Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Pikachu Goddess
Greenunbreon: It's there in Halo 3. I should know; I got all the skulls. Mwee hee hee. >:3
I really want Live, too, but the way my house is built makes it completely inaccessable… I played it at my brother's friends house, and it was insanely fun.
Lucario: I was actually toying with the idea of making it Darkrai Goddess, but I thought it mimicked this screen name too much.
Speaking of which, I decided to keep Pikachu Goddess as a screen name on the guestbook, but in the forums, it
might be Sangheili. I'm not sure if I can let Pikachu Goddess go… so many memories. XD[04/03/2009 01:16:19]
Mew: ruler of the world: How about your favorite pokemon?
Typhloise: w00t![04/03/2009 00:50:16]
I just noticed that there's almost 100 000 more front page hits in the past 24 hours!
[03/03/2009 23:03:14]
More friends! Hello, Mew! I think to answer your question, choose any name that you want! Believe me, if you have chosen a personal username, than the chance of it being taken is 1/10000000000000002.7. Believe me.
Or else.
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!![03/03/2009 20:55:30]
Mew: ruler of the world
Hi, Butterfree, i'm new here. Do you know any usernames that aren't taken?
[03/03/2009 16:55:10]
And neither does Typhloise, but I do. >:)
I'd also like High-speed internet, 'cause then I'd be able to use Xbox Live. But I don't; just stupid dial-up.
Lucario for the spammifier.
*can't think of a poem*[03/03/2009 16:18:52]
Pikachu Goddess: How about Enta Da Darkrai? Or Master Cheif? Or Darkrai Goddess? Just some suggestions.
Typhloise: I don't have an X-box 360 *cries*[03/03/2009 05:49:47]
I've never played Halo. But I want to.
I just beat Call of Duty 5 for Wii twice, and I'm very upset. The only reson I beat it twice, is because I thought that if you beat it and watched the credits, you would unlock a special mode called "Zombie Mode". Figures this is only for the X-box 360 version. Also, co-op mode is only for 360, also. It's still a good game, but I'm upset by the modes that are lost.[02/03/2009 20:29:27]
Commenting on: 02-28-09Good luck on the crossword. And I hope I see the splash soon - though I'm not going into refreshomania because it would take too long you said not to.
[02/03/2009 18:22:14]
Isn't the grunt birthday skull in Halo 2?
[02/03/2009 12:05:06]
Pikachu Goddess
*lols* Aah, Grunts. In Halo 3, there are thirteen golden skulls that you can find to add a few things to the game to make it more challenging and/or interesting. Find the Grunt Birthday Party skull. Shoot a Grunt in the head, and confetti flies out! :D
Get it. It's definately the best out of the three, and the graffics are kickass.
Yep, I am such a nerd.[02/03/2009 03:52:20]
Yeah, Sangheili's pretty good.
But wouldn't you prefer Unggoy?
I want Halo 3.[01/03/2009 22:20:19]
It would be different, but it's your call.
[01/03/2009 20:59:20]
Pikachu Goddess
Thanks. :) I'm thinking, being the Halo nerd that I am, that I'd change it to Sangheili (which means Elite, and they're waaay better than Spartans. :3) . Or, something with Darkrai in it. I don't like Pikachu as much as I used to, so being dubbed as Pikachu Goddess isn't as suitable anymore.
[01/03/2009 16:47:55]
I think that Pikachu Goddess is a great username. What do you intend to change it to?
[01/03/2009 16:04:11]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-28-09A colored version of it, yes.
[01/03/2009 12:44:55]
Mew: ruler of the world
Commenting on: 02-28-09Meep, Meep, happy birthday! Mew rules! and so do you!
[01/03/2009 06:53:24]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 02-28-09Darn, I was going to refreshomania.
Wait, so are you going to use that picture you posted on your Math Doodles at the TCoD forums for the splash?[01/03/2009 05:04:47]
I'm a Tyranitar, which is also my favorite Pokemon!
[28/02/2009 21:55:18]
Pikachu Goddess
I'm Mewtwo, and I have to say, it matches me perfectly.
Do you think I should change my screen name? I think the one I'm currently using sounds a bit… odd, according to my taste. Of course I would still use Pikachu Goddess elsewhere, but just for the guestbook and the forums. But still, should I?[28/02/2009 21:09:24]
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