Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Emerald Espeon
I think my two year anniversary is sometime this summer, too.
[23/06/2009 21:48:19]
Haha , i also never changed my name :] hehe. BUTTERFREE! , if i added you, would you add mee?
[23/06/2009 20:59:48]
3 year anniversary in August…not that I've posted consistently. ^^;
[23/06/2009 16:38:14]
Pikachu Goddess
Actually, I think this is my two year anniversary, too.
[23/06/2009 15:40:01]
They stopped working on my phone for like 3 dais, i cried. Haha just kidding. Today is ii think my two year anniversary coming to this site, i just startied posting on teh guestbook like last year. So ill say its my first whole eyar of coming to this site every chance i could.
[23/06/2009 14:59:55]
Pikachu Goddess
I haven't been on the forums in a while, now that you mention it… >_>
[23/06/2009 04:12:34]
What about the forums?
[22/06/2009 23:05:21]
[22/06/2009 02:27:46]
Typhloise: I don't need surgery, it was just an option.
I got my first lv. 100 pokemon yesterday![22/06/2009 01:03:10]
Typhloise: I don't need surgery, it was just an option.
I got my first lv. 100 pokemon yesterday![22/06/2009 01:03:09]
Typhloise: I don't need surgery, it was just an option.
I got my first lv. 100 pokemon yesterday![22/06/2009 01:03:08]
Pikachu Goddess
You don't have an ACL? O_o Wow, that sucks.
[21/06/2009 18:35:26]
I was just born without the ligament. And the surgery is called ACL reconstruction surgery. Because of the missing ligament, I tore my meniscus, a small muscle in my knee. There's an article on it here.
[21/06/2009 13:26:09]
Pikachu Goddess
Speaking of knee surgery, my brother's probably going for it; he tore his ACL and maybe some other ligament.
[20/06/2009 22:42:15]
I am EXTREMELY sorry for the quaddrupal post, my phone didn't leave the guest book screen so i assumed it didnt post. Sorry.
[20/06/2009 21:39:47]
@Typhloise: what did you do to cause that to happen? , @Butterfree: is there a way to monitor a thread? I wanted to watch the Art Thread and I will have access to a computer tonight.
[20/06/2009 21:38:45]
@Typhloise: what did you do to cause that to happen? , @Butterfree: is there a way to monitor a thread? I wanted to watch the Art Thread and I will have access to a computer tonight.
[20/06/2009 21:38:35]
@Typhloise: what did you do to cause that to happen? , @Butterfree: is there a way to monitor a thread? I wanted to watch the Art Thread and I will have access to a computer tonight.
[20/06/2009 21:37:44]
Mehmew: After taking an MRI scan, the doctors figured out (ha!) I am missing a ligament in my knee, and have torn a muscle. So they had to basically recreate the ligament, and fix the muscle.
Emerald Espeon: The anesthesia made me feel nauseous, but luckily I didn't throw up.
Mew: If you need surgery, take it. Don't hold off because you think it might hurt. Knee surgery is supposed to be one of the most painful surgeries.
And it's been 48 hours after the surgery, and the pain is much better! I've been taking the painkillers every four hours, and I guess my body is more used to it, so the painkillers only make me feel drowsy, not nauseous! Thanks for all of your support! ^.^[20/06/2009 14:38:42]
yeah, it's for the new Transformers movie
[20/06/2009 07:07:09]
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