
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I already told you Typhloise, you need to download WinRar, then VBA (Visual Boy Advance, a GBA emulator), then the ROM, in that order. Open the folder with the ROM in it and it should have the WinRar symbol and the name of the game beside it. That is the ZIP file with all the game's Read Only Memory in it. Right click the file and click 'Extract Here'

Then the .gba file will be extracted and you must then open it with VBA to play it. Simple, sorta.

Also note that WinRar isn't free. You'll need to pay. :)

[20/03/2009 20:16:56]


Oh, that makes sense. Thanks. =]

Now just to figure out where my Roost TM has gone…

[20/03/2009 06:42:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

aqualta, when you use an EV-lowering berry on a Pokémon with more than 100 effort points in the relevant stat, it will drop immediately down to 100 (mostly to save time for those who want to reset the EVs completely). After that, each one lowers the EV by ten.

[20/03/2009 01:07:13]


=S I'm confused.

I've been trying to download games like FireRed 386 and Emerald 386, but I don't even know how to get started. Can anyone who understands this help me???

[19/03/2009 23:48:04]


Me is puzzled. =S

I was EV training my Togekiss in Special Attack, and decided to check what its IVs could be. It was Lv. 23, had 156 EVs, a Modest nature and a stat of 89. The calculator said that wasn't possible. Then I remembered I'd given it 100 EVs from vitamins before I started training. Of course, that meant I'd maxed out its EVs in Special Attack, never a good thing. No problem, I thought, I'll just give it a Hondew Berry, decreasing its EVs to 245, then I'll train up to 252.

…Except that when I gave it the berry, it wasn't its EVs which decreased by 10 - it was its actual stat. From 89 to 79. I continued training, and it didn't get any massive boost upon levelling, either.

Can anyone explain what was going on?

Espeon spammifier. *hides from Eeveelution fan club*

[19/03/2009 08:26:23]

Pikachu Goddess

Speaking of legendaries, I recruited Palkia, Dialga, Phione, and Darkrai. :3 Darkai is now my team leader for practically all missions.

[19/03/2009 02:48:02]


No, the fifty floor dungeons never actually seemed all that long. It was just the shorter ones. Like the dungeon with Groudon. I think it was 11 floors or something. So I was like: "ZOMG! 11 floors! IS EASY! Let's do that one first!"

And later, after about three floors, I was: "O_O WILL IT NEVER END?"

But I wasn't like that for Kyogre's dungeon, which was considerably longer, 50 floors.

Yeah, MD2 is weird.

And I believe the first 99 floor dungeon was Buried Relic, or something. I went through that at least four times. :D

[18/03/2009 15:50:02]

Commenting on: 03-15-09

What's funny is that I never really noticed the who MD-never-talking-again thing. When I beat Red, I was just "Yay, I can play as other Pokemon now. :DDD". Never gave the partner thing a thought, really. Maybe I'm just weird.

[17/03/2009 20:09:02]

Pikachu Goddess

Urgh, I don't really like the 99 floor dungeons. The first 99 dungeon in MD1 (I can't remember what it's called) really tested my patience.

And I haven't writting a word of fan fiction in God knows how long… x_x

[17/03/2009 19:53:47]


Notice how the 50 floor dungeons in MD2 seem just as long, maybe longer, as the 100 floor dungeons in MD1?

[17/03/2009 16:03:46]


Yeah, I remember that… I owned Lugia in three moves or something with Raichu.

I love those 99 floor dungeons.

[17/03/2009 15:37:29]


I remember when I had MD1 and so did Greenumbreon; we both climbed all 99 stories of one dungeon, just to get Lugia. Whenever one of us would faint, we would just rescue each other.

[17/03/2009 13:28:54]


Ah…the MD music. It's so feel-good! There are few pieces of music that exude happiness as much as the Treasure Town theme. That's why I'm so excited about the Sky Jukebox function in Explorers of the Sky. *hums*

Ouch, bad escort mission…. Pretty much any escort + Warp Trap/Ghost-types/monster house = sheer annoyance. Or, simplified: escort mission = sheer annoyance. =]

[17/03/2009 07:09:22]

Website: Scyther's Meadow
Commenting on: 03-15-09

Wow, you know,I was wondering if you forgot about the Dungeons. Hahaha. I still haven't finshed them myself..*_*

[16/03/2009 21:59:53]


Well, he posted that on the forum about two months ago… He hasn't posted since…

[16/03/2009 20:32:58]


Will he now?

Well, it took long enough.

[16/03/2009 19:16:21]


I was just checking Pokechow, and Blueguy says on the forum that he might start up the comic again! (Pokechow was an awesome comic that hasn't been updated since September 2007.)

[16/03/2009 18:11:47]

Website: Poliwager

I liked Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team better than PMD2. I don't really know why, maybe just because of the better music, or the fact that none of the 4th gen Pokemon that I don't like that much.


[16/03/2009 16:38:15]

Commenting on: 03-15-09

About your review–The end of the mystery dungeon game bothered me, too–it was just so heartbreaking. Thankfully in Time you still have your partner around out of dungeons even though you can still switch leaders around, otherwise I probably would have quit that one too.

And I got the Slaking mission as well–I finally just gave up on it after five tries and about 30 reviver seeds. xP

[16/03/2009 16:00:23]


I too, entirely agree with Butterfree. However, I actually loved the music. Most of it anyway. 'Specially the Silver Trench theme and the Town Square theme.

And MD2 is better in absolutely every way. More character devolepment, way better story, improved gameplay, higher quality music (though the tunes aren't as catchy, I find), every pokemon gets a portrait (not just the ones in the story), the partner never leaves you, and you can't evolve yourself or your partner until you've beaten the 'afterstory', recruited Dialga and Palkia and Manaphy. So yeah. Better games entirely, except for the last part.

Also, I noticed a spelling mistake in 'Is Pokemon Childish?': "In fact, they often nead a bit of repetition to get things fully".

Glameow for the spammifier.

[16/03/2009 14:38:56]

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