Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: www.suckmykiss/notarealwebsitesodontclickhere.comI know what would be a good idea! make a page that can tell people what each pokemons secret power does and its effects n stuff! (the move secret power) plus I also couldnt help but notice how each time Ive posted a comment Ive gotten a pokemon whos name starts with S!
[11/01/2009 05:46:02]
Dragonfree, your D/P VS seeker is really helpful, but if you've reached Stark Mountain and caught Heatran. Ooh, I've just defeated Wake this morning, so 4 gyms+elite fours left to finish…
Grrrr….[11/01/2009 03:37:46]
They aren't gonna stop, kid. Give up, go watch HiguNaku, go on a killing spree. Except for the HiguNaku part, of course. I mean the killing spree part. I did not misspeak at all.
[11/01/2009 03:00:30]
Website: lake of ragedrksky_light: yes that is the piont. Lake of rage. has red gyarados. And then about red gyarados. And my grammar has gotten better and I am making my site grammatically correct but I have not updated since i don't care. And ARGH!!! I give up trying to explain myself to people. So any comments made about the post directed at me will be dis-regarded. also If this does not stop I will stop posting and caring.
[11/01/2009 01:43:58]
Don't they have a shiny, red Gyarados on G/S/C's lake of rage?
[10/01/2009 09:23:39]
Disclaimer from LOR:
I promise to all of my viewers that my site should nothing exept contain nothing except accurate information.For example, all information you will find here will be true, unless I 1) clearly state that said information is false, 2) do not know the truth,(wich will be told.) or 3) did not know it at the time of writing the information(wich will be told.), and have not updated the section since. If you spot cases of 2) or 3), please report them by and they will be fixed as soon as possible.
Pokémon, Gyarados and all other Pokémon characters are © 1995-2008 Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures. Inc. This website is ONLY the work of a fan.non-official graphics and content ©2008 houndourm/LOR/lakeofrage unless stated diffrently.
Look familiar? It should.
Disclaimer from TCoD:
I hereby promise to all of my visitors that my site should only contain accurate, up-to-date information. For example, all cheats on this site have been personally tested by me. All information you will find here will therefore be true, unless I a) clearly state that said information is false, b) do not know the truth, or c) did not know it at the time of writing said information, and have not updated the section since. If you spot cases of b) or c), please report them via this form and they will be fixed as soon as possible.
Pokémon, Pikachu and all other Pokémon characters are © 1995-2008 Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures. Inc. This website is purely the work of a fan.
All layouts, non-official graphics and content © 2002-2008 Butterfree/Dragonfree/antialiasis unless otherwise stated.
Art thieves suck.
And any things that I saw that were partly dragonfree's I either deleted or made so far away from being dragonfree's that you would not notice. and i did not copy anything from dragonfree's site.
So do liars.[10/01/2009 03:58:05]
Lake Of Rage, before you do anything, you need to make your site- and your guestbook posts here, for that matter- grammatically correct. I can't read it at all. It's burning my eyes out.
Groudon for the spammifier, w00t![10/01/2009 01:04:36]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflieslakeofrage, the other post was made from the same IP as these posts. :/
EvilPenguin, please don't flame.
And why wouldn't Pokémon reproduce sexually just because it's family-friendly media? Take any kids' show involving real-world animals, and they will reproduce sexually; you just don't see them do it, because that's not what your target audience is interested in.[09/01/2009 23:04:58]
Also, lol at "what is hentai"
[09/01/2009 21:56:00]
lol, sucky fansite with a shiny gyarados fetish obsession. I need to start avoiding those for a "wile".
[09/01/2009 21:50:35]
Website: lake of ragewhat is hentai? Sorry I did not ask before. And also how would pokemon have sexual reproduction if it is meant for kids to. But I know it is a theiry.
[09/01/2009 21:42:28]
Website: lake of ragethank you. And yes some thigns are like butterfrees sorry I said dragonfree that whole time. And also do you beleive that I did not do it?
[09/01/2009 21:17:45]
You didn't really copy, it just… reminds me of TCoD. I have nothing against your website.
[09/01/2009 21:00:02]
Website: lake of rageok. I did not say that. You can check anything you want to. Because I did not say that. You can check the ip address. And I stopped trying to afiliat a wile ago. Indeed I did try at first but when was the last time I asked? Also do not do lakeofrage LAKEOFRAGE. and I have for a wile only typed my site as lake of rage. not LOR for a wile. And it has worse grammar than I do. And any things that I saw that were partly dragonfree's I either deleted or made so far away from being dragonfree's that you would not notice. and i did not copy anything from dragonfree's site. like right click and that. And look how he said it. I would have used it in one sentence. And i am not trying to get attention. By the way my computer has been down for 2 or 3 days. Compare ip addresses with this post and the other post. And even though I may envy dragonfree. I would not do that. If it is from the same house it is my older brother that makes fun of me for liking pokémon. He watches me post here.
[09/01/2009 20:51:42]
Lakeofrage, I checked out your site. It isn't awful, but it seems you kind of… well… copied certain aspects of TCoD.
[09/01/2009 20:24:06]
Oh, yay, that type tool is something I really need. Thanks, Butterfree.
[09/01/2009 03:44:40]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesLAKEOFRAGE doesn't actually think this site is stupid. He links to me on his site and has been trying to affiliate with me for the past month or so. He's just trying to get attention.
[09/01/2009 01:30:09]
Well, I haven't posted for a while.
I can't see why you don't like TCoD, LAKEOFRAGE. It's the best pokémon site I've ever come across.
Though perhaps you're just a bit jealous. Which is understandible.
And, EvilPenguin, I'm MUCH better at taking care of pokémon than Typhloise. Sorta. Maybe. Maybe not. So why don't you give the aipom to ME? I'll give you my spammifier trapinch.
Has anyone ever played Geometry Wars?
Trapinch for the spammifier.
Trapinch dug a pit.
And into it I fell.
Though, how deep was it?
I can't tell.[09/01/2009 00:44:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesLake of Rage, you are not cool and edgy and negative attention is not better than none at all. Do yourself a favor and just stop.
[08/01/2009 23:24:20]
Website: LORThis website.Is stupid
[08/01/2009 23:13:57]
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