
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: I Hate Twilight

@ Pikachu Goddess: Bulbapedia says 30.

[04/01/2009 02:22:42]

Pikachu Goddess

Where I am the gas prices are in the 70's. Waaaay better than the 113.9 that was in the summer. x_x

Does anyone know how much floors are in the Concealed Ruins (in Explorers of Darkness)?

[04/01/2009 02:02:09]

Website: Harley and Brock Love!

Thank you!

Don't worry, I wont! I'm not a meanie! =D

[04/01/2009 01:59:08]


Hi! I love this site!

[03/01/2009 18:51:50]

Website: Lake of Rage

It wont let me post what I want so I will email it to you butterfree.

[03/01/2009 18:39:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

lakeofrage: …so, um, does your host even have ASP? Are you even using a linked style sheet?

Arcanine Ood: Thank you. :3 Alerts are Javascript; the function is alert("something");, but it has to be placed within script tags. For the love of God, don't use them just for the hell of it, though.

[03/01/2009 16:32:11]

Arcanine Ood
Website: Harley and Brock Love!


I just want to say I LOVE this site.

Your sprites are amazing! I especially love that one with Gardevoir in a black dress.

You know that rant page with the alerts? How do you make alerts? *new to website thing, sorry!*


[03/01/2009 16:15:31]

Website: Lake of Rage

I got it from

[03/01/2009 15:30:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

lakeofrage, it would suffice to tell me where you got it. :/

Typhloise: Well, partly, but we're also thriving on the tourist industry these days. That and all the banks that just went bankrupt and their various moneymaking schemes outside of Iceland.

[03/01/2009 11:38:44]



Thank you very much for the tutorials.

They helped a lot.

Happy New Year to you!!


[03/01/2009 08:56:36]

Website: I Hate Twilight

Yesh! After a long while, my spriter's block (lol, pun) is over!

*ish happy*

[02/01/2009 17:26:20]

Website: lake of rage

Well do you want me to PM it to you over serebii forums? Because it's a long script.

[02/01/2009 14:42:54]


Isn't Iceland's main income is through the fishery? How's that being infected?

[02/01/2009 13:10:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

lakeofrage: Well, I can't really help you if you don't provide basic information like what kind of a style switcher script you are using and the links to your stylesheets. :/

drksky_light: Well, in Iceland all the banks pretty much went bankrupt and we all of a sudden have a huge national debt thanks to how much they screwed up before that happened.

[02/01/2009 05:07:25]


The economic crisis? Urgh, yes, it's disturbing my life. There's a chance the oil's price in my country bounced up really high.

Actually, how worse it is in Iceland?

And, when you're going to renew the site poll?

[02/01/2009 03:52:16]

Pikachu Goddess

Happy New Year! *throws confetti*

I played Halo 3 on X-Box Live yesterday while my family and some of their friends were celebrating, and I have to say it was insanely fun. There were a bunch of people there I wiped the floor with (I got MVP for the game), but I guess that's because I was using an account that hasn't been on Live before.

(Everyone: … A girl plays Halo? O_o)

As for myself, 2009 is probably the second year of visiting this site.

… And I'm making an alternate sprite to a hybrid I made a couple months ago. I hope it turns out okay.

[02/01/2009 03:44:34]


Whoo, Happy New Year! :D 2009 will be my 5th year of visiting this site (officially five years in August). I've also been reading tQFtL for about that long. It's amazing how time flies.

Also…. Lugia for the spammifier. Which Starred in Pokemon 2000… maybe I'm weird for seeing irony in that? Oh well, ignore me then. XD

[02/01/2009 01:38:43]

Website: lake of rage

sorry I did not ask this before. But My style switcher won't affect the backround or text can you help?

[02/01/2009 00:21:09]

Website: lake of rage

Sorry. I did not mean to spam. I have only got one oppinion fof my website. Wich is yours.

[02/01/2009 00:04:49]


what exactly DO you have to do to get in? Write an essay?

[01/01/2009 22:21:54]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC