
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Wow, I love your sprites, Dragonfree!

[25/01/2009 21:50:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I have no idea; I don't use either of them. :/

[25/01/2009 19:27:08]

antivirus searcher

which is a better antivirus program

AVG or Avast

or is there a better one than that

what would you recommend butterfree

[25/01/2009 05:23:02]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

:/ I'm kind of hopeless at scratch sprites most of the time, and I'm especially no good at felines. I mean, I might if I happened to get around to it, but I have other fake Pokémon I'd rather be spriting if I actually did feel up to it.

[24/01/2009 21:38:24]


yeah I read that and I would like to see what they would look like too. (swampert :o)

[24/01/2009 20:59:42]

Website: EonRiders

Would you ever make sprites of the Pokemon on your 'How to make fake Pokemon page'? I'm interested on what the Malkee family would look like.

[24/01/2009 19:28:13]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I added Pikachu's Hideaway fairly recently, yes.

[24/01/2009 16:07:03]


Dragonfree, did you add a new affiliate recently? I saw there's something new…

[24/01/2009 09:19:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It should be quite obvious that I can't answer that. :P

[23/01/2009 03:05:20]


one more question about the quest for the legends, did Chaletwo bring Mitch back to life? (got sableye this time)

[23/01/2009 00:52:42]

antivirus searcher

which is a better free antivirus program

AVG or Avast

or is there a better one than that

what would you recommend butterfree

[22/01/2009 21:39:09]

Pikachu Goddess

That's uncanny. ._.

[22/01/2009 21:06:15]

Website: www.suckmykiss/

that isnt as weird as getting pokemon whose name starts with S every time! (I got seadra this time!)

[22/01/2009 01:09:28]


I got Vulpix for the Spam-prevention thing. It's really weird because, according to your "What Pokémon are You?" quiz, I'm a Ninetales.

[21/01/2009 05:50:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Zurutei is right. Chalenor is a legendary, Mutark is your average gimmick Pokémon. If they're side by side in the sprite gallery, it's because I made the sprites around the same time.

[20/01/2009 23:25:13]

Pikachu Goddess

Er, shouldn't that be something for Butterfree to answer, Zurutei? :/

I'm working on getting the legendaries in Explorers of Darkness right now. So far I have Dialga and Palkia (plus Cresselia and Manaphy). I'll have to finish that before the new PMD, apparently.

I finally finished a chapter in my second fic, while my first fic is completely inactive. Go me.

As for my favourite candy bar, I'd have to say… Kit Kat.

[20/01/2009 21:06:48]


No. Mutark is not related to Chalenor, in any way. Mutark is a regular, Dark-type Pokémon, unlike the legendary Chalenor.

[19/01/2009 20:41:06]

Website: www.suckmykiss/

Question! Mutark doesn't evolve into anything does it? from reading the quest for legends I figured Chalenor is a legendary but in your sprite gallery you have them next to each other and they look like they could be related?

[19/01/2009 19:48:03]


Christmasmike: You probably know, but Hidden Power depends on an individual Pokémon's IVs. If you haven't found one already, try's 4th Gen IV Calculator for finding a Pokémon's HP type and power. Hope that helps.

I've heard that in the World Hobby Fair today, there might be some details about the twelfth movie, maybe even the release of Arceus! Should be a good news day.

[19/01/2009 07:59:32]


I have too much time on my hands, so I've decided to get a Living Pokédex and transferring it to my Ranch.

[19/01/2009 02:20:39]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC