Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Hmmmm… I know it's a little while away, but I'm trying to think of what to name myself when I get Platinum. These are a couple of names I've thought of:
My Original Name: My name, which I use in most of my games.
Typhloise: The name I go by on most websites.
Platinium: My user name for Runescape.
Platinum: The name of the game. I do this sometimes, such as in Yellow, I named myself Yellow.
Diamond: The name of the game my brother has (I have Pearl, but it sounds more like a girl's name).[04/01/2009 21:32:07]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPkmn Trianer Nick: Well, did you actually save it as PNG? What does the extension say? Maybe you meant to save it as PNG but accidentally selected GIF?
[04/01/2009 17:28:54]
Some Guy
Don't bother with the Concealed Ruins. The 'treasure' is just a couple of gummis and stuff like that. If you want treasure you can cheat and make wondermail here.
[04/01/2009 16:38:51]
I LOVE this site. Found it after clicking on the link to the quiz on th Psypoke Forums. (click here to go to the page
anyway, SOVA! (Save our Voice Actors) please support it. They are trying to get the original VAs of the Pokemon anime back (click here to go to their site
thats all i got for now. Ace Trainer OUT!!!
ps- veronica taylor's REAL email is[04/01/2009 15:53:20]
Gas is 70 around here also, Pikachu Goddess. But in the summer, it was over 130.
[04/01/2009 13:27:12]
Butterfree: I was using Paint,sorry I took so long to answer.
[04/01/2009 04:44:49]
Website: I Hate TwilightI'm writing three- yes, three- novels at once. o_0
And I have writer's block.
And I have sort of spriter's block. Mainly because I never finish sprites unless they're on request. DX[04/01/2009 02:47:41]
Pikachu Goddess
Thanks, Taite. I was thinking it would be one of those excessively long dungeons that had 99 floors. >_> I'll keep in mind next time to use Bulbapedia.
Finally, I got rid of my writer's block! :D For the past week or so it's been driving me crazy because I wanted to write so badly, yet had no clue what I should write next.[04/01/2009 02:46:31]
Website: I Hate Twilight@ Pikachu Goddess: Bulbapedia says 30.
[04/01/2009 02:22:42]
Pikachu Goddess
Where I am the gas prices are in the 70's. Waaaay better than the 113.9 that was in the summer. x_x
Does anyone know how much floors are in the Concealed Ruins (in Explorers of Darkness)?[04/01/2009 02:02:09]
Website: Harley and Brock Love!Thank you!
Don't worry, I wont! I'm not a meanie! =D[04/01/2009 01:59:08]
Hi! I love this site!
[03/01/2009 18:51:50]
Website: Lake of RageIt wont let me post what I want so I will email it to you butterfree.
[03/01/2009 18:39:29]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflieslakeofrage: …so, um, does your host even have ASP? Are you even using a linked style sheet?
Arcanine Ood: Thank you. :3 Alerts are Javascript; the function is alert("something");, but it has to be placed within script tags. For the love of God, don't use them just for the hell of it, though.[03/01/2009 16:32:11]
Arcanine Ood
Website: Harley and Brock Love!Hello!
I just want to say I LOVE this site.
Your sprites are amazing! I especially love that one with Gardevoir in a black dress.
You know that rant page with the alerts? How do you make alerts? *new to website thing, sorry!*
xX[03/01/2009 16:15:31]
Website: Lake of RageI got it from
[03/01/2009 15:30:20]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflieslakeofrage, it would suffice to tell me where you got it. :/
Typhloise: Well, partly, but we're also thriving on the tourist industry these days. That and all the banks that just went bankrupt and their various moneymaking schemes outside of Iceland.[03/01/2009 11:38:44]
Thank you very much for the tutorials.
They helped a lot.
Happy New Year to you!!
:)[03/01/2009 08:56:36]
Website: I Hate TwilightYesh! After a long while, my spriter's block (lol, pun) is over!
*ish happy*[02/01/2009 17:26:20]
Website: lake of rageWell do you want me to PM it to you over serebii forums? Because it's a long script.
[02/01/2009 14:42:54]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC