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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI can't exactly just "get it up". I haven't even started it and it takes time to manually battle every trainer in the game and write up descriptions of where they are and their Pokémon.
[10/07/2009 15:47:20]
GSDS, she'll do it when she has time. Calm down.
[10/07/2009 15:47:19]
Can you get the Platinum VS Seeker page up PLEASE???
[10/07/2009 15:17:51]
Fox McCloud
Woot, site is live. :D
[10/07/2009 07:56:49]
Zomg. I just had an interesting conversation with Butterfree :) yaaaaaaay You Prevented Boredness From Eating My Soul, Momentarily- Award ~
[10/07/2009 01:57:59]
Pikachu Goddess
Hey! Let me have a chance to be a know-it-all! Meanie… XD
[09/07/2009 03:16:57]
Or click…
Here![08/07/2009 20:02:29]
Pikachu Goddess
Emerald Espeon: It's really fun; I easily got addicted to it.
SilverLatios47: Isle of the Dead's pretty confusing at first. If you want, I can tell you how to figure it out… ;D[08/07/2009 19:14:28]
how do i log in?
mem got banned and now I can't log in.[08/07/2009 18:09:54]
Hey, I went on that site on the Wall of Shame, pokemon fossil, and on the side of it has Letaligon, Thunderyu, Volcaryu, and Polaryu! Without credit! How terrible. They deserve the Wall of Shame.
[08/07/2009 15:21:06]
It was because i was worried about Notoriously Unknown… She hasn't been back for 3 days and she usually visits everyday :( I'm really sorry.
[08/07/2009 14:02:40]
Ah, fudge. I got banned :( , I apologize, it was in a fit of emotion, Butterfree. I just want to talk to Mercedes….can i please just message her one more time PLEASE Mrs. Butterfree?
[08/07/2009 14:01:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, because of the type of math they do. Why should they go out of their way to not round down? Rounding down is the default state of things. Why not round down?
[08/07/2009 13:04:47]
Emerald Espeon
I've never played any of the Zelda Games. I wanted to get Phantom Hourglass once, to entertain me on a plane, but I don't know how entertaining it really is.
[08/07/2009 05:07:40]
Whys he become epic? I dont remember anything changing (please put in spoilertags) and Butterfree…..!….. Haha but EVERYTHING would be rounded up so exp + and whatn't so whats the point? Just because of the type of math they do?
[08/07/2009 02:37:12]
Website: EonRidersEr, well everyone was talking about Zelda, so I was too. Phantom hourglass was an amazing game, I never got past the Isle of the Dead though. Talking about about makes me want to work on it, I haven't picked it up in a while.
Linebeck seriously annoyed me at first, but then he became epic. I thing that annoyed me most in the game was when you had to draw a symbol you had just learned onto a door. This is really hard when your touch screen messes up in the middle, and because you have to draw the symbol in a particular way, otherwise it won't work.
Yay, Palkia spammy![08/07/2009 00:18:23]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…uh, attacks would do a little more damage? o.o
[07/07/2009 23:13:47]
what would happen if they DID round up?
[07/07/2009 22:58:21]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBecause the Pokémon games literally only work with integers. They use integer division, division where the remainder is just discarded, which gives a result that is essentially the equivalent of rounding the full result down.
[07/07/2009 22:21:19]
[07/07/2009 19:17:30]
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