
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: lake of rage

My brother had me see the ip addresses. That is all i know i think he just found the ip addresses of the individual people but still. And the impersonator could be anyone in my house. We all are on a sub-network thing. That shares one big ip address. So it could be anyone in the house that has seen me on the computer.

[15/01/2009 00:51:02]


I just checked Serebii, and there's a new Mystery Dungeon game coming out!

[14/01/2009 20:19:10]


Whoa. Butterfree's mad, lakeofrage. You better stop trying to convince us you can do impossible things.

[14/01/2009 20:16:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

For the last time, your brother cannot just magically "make it" so that you can see the IP addresses! How in the world do you think your browser is supposed to know that this random bit of HTML is even a post submitted by somebody as opposed to some random crap I wrote?

[14/01/2009 18:38:58]

Website: lake of rage

ok Gacatail. And butterfree my brother just made it so i could see the ip addresses. And i'm using his computer. well laptop. That is why i have not posted.

[14/01/2009 18:13:25]


lakeofrage- Your spelling depresses me. Disregarded is not hyphenated, "theiry"=theory, "petifile"=pedophile, "malest"=molest, and "musketiers"=musketeers. And no offense, but I don't think those people were talking to you, considering this is the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook, not yours.

[14/01/2009 01:14:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Huh? Intentional? That's the whole point. To get the form to post a new entry in the guestbook, you need to add ?do=post to the URL.

[13/01/2009 14:31:15]


I just noticed that in the URL right now, it says, "do=post". Was that intentional?

[13/01/2009 11:58:01]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There is more than one way to get an IP address from a person. There is no way for you to get the IP address from which a post in this guestbook was made unless you are me.

[13/01/2009 08:14:07]

Website: lake of rage

butterfree: Um there is always more than one way to get an ip address. And is the ip address the same if all the computers of a house are networked together. Because that is what it is in my house. And my older brother is using a laptop.

Pantera: very good I was waiting for someone to notice that.

sreservoir: ok well thank you. for finding many mistakes and i'm fixing it. Right now. And in my "underworld" and just about anyone else who's taken the time to look at a page and read it before critisism. AAP stands for Anti-Anti-Pokémon.

Vappy (aka Sarah): thank you. :].

EvilPenguin: thankyou for topic change and my fav candy is three musketiers.

jason: were you talking to me?

[13/01/2009 00:14:54]


Pantera: Try using a Compoundeyes pokemon - it increases the likely hood that a wild pokemon will hold an item, so you can have some more success

[12/01/2009 23:41:44]


I was reading back a few comments and noticed the conversation about whether LakeofRage was a 40 year old in Missouri. I know it's kind of old, but did anyone else notice that he actually misspelled Missouri? If it was his home state, I think he'd know how to spell it.

[12/01/2009 22:55:25]


I'm so unlucky. I've been looking for a Lucky Egg, but it keeps eluding me.

…It's not catching the Chansey that's the problem. I'm using Thief! It's just there's a 20% chance of finding Chansey, and a 5% chance that any Chansey you find will hold a Lucky Egg. That's a 1% chance of finding a Chansey with Lucky Egg; one part of one hundred.

[12/01/2009 22:39:57]

Website: The Black Blood Alliance

This is a nice site I really like it and I give it a million thumbs!!!

[12/01/2009 21:40:53]

Website: Pokemon Ultimatum

coool site (8

check mine out sometime?

[12/01/2009 20:23:07]

El Garbanzo

Another strange message from the Ultimate Type Tool (this time, when using R/B/Y typechart–it never happened while using the current typechart):

"Psychic/Rock is weak to:






Undefined? My first guess would have been "the R/B/Y type chart trying to find Dark but it isn't there," but then I tried Ghost/Dragon, Psychic/Dragon, and Psychic/Bug and none of those came up with an "undefined" on the end. Weird…

[12/01/2009 17:16:35]


Evilpenguin, my fav candy is Butterfingers.

[12/01/2009 12:13:40]


Lol. That was some humor from lakeofrage for one day!

[12/01/2009 12:12:25]


*sigh* Trainer sent out EvilPenguin! EvilPenguin used Topic Change! The Topic was changed to: Favorite Candy! EvilPenguin's favorite candy is Milky Way bars!

[12/01/2009 12:12:01]


to lakeofrage:

a. it has blue-on-blue graphics

b. you can't spell

c. you stole your disclamer from tCoD

d. you are not plural

e. even the GSC LoR had normal-coloured gyarados

f. you seem not to have noticed that pok?mon is a proper noun

g. your affiliates page is named 'afiliate.html'

h. you have an affiliates section without any actual affiliates

i. your header varies, but is predetermined on each page

j. the hangman page has annoying alerts

k. the red gyarados appeared in three games

l. it is fully possible to be in mahogany before cianwood

m. 'by the story'?

n. it calls itself 'Psypoke'

o. the convention is major/minor for dual-types

p. only you are making errors

q. what in your underworld of choice is an error tip?

r. your pages are incomprehensible

s. sapphire

t. no punctuation in titles (excepting continuations)

u. it is an address, not an e-mail

v. 'pok?mon flamers' is on two lines

w. what in your underworld of choice is AAP supposed to mean?

x. space after punctuation (except open brackets)

y. don't use font sizes larger than your title

z. ran out of letters


[12/01/2009 01:04:03]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC