
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Pikachu Goddess

I'm not sure if I'd call it ironic…

I would get Platinum, but I'm low on cash right now, and my priority is getting more Bleach to read. Damn, it's addicting. Oh, and don't forget unlocking two more achievements in Halo 3 that don't require Live to get. (I just need Orpheus and the one that you have to destroy a vehicle with equipment to get. I'm not sure on what type of vehicle it means, though… >_>)

Heh. I almost typed Smooshum for the spammifier. XD

[23/03/2009 02:19:27]

Some Guy

I first went to this site when it had 900,000 page hits. Not sure when exactly, though.

[22/03/2009 18:52:45]


Heh. When Prof. Rowan asks if you like Pokemon, say no. It's funny what happens.

[22/03/2009 17:35:15]


I did type in "rom's" in Google. It's just that on a couple of the sites, it wouldn't download the roms for me, though. After trying out a couple of sites, I finally found a rom that would download. However, when I tried to access it, it said, "The publisher of this file is not verified, and therefore you cannot extract this file." O_O;

OMG!!! I finally got Platinum! And I bought a huge guide for it also!!! Since my brother's DS broke, he has to play his Platinum on my DS. Because I'm a nice person, I let my brother play it first. So, I'm waiting for him to be finished playing it.

Tying on to what Pikachu Goddess said, I didn't find out about this site until about two years ago. Heck, I didn't know about Serebii until two years ago. *1980's studio audience gasp comes from crowd* I only found out about it after searching, "Pokemon Diamond and Pearl" on Google.

Also, what does GSDS stand for, GSDS? I assume it stands for Gold & Silver for the Nintendo Dual Screen.

[22/03/2009 16:42:03]


i didn't mean to offend anyone

it's just ironic

[22/03/2009 16:37:27]

Pikachu Goddess

Hey, GSDS, I was clueless about this kind of stuff until it was explained by you guys. You can be clueless about some things in Pokémon and still be a Pokémon fan. For instance, I only learned about the existance of fan sites two years ago. That's going most of my life without knowing people made sites about Pokémon that weren't official.

[22/03/2009 14:56:50]

Website: Ultimate Pokemon forums/Pokemon Ultimate Forums

Wonder if the Mystery Zone exists in R/S/E…

[22/03/2009 07:40:59]


oh, why do you want the FireRed ROM

its no fun to play it on the computer

i used to but then i got bored of it

it's much funner (idk why) to play on a real gameboy.

oh, maybe because IT'S LEGAL. jk!!

PLATINUM COMES OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[22/03/2009 05:51:39]


Typhloise, for being such a big pokemon fan, you're kinda clueless.

Google and rom you want

also if you go here then you can get vba's that can trade with each other. open two and trade. read more on the site for the specifics.

[22/03/2009 05:48:24]

Commenting on: 03-05-09

Why did "Art Thieves, Click Here" have to be taken down? It was fun. spammifier rapidash

[22/03/2009 04:29:16]


Yeah, I name my in-game butterfrees Dragonfree too.

Doesn't everyone?

[22/03/2009 01:14:32]

Website: EonRiders

I name my in-game Butterfree(s?how wouls plurals work here?)Dragonfree now xD

Oh, and I have plushies of Butterfree and Charizard and they're sitting next to each other on my desk.

[21/03/2009 22:20:09]


Ok. Now I downloaded a FireRed ROM, but I don't know how to play it.

[21/03/2009 17:08:41]


Yeah, I was looking on the wrong site. I downloaded WinRar and Visual Boy Advance. Where did you get your ROM's, though???

[21/03/2009 13:14:11]




[21/03/2009 13:06:28]


@ Slix : Once. A year and a half ago. I remembered at the end, Butterfree wrote click here blah blah blah at the marquee to claim the prize. Now the method is different, I think. (haven't checked the marquee for 8 months)…

But a thing I don't know is, how did Butterfree hid the source code from the marquee? Miracle? ^^

[21/03/2009 12:25:46]


What specific emulator, though?

[21/03/2009 12:08:29]


Ah, rules! Don't make your post into one sentence, spell properly, and use proper punctuation! Please!

And I thought WinRar was free for the first thirty days. I had it for a while, but they kept asking me to pay for it. I didn't know about ROM's, so I deleted it.

[21/03/2009 11:58:22]

Website: pokemon fans

can you guys help me i'm new to bloging and i have no idea what i am doing i love pokemon and i hope to have a good wed page i need to chage every thing and i dont know were to start or how to start plz send me some in for or a link some thing to start plz thanks and sorry to bother you guys oh i love my nick name buffyeevee sorry eevee but i hope there is no problom with the nick name i love it that all well i hope to get an e mail soon thanks

[21/03/2009 07:21:59]


if i pre ordered platinum

will i be able to get it on the day it comes out or will i have to wait a few days

[21/03/2009 05:26:29]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC