Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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KINGLER has enormous, oversize grip arm. It undulates this enormous grip arm in the sky to inform to with d'autres. However because the grip arm is so heavy, the POKEMON fatigues fast.
Apparently Kingler has an arm that's too big for him, which he uses for gripping. And he undulates it so people in the sky with d'autres will get the message. But it's so heavy that he fatigues.
KINGLER has enormous arm and of great measure of the taken one. It undulates this enormous arm of the taken one in the sky to inform with to d'autres. However because the arm of the taken one is therefore heavy, the POKEMON tires fastly.
So now Kingler's arm is borrowed from someone who has been taken. The taken one gave it to Kingler so he can undulate it and d'autres in the sky will get the signal and know that the taken one has been taken. But the taken one's arms are much bigger than Kingler's, so Kingler gets tired soon.[01/02/2009 16:44:43]
If your nose becomes annoying, while slept, it's sure un'indicazione qu'un of these POKEMON over your shock-absorber is held and tried in order to eat your dream from your narici.
I read this in Babelfished. Apparently an annoying, slept nose indicates a Drowzee is on trial over your shock-absorber. And if the Drowsee loses, the judge eats the dream that you had at your narici.[01/02/2009 16:32:49]
Just in a couple of articles, the paragraphs do not start off with a capital.
I've been playing around with web design for a bit, but I'm confused with one part. I want to insert my pictures, but it won't let me insert them, because they're bitmap. It wants me to change them to GIF. However, when I do this, the pictures look weird and blurrier. How do I change this?
Was so prissy,
Because she wore pink,
I think.[01/02/2009 16:25:14]
Website: lake of rageTyphloise: Where are the mistakes can you name a few. And the Odd Page is a page with a changed layout like the backround might be pink and the border around the banner might be orange and one side bar white and the other lime green. It is just a page with a messed up layout. It is an origanall idea of mine. At least I think 0_o… I got a butterfree for spam prevention.
[01/02/2009 14:46:47]
More rhyming!
Went on Vouge,
Where he took pictures,
Of lighting fixtures!
Spelled it wrong. Oops. Zubat!
Was very fat,
So he had liposuction,
Which caused a reduction,
In his flying,
But increased his chances of dieing.
(O.O)[01/02/2009 14:23:38]
Ugh, Dragonfree, you ought to change your splash screen text.
"Pokémon is (copyright) 1995-2008 Nintendo."
It's 2009 now.[01/02/2009 09:28:42]
I visited Lake of Rage. You know how you said you fixed all of the grammar mistakes? Well, there are a couple of capitalization errors. And spelling mistakes. And I don't get the "odd page" in the fun section.
Had a disc,
That had illegal movies,
Because they contained… um… Mammaries?
It's not my fault! I just happen to think of dirty rhymes! Maybe if I try a different spammifier…
Was covered with moss,
Which made him itchy,
And also bit…
Ugh.[01/02/2009 01:54:43]
Sorry Butterfree, I didn't notice. Hey, I'm working on putting me and Raikou's den on the internet. I'll post the link when it's done.
[01/02/2009 01:42:58]
Raikou, shmaikou, I think it sucks, and i'm out of luck.
[01/02/2009 01:37:02]
Hi, wassup? Let's see, wailmer… Wailmer, looking at a pail o' fur, thinking should I sail her, it needs a nail ther.Wait, I'll try again… Wailmer, fail fur, I like you, but not the loo? Boy, I suck at poetry.
[01/02/2009 01:35:04]
"Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends." Let's be nice, okay?
[01/02/2009 01:27:24]
Website: lake of rageTaite: Sorry, you guys hate it when I say something wrong. And no reason to be rude.
[31/01/2009 19:44:29]
Pikachu Goddess
EE: Oh my God, I remember that too! :DDDD We should do that again some time. It was super fun.
Oh, and I found in the In-Game Humour section that you spelt Lucas with a "g" instead of a "c" in the "Evil Assistant"(?) thingy.[31/01/2009 16:41:08]
Website: I Hate Twilight@lakeofrage: Wow, couldn't have guessed THAT. Your sarcasm is so subtle, it confounds us all. Wow.
On an unrelated note, I'm tired, bored, and hungry, but too lazy to get food.[31/01/2009 13:50:29]
Website: lake of rageI have not posted or been on the interwebs for a while, I have been sick. I had the flu. And I know I said interwebs and not internet. It is being sarcastic.
[30/01/2009 23:10:07]
El Garbanzo
Commenting on: 01-28-09The In-Game Humor page has a small mistake…
Near the end of the G/S/C section, it says that Missingno's type is Bird/Water… but it's actually Bird/Normal.
It does learn Water Gun (twice!), but it isn't an actual Water-type.[30/01/2009 22:40:46]
Evoli, you can say anything you want on the guestbook! That's the joy of it!
(Except double posting, inappropriate language, mindless ranting, or being purely mean.)
Hmmm… Gorebyss. How can I make a poem for that?
Had to take a… This isn't working out.[30/01/2009 12:46:01]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-09@_@ Again with this? The one from Caterpie's Corner is called Shady with no e and is completely unrelated, and "Shadey" is just my nickname for my boyfriend who actually goes by "Shade" or "Aziraphail" those few times I drag him online.
[30/01/2009 11:58:45]
Commenting on: 01-01-09Is your boyfriend the same Shadey as the one at Caterpie's Corner?
[30/01/2009 05:11:51]
No, music will not play while a laptop is in sleep-mode. But if you change the settings, by clicking the little battery icon in the bottom right of the screen, you can set it so the computer will not go into sleep mode when you close it, so it will continue playing music.
But that's not what you want, is it NotPokemon?
Well, I haven't posted in a while, have I?
Mainly because I haven't had much interesting to say.
Swinub for the spammifier.
Swinub was a fuzzy pig,
That lived in that icy cave.
The jynx made it want to dance a jig,
And the sneasel's violence made it want to rant and rave.[30/01/2009 02:29:02]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC