I got hit by a friggen car last night. That was one of the strangest things ever. Do all of you know what a STOP sign is? I dearly hope so, no more hit hit for mehwmew :(
[11/06/2009 14:36:30]
Haha. I got out last wensday barely a week ago. I know yalls dont care, but I think i found my first love. Im 15, so i dunno, but it feel like i have my own personal sun when she talks to me. :]
[11/06/2009 05:18:32]
this site is the best
[11/06/2009 03:30:21]
Emerald Espeon
Did you have fun in cold, rainy Canada Butterfree? :P It finally started to warm up today. But seriously. You know your country's too cold when it snows on the first of June.
I don't know about Americans or either other Canadians, but I have first term exams and second term exams. But my school's pretty unusual. Our summer break is just one week short of three months :D[11/06/2009 01:30:49]
welcome back, dear Butterfree!
how was your trip?
did you know that your server had a screw-up the last two days? I was super worried.
so tell us of the Grand Adventures you had in the Land we call America. (psst. over here! it was horrible huh?)
and No , Arceus doesn't need to be re..i mean outdone or whatever.
My year was fantastic, particularily last Sunday, when i met my love Samantha …so ….beautiful……*dies of pure happyness*[10/06/2009 19:40:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesAaaand I am back. Now to get the Pokédex checklist script right…
[10/06/2009 17:55:02]
Website: Poliwager ForumsWell, GPX+ is an online Pokémon site where you can get eggs, raise them, hatch them, and other people help to level them up!
Check it out! I enjoy it.[10/06/2009 16:53:30]
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