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No, GSDS, I had heard about that. But even if a Gold/Silver remake is going to be announced, it will be awhile before it is actually available in North America! (Or Europe.)
[13/02/2009 14:36:51]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesCoroCoro is a Japanese magazine that is always used for the promotion of new Pokémon anything. Usually almost all of the information we know about an upcoming Pokémon game before its Japanese release comes from CoroCoro.
And the hint spoken of is that the page about the twelfth movie has the Johto starters being prominent, which would be decidedly odd of them to do randomly now if they don't have any big plans for Johto coming up. There is no actual textual evidence that there will be a Gold/Silver remake, but it certainly seems to suggest that something is up.[13/02/2009 10:51:08]
GSDS: What's CoroCoro???
o_O[13/02/2009 07:22:31]
Typhloise: Yeah, I thought her appearing in D/P was kinda weird. I thought maybe there was like a portal to Johto or something. And I was one of the dissapointed fans when it came out that it was a fake… *cries*
GSDS: Much better. I think your new name sounds cool. *proceeds to rip off* Do you have your own pokemon site?[13/02/2009 07:12:20]
changed my name (was dumb***, a bit inappropriate)
Typhloise, have you heard nothing!!
there was a hint in the next issue of CoroCoro there will be a remake of GS
I wasn't just asking a random quiestion
so the "near future" may be nearer than we think[13/02/2009 03:55:30]
It certainly did hint a lot throughout the game. Especially when Jasmin appeared in Sunyshore!
I think there might be a Gold/Silver remake in the near future, but I don't want to get my hopes up. A couple of years ago there was a thing over the internet where a supposed game box cover for a Gold/Silver remake was shown. There was a ton of hype; I saw them, and they looked pretty real! Figures they were fakes, though…[13/02/2009 00:44:27]
so you really think there will be a GSC remake?
*jumping up and down*
i'm really excited!!!!!!!!![12/02/2009 22:13:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesAn homage is basically a reference in the form of a little nod to another work. People have been pointing out references to G/S/C in Diamond and Pearl (everything from the news report on the Red Gyarados at the beginning of the game to the fact that they have "Johto" as a built-in possible location for a Pokémon to have been caught to the Secretpotion Key Item to "OMG LOOK THEY BROUGHT THE NIGHT-ONLY POLICEMEN BACK SO THEY MUST BE REMAKING G/S/C!") and calling them signs that they'll be making a remake.
[12/02/2009 09:24:07]
EvilPenguin, sorry about that. I got very very very bored one night and well…
LOL you thought I would write another poem for a second there! Don't worry, i'll stop.[12/02/2009 06:51:40]
dumb***, I'm gonna slap you stupid! Oh, too late! LOL!
[12/02/2009 06:38:38]
what does homage mean?
[12/02/2009 01:36:54]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's not exactly a matter of when they have the "chance" to release a Gold/Silver remake. The previous "hints" have all been easily explainable as homages; not so with suddenly deciding to prominently feature four perfectly ordinary, non-legendary Pokémon from a generation that by now is pretty much obsolete in a movie. I've been skeptical with most of the other stuff, but this seems like a bit too much for just a homage.
[11/02/2009 21:00:34]
I don't think that they're going to release a Gold/Silver remake with the new movie. There's been lots of chances before, why now? I'm surprised that Nintendo hasn't created one yet, though.
[11/02/2009 20:39:36]
Website: lake of rageI wish they would make a johto remake. Then I would get that. I am very mad. I can't find my diamond. I have a red gyarados on it.
[11/02/2009 19:25:26]
Heh, the Johto starters are on the twelfth movie poster. I'd love it so much if they were plugging Gold/Silver remakes. Then again, when I jump to conclusions, I'm usually wrong. =[ We shall see.
[11/02/2009 18:02:10]
Commenting on: 02-04-09Sections That Suck FTW!
And I wanna learn Japanese.
And the design modifications sound great.
And the fandom guide sounds great too.
Kingdra![10/02/2009 16:41:50]
Commenting on: 02-04-09Yay for new polls! PLEASE try to get the crossword done soon, I did the last one and the clue game, and now I'm bored without rediculously evil questions.
[09/02/2009 22:23:16]
"I got a cute little Tancat for having way too much time on my hands :D
T_T I have so many assignments to work on, yet I spend my time reading all of your old one-shots and finding easter eggs like that one ^…[09/02/2009 03:15:01]
EvilPenguin is sick; he wants the poems to cease now; they give him headaches.
[09/02/2009 02:53:36]
Pikachu Goddess
Whee, my band went to Edmonton for a band trip! ^^ We went to the West Edmonton Mall, and there was a really big Chapters there. I bought a few Bleach comics. :D There was also some Pokémon manga, but I ran out of money around then, which also prevented me from buying a nice silver Bleach bag and a Legend of Zelda shirt… But still, it was fun!
And my room mate wasn't all too great. She left a pizza box on my bed and watched cartoons on the hotel TV. >_<
So there. I'm happy. :D[09/02/2009 01:38:24]
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