
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I got a shiny! Yay! ^_^


made a big explosion

it blew everyone up

including it's luck

How did it do that?

did it stomp on a mat?

its too dark to tell

Maybe it fell?

We don't know for sure,

maybe it burped?

Fin or The End

[06/02/2009 06:30:09]



Chinchou's neat

it hardly has feet

can't you see

they're shaped like beans?

and what about it's eyes

boy, they look like he died

Maybe he should find

a better pace to hide?


Boy, that doesn't make sense, but i'll post it anyway ^__^

[06/02/2009 06:23:28]


Okay, I'll tryagain on the poetry… Seel. That's easy! Okay, here goes…


Hungry for a meal

Wish he could have

a really great bath

as you can tell

he doesn't even have a shell

he's homeless

but not love-less

this is getting kinda mush

he'll probably go in a…

Ok, it stops here.

[06/02/2009 06:19:18]

Zeta Reticuli
Commenting on: 02-04-09

Oh, wow! These "potential sections" all sound great! Well, maybe except for the one about learning Japanese, but still.

[06/02/2009 05:55:23]
Website: Leafeon's cave of Grass

Heya!Cool site!Want to affie?Message me at my site!

[06/02/2009 02:18:42]


Hey, does anyone have a suggestion or two for a free web host? Thank you! Ok, poems…Abomasnow!? I won't even start.

[06/02/2009 00:04:38]


Is it a bad sign that the first thing I think of when I see "Mafia" is Ayasaki Hayate being sold to the yazuka to pay off his parents' gambling debts? …. Nevermind.

[05/02/2009 14:25:31]

Emerald Espeon

Haha, I always pick the "You suck." option. I'm…not completely sure why. I've just been doing it for years :P

I haven't played Mafia in years…I've pretty much forgotten how to play it.

[05/02/2009 01:46:01]



Was a bit too rough

With a pile of stuff

And a ball of fluff

So it tried to be tough

And look really buff

But it wasn't up to snuff

That's enough

[05/02/2009 01:15:25]

Pikachu Goddess

I remember playing Mafia with a bunch of friends - not on the forums, though.

[05/02/2009 00:50:09]

Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 02-04-09

Heh, I love how there's always a "You suck" option.

[05/02/2009 00:06:51]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Wikipedia explains it?

Basically, two main factions, Mafia and Innocent; the Mafia kill people in the night, and everybody votes on a person to lynch in the day, based on what they perceive as being suspicious behavior, in the hopes that that person is a member of the Mafia. Continue until either the Mafia have killed everybody or all the Mafia members have been killed. But then you add all sorts of twisted roles to it that do different things in the night and make it fun.

[04/02/2009 23:57:30]


What exactly do you do in, "Mafia"? And why is it the greatest game in the world.

[04/02/2009 23:32:07]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's because I'm making a hack to automate most of the game and it's not finished.

[04/02/2009 03:40:24]

Pikachu Goddess

It was a large, popular forum game. I'm not sure why it's not running again.

[04/02/2009 01:19:13]


I was on the forums lately, when I noticed a section called, "Mafia". What is it? It has no posts…

[04/02/2009 00:10:37]

Pikachu Goddess

*stares at the poetry with a blank expression*… Where do you find the time to write random poetry like that? O_o

[03/02/2009 23:15:51]



[03/02/2009 20:28:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

How would I know? It's just some random website I found that lists free hosts. I've only even looked at it once or twice.

[03/02/2009 14:49:20]


Hey, Butterfree, I wasd looking at free web hosters on your HTML guide for no reason, and it won't let you access heliohost? Why is that?

[03/02/2009 12:11:16]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC