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The fact that the player HAS to play as a girl makes it even more suggestive.
[26/12/2008 01:00:50]
Found something to add to In-Game Humor!
In Trozei, Mr. Who says "You give me coin, I let you play with balls for two minutes, yes?"[26/12/2008 00:59:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's a lot more likely to be a one-time glitch, then. At one point my browser's cache got messed up and it mixed up some of the images on websites I looked at. :/ Could be something similar.
[25/12/2008 23:22:39]
Bug Catcher
Commenting on: 12-24-08I was just trying out the Generate Three option when that happened. I think it was the first or second time I tried clicking the button. I'm using IE7, and this only happened once. I tried entering the same Pokemon names into the slots but they turned out fine that time.I didn't try refreshing when I saw it, though. I guess it might have been a one-time browser glitch to me, but it does seem pretty strange.
[25/12/2008 19:45:59]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-24-08Man of Ariados: Yes, what do you mean by that? o.O The one on the left is the main frame, the one that is shown in the battle, and the ones on the right is the animation frame that is used in the animation when the Pokémon appears; this is surely the most logical way to order them.
It could be confusing you that many of the Platinum main frames look very similar to the D/P animation frames of the same Pokémon, but I assure you that the ones on the left are the ones that are actually shown in battle in Platinum.[25/12/2008 16:16:03]
Man of Ariados
Commenting on: 12-24-08Whoops, I meant the right.
[25/12/2008 15:40:31]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-24-08Mumel: Currently, you can get back sprites here, but the frames are in one image.
Bug Catcher: o.O How did that happen? What browser are you using? Does it happen every time you generate? Does it happen if you refresh? It looks like a one-time browser glitch to me; the actual Javascript that generates the images couldn't possibly output that.
Man of Ariados: Huh? What do you mean, "the Pokémon's first sprite is on the left?"
Fixed the namings of Land Forme and Altered Forme.[25/12/2008 14:15:30]
Commenting on: 12-24-08Cool! A Platinum generator. But I was poking around for Pokemon stuff yesterday, and found out that Giratina's six-footed form is not called Another Form. It will PROBABLY be called Altered Form.
And, I really really want back sprites. ^^[25/12/2008 12:24:51]
Man of Ariados
Commenting on: 12-24-08This is pretty cool, but two things:
First, is it a glitch that the Pokemon's first sprite is on the left, and shouldn't it say that somewhere?
Secondly, Shaymin Land Forme just says Normal above it. I'm sure it was just a mistake.
You did a nice job anyway, though! A lot of work must've gone into this.[25/12/2008 09:18:16]
Bug Catcher
Commenting on: 12-24-08No, apparently not. Let's try this again:
bug[25/12/2008 05:09:30]
Bug Catcher
Commenting on: 12-24-08I'm quite sure this is a bug. Let's see if I can link correctly.
[img=][25/12/2008 05:08:29]
Commenting on: 12-24-08I, personally, would LOVE back sprites. I find it difficult to search them out online, cause they aren't easily found in the place I go for most sprites, so to have all the sprites together in one package would be nice.
[25/12/2008 03:42:46]
i tend to use an action replay but only afterthe gameis beaten its a game extender/ruiner
And green is right um…..
hacking uses lots ofvtools….and knowledge,… an action relay requires…,carefullality
Rotom spamifyrr! oops i mispelled it cool bannette…..
crocnaw or cro……..,
heatran? lol[24/12/2008 21:42:22]
ok for the twiligh part.the ggirl did blink 84x a second but urgh my sister got a t.v. an i pod and a $384 ring. im gettinng my sis' old ipod and a new shirt…..alli asked for was a psp…… why is my family so g~y? btw butterfree i made you the professor in my rom hack :]
[24/12/2008 21:29:16]
Website: I Hate TwilightWhat about Jasper in the movie? That was flippin' hilarious. I wanted to cringe and laugh simultaneously whenever he came onscreen.
Furret for the spammifier. I /always/ confuse Furret and Linoone. Why are they so similar?[24/12/2008 19:22:39]
Website: I Hate TwilightYeah, I saw the movie. It went something like this:
Bella: *breathing heavily, in a monotone* Oh *blink* Edward *blink* I *blink blink* never want *blink blink blink* you to leave.
Edward: *fangirl scream for no reason other than he's Edward, p-shaw* *also kind of emotionless* I feel very…protective of you.
On Youtube, I found this amazing parody called Dimlight, and another really good one just called Twilight Trailer Parody. They're hilarious; I put them on my site if anyone wants to see them.[23/12/2008 23:07:03]
Emerald Espeon
Grr. I don't understand Edward fangirls D: Sure, I like Twilight. But I don't obsess over Edward or anything…have you guys seen the movie? I LOVED the people who were in the theater watching it when I was. Every time Edward said something, half the audience would burst out laughing.
[23/12/2008 19:51:34]
Website: I Hate TwilightYeah, Twilight's not worth 20 bucks or whatever they charge for it. Don't let my opinion influence you though, read it. You're free to enjoy it.
Bidoof for the spammifier. I hate Bidoof. I call it Big Doof.[23/12/2008 18:05:54]
Has anyone ever played NHL 2K9 for Wii? Well, this is what IGN rated it!!!
Presentation- 5.5
Graphics- 5.0
Sound- 7.5
Gameplay- 7.0
Lasting Appeal- 6.0
Overall- 6.8/10.0
I personally played the game at a cousins yesterday, and this is MY rating!
Presentation- 8.0
A hockey game for Wii? That says it all!
Graphics- 5.0
I agree, how the graphics are like they're from NHL 2K3!
Sound- 8.0
Still the good ol' hocvkey game! Just announcers are a little tedious.
Gameplay- 8.5
Playing hockey is amazing on the Wii! Just needs to increase the frame rate.
Lasting Appeal-8.5
If you're a hockey fan, this will last for a while!
Overall- 7.6 Good game.[23/12/2008 16:15:50]
But do you not use an Action Replay or Gameshark to alter the games code so you happen to have that Pokemon in your party? (I love deep discussions! I should get into polotics!!!… Or not.)
I've just come back from vacation, and then I'll be going to a big family get together on Christmas Eve. You know, i should really read Twilight. But not buy it. I have better stuff to spend my money on. Like NHL 2K9 for Wii! *Woop*
Sableye for spammifier! I had a Sableye in Emerald. And it was awful. (Don't ask me why I kept it anyway.)[23/12/2008 12:44:47]
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