Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt is very easy to get IP addresses if the page they're posting on logs them and shows them, but as it happens this guestbook doesn't show IP addresses unless you're me. Your browser has no idea that the text posted on this page was written by different people or what their IPs are. It's stored in the database, but the guestbook doesn't actually get the IPs from the database unless the person viewing the page is me. There is no way you could get to them.
And… those two IPs you gave are the same. You know what the asterisk means? It's a wildcard - "any number here", used to be less specific. 24.62.120.* is just with the last number blotted out. You just dug your own grave.
(As a matter of fact, yes, the specific IP of both "you" and the "impersonator" is exactly the same -
El Garbanzo, thanks for pointing that out; I fixed it.[12/01/2009 00:03:34]
The Ultimate Type Tool is awesome, but I've found one little error: Poison doesn't come up when you search for the Ghost type's resistances.
[11/01/2009 22:55:31]
The Ultimate Type Tool is awesome, but I've found an error: Poison doesn't come up when you search for the Ghost type's resistances.
Specifically, I searched for all resistances of the Ghost/Dark type combination, which should have showed a resistance to Poison but nothing else… instead, it gave me the "None found" message.
Checked again with pure Ghost type, and Bug and a custom type I made both showed up, but still no Poison.[11/01/2009 22:41:21]
Vappy (aka Sarah)
Website: Vappy's OceanI love your site! Come visit mine sometime!
[11/01/2009 22:22:30]
Website: lake of rageGing x: And how do you know I was not just lying and. I know because I am 11. It was to prove a piont to someone that i could be someone that is not a kid. and it was missoury. Not michigan. And butterfree is right why would a petifile fly to iceland to malest and rape one particular person. And sorry pikachu goddess. I am not trying to be negative. But someone impersonated me. And it could most likely be my brother. Because he is a big hacker. He could really do some crippling viruses.
butterfree: you know it is rather easy to get ip addresses. And how are you so smart in finding ours? Also I know my ip address. Compare this one " * " to the impersonator. which on the ip is " 24.62.120.*. ".[11/01/2009 22:13:44]
What's AQWorlds?
[11/01/2009 19:30:27]
Ging x
Actually lakeofrage, on your website it says your 11. Yes, I was dumb enough to check his website. So that means your a kid, not a 40 year old man from Michigan.
[11/01/2009 19:12:28]
Pikachu Goddess
I remember someone tried to impersonate me, but they spelt my username with one "d". XD
lakeofrage, just stop. I'm getting sick of all these negative comments.
I happened again. In my Explorers of Darkness, I was in Dark Crater and when I started one time, there were about six items, an Arcanine right beside my party, and a Combusken near a doorway at the far end of the room. The stairs were also at the top of the room. I wound up reseting the game later on after that floor since I died twice, and a few tries after that room, I got back to it again. Same items, layout, everything. Weird, huh? I also recall that happen to me at Temporal Tower.[11/01/2009 19:11:06]
Everyone that plays AQWorlds, do no put on Peasent armor!!! It is a glitch, and if you do all your armor and items will be gone!
[11/01/2009 18:55:31]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesDon't be ridiculous. If you're a 40-year-old man from Missouri pretending to type wrong while collecting info on all of us, then you're:
1) Certainly not one bit more likable than if you're just a kid with a Pokémon website
2) Still acting rather stupid and immature, giving us the right to criticize it
3) Very bad at collecting info on all of us, since you have no access to that sort of info; you don't even know our IPs or anything beyond our online aliases. Okay, fine, you can find out my real name, but it's not like some random pedophile from Missouri would ever bother flying to Iceland just to go after one particular eighteen-year-old when at the same time he could be offering candy to ten little kids in his neighborhood.[11/01/2009 16:42:30]
Website: lake of rageYamiiDenryuu: I have no clue what HiguNaku is. And a killing spree. That is for people that all they do is play video games where you get to shoot up towns. And if you die you respawn 10 seconds later. Also how do you know I'm a kid. I could be a 40 year old man from missoury for all you know. And what if I just pretend to type wrong huh? what will you do if that is me. And i'm collecting info on all you guys right now what if that is what i do?
[11/01/2009 16:21:17]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…uh, Secret Power doesn't change with the Pokémon. It changes depending on the location you are in in the game when you use it (e.g. it can put the opponent to sleep when you're in tall grass, or make the opponent flinch when you're in a cave).
[11/01/2009 05:50:09]
Website: www.suckmykiss/notarealwebsitesodontclickhere.comI know what would be a good idea! make a page that can tell people what each pokemons secret power does and its effects n stuff! (the move secret power) plus I also couldnt help but notice how each time Ive posted a comment Ive gotten a pokemon whos name starts with S!
[11/01/2009 05:46:02]
Dragonfree, your D/P VS seeker is really helpful, but if you've reached Stark Mountain and caught Heatran. Ooh, I've just defeated Wake this morning, so 4 gyms+elite fours left to finish…
Grrrr….[11/01/2009 03:37:46]
They aren't gonna stop, kid. Give up, go watch HiguNaku, go on a killing spree. Except for the HiguNaku part, of course. I mean the killing spree part. I did not misspeak at all.
[11/01/2009 03:00:30]
Website: lake of ragedrksky_light: yes that is the piont. Lake of rage. has red gyarados. And then about red gyarados. And my grammar has gotten better and I am making my site grammatically correct but I have not updated since i don't care. And ARGH!!! I give up trying to explain myself to people. So any comments made about the post directed at me will be dis-regarded. also If this does not stop I will stop posting and caring.
[11/01/2009 01:43:58]
Don't they have a shiny, red Gyarados on G/S/C's lake of rage?
[10/01/2009 09:23:39]
Disclaimer from LOR:
I promise to all of my viewers that my site should nothing exept contain nothing except accurate information.For example, all information you will find here will be true, unless I 1) clearly state that said information is false, 2) do not know the truth,(wich will be told.) or 3) did not know it at the time of writing the information(wich will be told.), and have not updated the section since. If you spot cases of 2) or 3), please report them by and they will be fixed as soon as possible.
Pokémon, Gyarados and all other Pokémon characters are © 1995-2008 Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures. Inc. This website is ONLY the work of a fan.non-official graphics and content ©2008 houndourm/LOR/lakeofrage unless stated diffrently.
Look familiar? It should.
Disclaimer from TCoD:
I hereby promise to all of my visitors that my site should only contain accurate, up-to-date information. For example, all cheats on this site have been personally tested by me. All information you will find here will therefore be true, unless I a) clearly state that said information is false, b) do not know the truth, or c) did not know it at the time of writing said information, and have not updated the section since. If you spot cases of b) or c), please report them via this form and they will be fixed as soon as possible.
Pokémon, Pikachu and all other Pokémon characters are © 1995-2008 Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures. Inc. This website is purely the work of a fan.
All layouts, non-official graphics and content © 2002-2008 Butterfree/Dragonfree/antialiasis unless otherwise stated.
Art thieves suck.
And any things that I saw that were partly dragonfree's I either deleted or made so far away from being dragonfree's that you would not notice. and i did not copy anything from dragonfree's site.
So do liars.[10/01/2009 03:58:05]
Lake Of Rage, before you do anything, you need to make your site- and your guestbook posts here, for that matter- grammatically correct. I can't read it at all. It's burning my eyes out.
Groudon for the spammifier, w00t![10/01/2009 01:04:36]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflieslakeofrage, the other post was made from the same IP as these posts. :/
EvilPenguin, please don't flame.
And why wouldn't Pokémon reproduce sexually just because it's family-friendly media? Take any kids' show involving real-world animals, and they will reproduce sexually; you just don't see them do it, because that's not what your target audience is interested in.[09/01/2009 23:04:58]
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