
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


….my friend alex has stumbled upon something EPIC
….he told me if you make Magikarp use Splash alot(20 times?) then it will confuse the opponent….i dont know if this is common knowledge or not but i think he is playing ruby he said he was trying to get a pokemon to listen so he fought a magikarp ..and come to think of it ive never EVER had a long battle with a magikarp…im going to test it on diamond…is this common knowledge or what so butterfree will you tell me….god i talk too much
cactnea spamm but idk how 2 spell it

[19/04/2009 23:04:54]

Pikachu Goddess

… Say what. ._.

I really should start writing my fic again… it's just gathering dust on my desk.

[19/04/2009 22:12:03]






cherrim (the closed thing)

nidoran girl






plant burmey

…did you even put mew in this?


shiny espeon is green? eww





electabuzz >.>

unknow A

do you have all the unknown?

and your site is genious

..still havnt found my baby mew yet>.>

dratini for final spammer





wtf i cant catch it…>.>

*mumbles to self*dumb pokemon…steroids…

[19/04/2009 20:11:34]


im playing pokemon XD and im really liking the fighting system its pretty awesome

cool arceus for spammy

oops spelled it wrong lol


[19/04/2009 20:04:29]


I like ranger…but I like the PMD better…Celebi for spammy!

[19/04/2009 18:43:05]


Ok 2 things… pikachu goddess, neither did i but then i bought it and i loved it its awesome you go to rannger school and all that…the onlt thing i didnt like is you could only keep slect pokemon pachirisu and munchlax are the only ones i can remember…i think totodile or one of the water starters… and to everyone what happened? I cought an eevee on diamond and and the pkedex entry was all normal except the number was 000 and the next (not soon after) wild battle my game froze…also i didnt know you could find lvl 2 eevee or find one outside twinleaf town for that matter (didntthink about tht straightaway)….any idea what the heck happened?
swablu spammy

[19/04/2009 18:39:00]

Pikachu Goddess

I'm not really that interested in the Ranger series. It doesn't look that fun to me.

[19/04/2009 17:05:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's old news. It's just a silly overanalyzing alternate interpretation that is quite obviously not the truth but fun to postulate anyway.

Whoo, I got a Celebi.

[19/04/2009 16:21:23]


Lmao (literally) axe-murderer stlye?! okay but anyway Mrs. Butterfree that thing i told you to google kinda creeps me out so it might change your view of pokemon therefore ending the universe….read with caution please dont end the world….its someting along the lines of " in the first movie when ash was hit by lightning and he went into a coma and all the people he meets and pokemon represent parts of him (it sounds stupid but it is quite interesting …please check it out) google (sorrry for swear word but its only in the title and nowhere else) fucking epic read- gaming gutter put it exactly like that and it should be thefirst one…please ell me how you percieve it….i think i explains alot but is over complicated…actually its verging on genious ..its notnessicarily true but its amazingly awesome. manaphy spamer…i think…oh no…phione? Ahh!….marreep >.> p.s. Sorry for such a long thing ^^^^ :( i suck at life

[19/04/2009 16:02:58]


i finished all of that greatstuff the 2nd day the game came out…sad to say i played the game for like 12 hours straight ….rather dissapointed in my self….but i think it was a great plot and story…i love just collecting (i think it was 5?) of the coolest pokemon and running around looking tough :D ..i had pachirisu the whole game (what did everyone else pick)? And what was your favorite quest mission w/e myne was when you got to free the wailord…i think it was a very imaginative level ….crap i dont know my spammy….kriktune crikitune…..gah! Lol i typed in 7

[19/04/2009 13:59:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Well, I finished the game (in the sense of completing the storyline and all the Quests). I might pick it up again sometime to finish my Ranger Browser, I guess.

[19/04/2009 13:03:56]


Dragonfree, are you still playing Pokémon Ranger 2 : Shadows of Almia?

[19/04/2009 08:56:54]


Sorry >.> but Butterfree
you should make it a rule to tell what spammy you got cause i find it interesting to find pokemon that havent been found yet….oh….like say……MEW!

[19/04/2009 04:42:56]


Omfg shiny…marill? Omfgomfgomfgomfgomfg
and btw of that post down below…i can type im just typing really fast on my phone :)
yay im more mature than i wass 3 months ago when i last talked to Butterfree (your real name is awesomer!)

[19/04/2009 04:35:02]


Oh god im back! Butterfree i missed you! All of you
torchic spammy….i have a daughter? (daughter of mew) wtf! I swear i…was drunk…and i thought…..french frys…and toast…sometimes….magickarp……turtwig…ah hell OKAY I DID IT!
any way i DID come here for a reason ^_^ i cant remember the section name but the one where people say perverted things in pokemon( if you s choose to percive it that way) in the Krabby inn (pokemon Xd gale of darkness)
a sailor next to Razell and Dazell (thejugglers on stage) says "Whoa, hold up. You're too young to appreciate these seats up close, lad!"
its not a great one but if you didnt know what i was talking about or didnt know what else the "magacians" do for a living….youd appreciate it….ah hell sorry i wasted your time some one text me or something 515-745-2899

[19/04/2009 04:30:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-07-09

That would be because I have not yet finished anything I could update with.

[18/04/2009 17:38:16]

You're late
Commenting on: 04-07-09

You're late updating

[18/04/2009 16:06:46]


That long?! Really???

OMG! I GOT TORCHIC! *good mood for the rest of the day*

[18/04/2009 15:55:39]


If you really want the GS remake, you should wait

but it will be a while

3-5 years!!

Platinum is amazing!!! so keep that in mind!!!

[18/04/2009 14:51:50]


Hey, guys! Remember me…? 'Sbeen awhile.

Should I get Platinum, or wait to see if they remake G/S? 'Cause if the do a remake, I'm not getting Platinum.

Pineco spammy.

[18/04/2009 02:26:17]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC