Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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In fact, i've never seen it in any store or video game rental place! , i dont even remember how i've played it
[18/07/2009 18:30:28]
I've played both, and The World Ends With You, is AMAZING! Tis hard to find, though..
[18/07/2009 18:23:29]
Wow! Pikachu Goddess, Typhloise, and all the other people i saw in the past few months are still here?…..Too bad im not among the active and recognizable types.
[18/07/2009 18:13:00]
Who/what is Uluru?
[18/07/2009 18:10:45]
Emerald Espeon
I'm debating between Final Fantasy IV and The World Ends With You. I don't know if I'd be able to find TWEWY, though.
Has anyone here played both games?[18/07/2009 01:49:26]
Pikachu Goddess
SilverLatios47: That Final Fantasy on the Super Nintendo is the Final Fantasy IV on the DS (because FFII on the SNES is actually the fourth in the series.):D Yeah, I loved it on that system, too; sadly, I can't remember what happened to the game I owned.
[18/07/2009 01:40:11]
Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: fear the Info ArmyYeah, I made a mistake on the url to my site (you can go, but I just created it and it really sucks), wich is not (or sonarmew; I wanted to make the url short 'n sweet).
[16/07/2009 08:13:56]
Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign: Fear the Info Army!!!I really like this site, and I've never gotten bored. I've visited this site for 1 1/2 years, but I've (somehow) never been to the guestbook.
So, um… hi.
All this talk about donuts has made me hungry. #drools# I'm going to going to get a banana. #walks away#[16/07/2009 06:37:35]
Emerald Espeon
YES! PMD 3! :D
Haha sorry Typhloise, but I've wanted one for a long while…PMD 2.5 was just…unnecessay :P
Wait. It's for the Wii.
…-.-[16/07/2009 04:42:21]
eevee prince
Website: bakugan fan site deluxcool site
[15/07/2009 22:34:30]
Website: EonRidersI remember playing Final Fantasy II (aka IV) a loooong time ago on a old Nintendo system. It was one of the funnest games I've ever played, and it kept me going for a long time at night xD
Dragonite for the spammy~[15/07/2009 18:40:44]
what do you have lack updates??
[15/07/2009 09:16:26]
Capitalizm my friend
[14/07/2009 22:16:30]
Oh, come on. Sure, the Mystery Dungeons games are fun, but another one?
[14/07/2009 19:12:09]
Yup. I can make myself cake by using rice flour instead of wheat flour.
[13/07/2009 22:58:47]
Emerald Espeon
Woah Typhloise, that's terrible! So you'll never be able to eat wheat again? D:
[13/07/2009 18:48:19]
Breakfast sandwiches…
I was actually recently diagnosed with celiac disease, which basically means I'm not allowed to eat any wheat. Only rice. So no ore donuts, cakes, or even sandwiches…[13/07/2009 12:24:16]
Emerald Espeon
I was looking at Final Fantasy IV, but I read a bad review of it. Hm.
Yum…donuts… *drools*[12/07/2009 23:19:15]
Pikachu Goddess
Don't forget kickass sandwiches. :D
[12/07/2009 18:49:02]
*Reads LiveJournal*
You went to Tim Hortons? ^.^ It's Canada's equivalent of McDonalds! It has coffee, donuts, and, um… donuts![12/07/2009 16:42:47]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC