Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Stumbled upon your site, its really cool. I read a lot and learned a lot. The reading is very informative, and I'm gonna show my friend this site, I know he'll like it as much as I do.
Thanks! =D[08/01/2009 01:22:47]
Oh you have 2 Bidoofs.
[08/01/2009 00:22:50]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhy would you need to hide it? o_O I mean, since it's at the bottom, it's easy to ignore. The only reason I figured it needed something to hide the explanation was so that you wouldn't need to scroll down every time you want to do something, but you'll never have to scroll down past the type creation tools.
[07/01/2009 23:52:19]
Okay, Happy New Year everybody! I hope your year was really great, I hope the next one is even better, blah blah blah….And here's a list of random things that made my year great:
#1: Firefox.
#1.5: The people who make Firefox.
#2: Firefox add-ons.
#2.5: The people who make Firefox add-ons.
#3: Firefox's integrated spellchecker that I just noticed. Apparently "ons" doesn't count as a word, even if it's connected to "add".
#4: Thunderbird.
#4.5: The people who make Thunderbird.
#5: Thunderbird add-ons.
#5.5: The people who make Thunderbird add-ons.
#6: U3.
#7: This website.
#8: The Ultimate Type Tool:
#8.5: Needs another script to hide the "Make a custom type" section.[07/01/2009 22:36:24]
Website: lake of rageI have a shiny typhlosion in emerald. I cloned the crap out of it. And traded 10 of them for rare unobtainable pokémon. I have 7 more. :)
[07/01/2009 21:57:19]
I remember in Emerald, the cloning glitch. I had a shiny Tentacruel, so I cloned it multiple times, then I transferred it to Pearl. I received so many good Pokemon from trading it…
[07/01/2009 15:09:45]
lol as if im not keeping it as trade bait
[07/01/2009 12:58:22]
You know, if you don't want the Aipom, I would gladly have it… You know, to get it off your hands.
[07/01/2009 12:38:15]
You know what really sucks? Breeding and the RandomNumberGenerator. I was breeding Aipom last night, and through some miracle, I got a shiny which also was Jolly with at least a 25 in every stat that mattered - absolutely perfect for Aipom. So what made it suck? The ability was Pickup instead of Technician, which means I cant use its best moves. Yeah, I threw my ds at the wall.
[07/01/2009 12:05:45]
I don't get why.
I forgot to mention…
Typhloise! Typhloise! You should name yourself…. Hanazono Karin!
*shot*[06/01/2009 14:19:58]
I don't get it.
[06/01/2009 13:39:56]
by the looks of your things to do you should change your name to Butter-not-so-free
*dead silence*[05/01/2009 22:14:29]
I was impersonated once, if I remember correctly. Except the person didn't use any grammar or punctuation.
[05/01/2009 21:56:20]
Website: I Hate TwilightI wouldn't misplace a comma like that. Or forget to put my site, for that matter.
I feel lucky that I'm important enough to impersonate, however. XD[05/01/2009 21:51:43]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, it's not actually Taite.
[05/01/2009 21:16:06]
Ah, Taite, why do you hate this site? If it really is you, that is. ;)
[05/01/2009 20:17:02]
I, from now on hate this website.
[05/01/2009 19:30:39]
Lol, I've already decided everything I want to do for Platinum. My name is gonna be Platina (yes i play as the girl even though I am a guy) and my team is gonna be Empoleon, Magmortar, Ambipom, Tangrowth, Hippowdon, and Chatot. And I need a life D:
[05/01/2009 12:16:13]
Website: ?Name yourself Cantaloupe because cantaloupes are goood! and also that ultimate type tool is very interesting. i wasted a good half hour playing with it!
[05/01/2009 01:18:37]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC