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Pikachu Goddess
… That is such a stupid law. Sucks to live in Quebec.
For a band trip in February I went to Edmonton. 'Twas fun. :3[10/04/2009 03:54:00]
Indeed. I read something once about how signs in Quebec have to have the French text a certain size larger than the English or something like that.
[10/04/2009 00:27:51]
Typhloise should be a history teacher. That post was both entertaining and informative, eh?
[09/04/2009 20:58:57]
*Sigh* I wish my school band went and performed out of… the school! I play guitar, and most of the other kids in the band are awful.
I found out something really funny (not "Ha ha!" funny, but "Are you kidding me? That's awful!" funny) the other day. In a Canadian province called Quebec, they just set a new law. If there's a video game with a french version made, then you are not allowed to sell the English game unless you have the french version in stock as well. This means that many Quebec video game stores will start failing, as most french versions do not come out until six or so weeks after the English version. It's very funny if you know Quebec politics and history. Here goes:
Back in the late 1600's, Jaques Cartier claimed what is now Canada for the French. Britain took what is now the U.S.A. and claimed it for Britain. Samuel de Champlain established the first French colony, Quebec City. France and Britain were always tense. They had fought in many wars. Britain, wanting to rule all of North America, and France, which pretty much disliked Britain, decided to start the Seven Years' War in 1756. It ended in 1763, and Britain had won. So now that Britain had all of North America, they decided to let the French people stay where they were, keep their religion, and keep their heritage. They even gave special privileges to them that the British people didn't get! This made the the British people mad, so they went south and created their own independent nation, called the U.S.A. Britain didn't object, but started to block trade routes, and supply first nations people with weapons to fight the U.S.A. They also didn't give up promised land. This made the U.S.A. mad, so they attacked Britain during 1812(now called upper and lower Canada), but were pushed back and defeated. Very little land was gained or lost. All of the french people were in Canada (specifically Upper Canada, which was southern) and settled in what is now Quebec. However the French were always wanting more, and were upset with Britain. This has excelled into the point where they asked TWICE to become their own country. They even went to France and said, "Um… Can we, like, join up with you?" but France replied, "Jeez, we have enough problems, let alone looking after you guys!" Quebec is so attached to their heritage, that they are constantly asking the government to let them have special laws, just as stated above.
MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Without Butterfree here, I shall SPAM!!!
lolololol!!!!!!!! rewewrwerwsfa!!!
Aren't I EVIL!!!
*Stares at long post*[09/04/2009 19:41:31]
My school band is going on a Florida trip again this year. I chose not to go; it's too hot for my tastes.
But speaking of trips, I'd love to take a trip to somewhere cold and see it snow on my birthday.
See, even though I live in a moderate climate in which it snows in winter, my birthday falls in the transition from Spring to Summer, so it's too late in the year. Plus, I love the cold and the snow.[09/04/2009 02:19:13]
Pikachu Goddess
I'd at least want to go to Japan once in my life… *begins to daydream about the trip*
[08/04/2009 22:42:01]
I wanna go to Florida.
Switzerland sounds more fun though.
But, the best place to go is:
The only problem is the lack of food, water, warmth, breathable air, electricity, civilization, hamburgers and other humans.
Oh, and the trip's too long.
Dewgong for the spammifier.[08/04/2009 20:40:54]
No! I shall not behave! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Joking aside, I've been out of Canada twice in my life; once just over the border, and another time to Florida.[08/04/2009 19:20:01]
Commenting on: 04-07-09Oh, hey, Switzerland, eh? (Did I just rhyme?) Oh, and congrats on the big milestone! That charizard is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
[08/04/2009 09:27:24]
I remember that you've been to Madrid before, Dragonfree. Have fun in Switzerland – we'll waiting for the honey tree experiment section.
[08/04/2009 07:35:49]
Pikachu Goddess
Have fun in Switzerland. At least you get to go to different countries; I haven't been out of Canada for my whole life.
[08/04/2009 01:41:21]
Commenting on: 04-07-09Experiment? Testing what exactly?
also Switzerland is boring after a bit if you've gone there 10 times before >.> Nice the first few though[08/04/2009 01:30:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesAll the evidence that we have about there potentially being G/S/C remakes in the first place is strictly in relation to now or the fourth generation. There are hints in D/P, like Jasmine and the "Johto" internal location, and then there is the twelfth movie randomly involving the Johto starters and a Pichu. If the fifth generation comes along and there is no G/S/C remake, there is absolutely no reason to think there will be one after that unless new hints come along. Thinking there will be a fifth generation "before" Johto remakes is nonsensical.
And Typhloise, I am assuming that you'll behave for a week. :P[07/04/2009 22:54:47]
Commenting on: 04-07-09I hear that Switzerland is great, and has a very good landscape! Have a good time! Who will be looking after the site, though?
[07/04/2009 19:58:53]
GSDS, I believe that G/S Remakes will come out before.
BUTTERFREE.[07/04/2009 19:13:04]
that's a disappointment…
i <3 platinum
what do you think will come first:
GSC remake
5th generation
i want to know what you think
especially you Butterfree/Dragonfree
what should i call you[07/04/2009 05:02:43]
All I know about Javascript, is that it was invented by a Canadian, and allows multiple people to connect at the same time. I think. I'm probably veery wrong, however.
[06/04/2009 21:40:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesASP and Javascript are completely different things. Javascript is a client-side scripting language used on websites to make static webpages dynamic. ASP is a server-side scripting engine available on Windows servers with which you can use either VBScript or JScript; the syntax of JScript is practically identical to Javascript as they're mostly just different implementations of the same language. The big difference between using Javascript for my free quizzes and using ASP with JScript is that the former is client-side (i.e. requires the user to have Javascript supported and enabled by their browser, and can be seen by a curious viewer looking at the source) and the latter is server-side (i.e. just requires the server to support it, where it will process the script before the page is passed on to the user).
[06/04/2009 14:37:11]
This is just a morbid and somewhat annoying test for those who are too curious.
Curiosity kills the cat.
The actual test is in the spoiler, so if you're too curious, select the spoiler with the mouse.[06/04/2009 10:51:49]
Here's a somewhat different question for everyone.
What is the difference between ASP and JavaScript?[06/04/2009 10:48:17]
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