Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Any in America?
Bulbasaur spammy
For a poem please contact Prof. Oak[27/04/2009 16:45:56]
I just checked out Wikipedia, to learn more about this swine influenza problem I heard on the news.
Over 1600 people have been infected within the couple of days with this virus. 200 more have been infected globally. And just over 100 people have been killed (only in Mexico, however).
Does anyone here live in Mexico?
Only six people have been infected up here in Canada (eh?) so I'm not as worried. Still, scientists think it might turn into a pandemic.[27/04/2009 14:20:18]
Well, there's no cookie called style in the spyware quarantine log, so I don't know what to do.
Flaaffy for the spammifier.
Flaaffy has some cotton wool,
That you really oughtn't tear and pull.
Flaaffy can easily zap you 'til you're toast,
Or shock you 'til you roast.[27/04/2009 13:30:29]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe style cookie is just called style.
[27/04/2009 03:32:17]
? So what is everyones Pokemon Diamond or Pearl Friend Codes
[27/04/2009 00:30:59]
I believe they are mint chocolate chip.
[27/04/2009 00:28:54]
Well, it should accept cookies.
Maybe my spyware scan thinks they are spyware cookies, instead of normal ones.
What are the cookies here called?[26/04/2009 20:51:49]
[26/04/2009 17:06:00]
How did they bring such horror at the Old Chateau? It really terrifies me.[26/04/2009 11:30:02]
>.> so whats everyone doing?
im going to train until 6 pm tomorrow -6 hour timezone central
pwnage[26/04/2009 02:12:31]
Rofl….nice site Slix….Floatzel spammy
[25/04/2009 22:48:26]
Website: PoliwagerDarn, it didn't work. .__.
Poochyena for the spammy.[25/04/2009 22:09:07]
Website: PoliwagerI made a forum for my website the other day: Poliwager Forums!
Check it out!
Oh, and I liked the new Platinum Changes page. ^__^
(I hope the color tags work here. XD)[25/04/2009 22:07:32]
Pokemon Red/Blue were inducted into IGN's Video Game Hall of Fame the other day!
Butterfree: What is the average number of visitors to this site every day?[25/04/2009 21:59:45]
Pokemon Red/Blue were inducted into IGN's Video Game Hall of Fame the other day!
Butterfree: What is the average number of visitors to this site every day?[25/04/2009 21:59:45]
Thanks .Butterfree …ampharos(?) spammy
[25/04/2009 18:06:53]
Try setting your cookies?
Umbreon for spammifier![25/04/2009 17:17:11]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPresumably there's something up with your browser's cookie handling. Does it accept cookies from the site?
[25/04/2009 17:01:46]
Butterfree, is there any reason why the style I usually have set (Dewgong) keeps on reseting to Torkoal?
It's getting to be rather annoying.[25/04/2009 16:47:15]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMehwmew, I meant that every single Pokémon is implemented into the spam protection, and in the fourth generation, individual moves are classed as physical or special if you look up the move in your Pokémon's stats. In the previous generations, Normal, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Bug, Rock, Ghost and Steel attacks were physical and Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Dragon and Dark attacks were special.
[25/04/2009 16:10:05]
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