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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Rayviper ForestHi! I'd just like to say, I know you don't appreciate fans requesting sections, but I think you should add one for Pokémon TCG. It's very old, but is also a classic!
[25/03/2009 20:39:00]
Always! My Battle Tower team in Pearl is Staraptor (Speed+Atk), a Lucario (Diverse Move Set), and Typhlosion (Sp. Atk+Sp. Def).
[25/03/2009 19:18:15]
Mew: ruler of the world
Bwahahaha!! I'm getting platinum next week!!!!
P.S.: Butterfree, dont be surprised if the Leta evolution line is stolen by gamefreak and made into the 5th Generation pseudo-legendaries[25/03/2009 12:53:17]
typhloise, do you ev train and look for decent ivs
[25/03/2009 04:37:01]
I'm so sad. Since Platinum's been out, I keep checking in at my local stores. None of them have it, I was late that first day, and they sold out and haven't got any more shipments. I'm so sad…
[25/03/2009 03:33:48]
My brother isn't that young. We get very competitive, and would not want to share our games, just because we like competing against each other.
[25/03/2009 00:14:44]
why dont you want him playing your game (its not like he'll eat it)
i let my sister play my game
the way i see it less training for me
i make my sister train my pokemon (just tell them to play in the grass and fight pokemon!!)[24/03/2009 21:31:13]
dont worry about why
i need to know HOW!!
i just need to know if there is a way to do it[24/03/2009 21:29:31]
What do you mean it's a waste of money? I really don't want him playing MY game.
[24/03/2009 19:14:07]
Some Guy
…Why do you want or need 51 Beldum…?
[24/03/2009 18:52:38]
This site is very creative and error free. I LOVE your sprites and little stories.
[24/03/2009 05:11:53]
can you trade pokemon for nothing in return
i have a whole bunch of beldum that i want to just trade to my platinum but i dont want to catch 51 pokemon to trade back
on wifi or wireless connection??[24/03/2009 00:05:43]
Website: Scyther's Meadow
Commenting on: 03-20-09Don't know what to post so……. Post?
[23/03/2009 23:06:36]
here is a link to a youtube video that gives some links to all the pokemon roms
i don't know if they work but it's worth a shot
the only problem with randomly downloading links is the risk of getting a virus is very high
make sure you have a good antivirus system (i have avast!; works pretty well and IT'S FREE)
best of luck trying to find a ROM that works!!!
when google fails..go to youtube[23/03/2009 21:44:50]
yeah it stands for that. gold silver on the DS. i just made up the name when we were talking about the CoroCoro issue that hinted a new game
but it wasnt the g/s remake :(
and the name just stuck
i guess
the rom was probably not a good rom
i remember i got all my ROMs from one website
it was ages ago sorry typhloise
BTW you and your brother both have platinum
sorry, but what a waste of money!!!![23/03/2009 21:37:38]
Website: Blue Sabre (private) CommunityHello. I'm a Pokemon fan in the distant corner of the world. From all the fan sites that I've seen this is the most amazing one. I simply cannot describe how detailed and, er…, enlightening this site is. Thanks Dragonfree, for taking a lone fan out of darkness into…, whatever, thanks a lot!
[23/03/2009 03:10:38]
Pikachu Goddess
*to get them.
[23/03/2009 02:20:17]
Pikachu Goddess
I'm not sure if I'd call it ironic…
I would get Platinum, but I'm low on cash right now, and my priority is getting more Bleach to read. Damn, it's addicting. Oh, and don't forget unlocking two more achievements in Halo 3 that don't require Live to get. (I just need Orpheus and the one that you have to destroy a vehicle with equipment to get. I'm not sure on what type of vehicle it means, though… >_>)
Heh. I almost typed Smooshum for the spammifier. XD[23/03/2009 02:19:27]
Some Guy
I first went to this site when it had 900,000 page hits. Not sure when exactly, though.
[22/03/2009 18:52:45]
Heh. When Prof. Rowan asks if you like Pokemon, say no. It's funny what happens.
[22/03/2009 17:35:15]
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