
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I remember that you've been to Madrid before, Dragonfree. Have fun in Switzerland – we'll waiting for the honey tree experiment section.

[08/04/2009 07:35:49]

Pikachu Goddess

Have fun in Switzerland. At least you get to go to different countries; I haven't been out of Canada for my whole life.

[08/04/2009 01:41:21]

Commenting on: 04-07-09

Experiment? Testing what exactly?

also Switzerland is boring after a bit if you've gone there 10 times before >.> Nice the first few though

[08/04/2009 01:30:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

All the evidence that we have about there potentially being G/S/C remakes in the first place is strictly in relation to now or the fourth generation. There are hints in D/P, like Jasmine and the "Johto" internal location, and then there is the twelfth movie randomly involving the Johto starters and a Pichu. If the fifth generation comes along and there is no G/S/C remake, there is absolutely no reason to think there will be one after that unless new hints come along. Thinking there will be a fifth generation "before" Johto remakes is nonsensical.

And Typhloise, I am assuming that you'll behave for a week. :P

[07/04/2009 22:54:47]

Commenting on: 04-07-09

I hear that Switzerland is great, and has a very good landscape! Have a good time! Who will be looking after the site, though?

[07/04/2009 19:58:53]


GSDS, I believe that G/S Remakes will come out before.


[07/04/2009 19:13:04]


that's a disappointment…

i <3 platinum

what do you think will come first:

GSC remake


5th generation

i want to know what you think

especially you Butterfree/Dragonfree

what should i call you

[07/04/2009 05:02:43]


All I know about Javascript, is that it was invented by a Canadian, and allows multiple people to connect at the same time. I think. I'm probably veery wrong, however.

[06/04/2009 21:40:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

ASP and Javascript are completely different things. Javascript is a client-side scripting language used on websites to make static webpages dynamic. ASP is a server-side scripting engine available on Windows servers with which you can use either VBScript or JScript; the syntax of JScript is practically identical to Javascript as they're mostly just different implementations of the same language. The big difference between using Javascript for my free quizzes and using ASP with JScript is that the former is client-side (i.e. requires the user to have Javascript supported and enabled by their browser, and can be seen by a curious viewer looking at the source) and the latter is server-side (i.e. just requires the server to support it, where it will process the script before the page is passed on to the user).

[06/04/2009 14:37:11]


This is just a morbid and somewhat annoying test for those who are too curious.

Curiosity kills the cat.

The actual test is in the spoiler, so if you're too curious, select the spoiler with the mouse.

[06/04/2009 10:51:49]


Here's a somewhat different question for everyone.

What is the difference between ASP and JavaScript?

[06/04/2009 10:48:17]


Have you never heard of Explorers of the Sky? Well i didn't hear about it before i saw it at SPP. If you're confused about who i am, i've changed my name from Xgurl-o'-darknessX 2 Togari, cuz it sounds more like my new favourite Pokémon: Togetic!

[06/04/2009 10:40:35]

Pikachu Goddess

Explorers of the Sky? Never heard of that one. Any prominent differences in it?

Three month writer's block. I has it.

[06/04/2009 04:05:30]

Commenting on: 03-28-09

I enjoyed the plot twists the game had to offer (And on the side the fact that they actually used Gender spesific Pronouns mad me happy XD) but the negitive aspects of the game had me wanting to throw my friend's DS against the wall (I don't have my own so I borrowed it from her after she finished the game)

I can't wait for exploreers of the sky to come out in the Us, What i've seen of it it looks awesome

[06/04/2009 03:37:11]


Yeah. Many, many times, I destroyed everything exept dialga with me as a cyndaquil and my partner as a mudkip/bulbasaur. Dialga used Roar Of Time! Cynders (what I called myself) fainted!

[06/04/2009 03:35:10]

Some Guy

*long dungeons

[06/04/2009 01:31:50]

Some Guy

I also forgot: Meowth can earn IQ skills like Map Reader and Stair Finder that help immensely in longd; dungeons. Pikachu's a good partner; I had one that was useful, except against Kyogre- it just stood there as it massacred me. D:

[06/04/2009 01:30:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

And GSDS, the Underground in Platinum is not Wi-Fi enabled; that was just an early rumour.

[05/04/2009 21:41:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…drop shadows? There are absolutely no drop shadows in that splash. o_O It's all shaded by hand, hence why the wing shading looks completely messed up.

CorelDRAW is just a program; I'm really not sure how using it could magically improve my limited artistic skills.

[05/04/2009 21:40:41]


Wow, nice new splash. I see you've maximized the drop shadow effect, if you made it in Photoshop.

But, anyway, Dragonfree, have you used CorelDraw? Because, I think splashes like that should be better if made by CorelDraw…

[05/04/2009 09:45:16]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC