
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Well, I have no idea who Mehw is. :/ And I've only spoken to… one person on the Internet over the phone. Whose spelling and grammar are considerably better than that. So I don't know.

[29/12/2008 19:37:47]


Wait, what's the deal with Mehw and Butterfree? Do you guys know each other personally?

[29/12/2008 17:20:23]

Website: pokemonass
Commenting on: 12-24-08

can you add a trozei sprite generator?

[29/12/2008 09:51:36]


Yay, a Wobbuffet! *hugs it, and is blasted back by Counter* Uh…thanks anyway. Merry belated Christmas to you.

Mehw, it doesn't matter which order a Pokémon's types are in, they still have the same effect on the overall damage modifier. So Fire-type moves will deal normal damage on both Ice/Fire types and Fire/Ice types. (I'd like to see how they'd incorporate that type combo into a real Pokémon.)

Heh, Pikachu spammifier. I do agree the new sprite is kinda cute.

[29/12/2008 09:31:17]

Pikachu Goddess

Sorry for the double post, but I just couldn't help but say the Pikachu sprite for Platinum is über cuteness and that the Darkrai sprite is absolutely amazing.

[28/12/2008 22:40:02]

Pikachu Goddess

Merry belated Christmas! *gives everyone a Wobbuffet*

I can't believe it. I got Pikachu pajamas for Christmas! :D A yellow tank-top with a ginormous Pikachu on it, and blue pants decorated with a bunch of cute Pikachu. :D And, along with that, a Pikachu shirt! *explodes due to happiness*

Alright, the generator's up. Maybe I'll have some motivation to actually sprite with this thing. Thanks a lot, Butterfree!

Oh, and I got a bunch of Bleach comics for Christmas. Woot! *huggles manga and explodes again*

[28/12/2008 22:33:35]


Hey….my letters are invisible? Oh well maybe theyll show up…Butterfree can you email me i havnt talked to you since my phone got takeded :( imisses you! hyey …okay if i want a pokemon to be not weak to fire type would i go Ice/fire type or \ire/ice type? O.0

[28/12/2008 18:25:31]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Pidgeot: The account is deleted, but I think the forum might have a protection on usernames that have been used, even if the accounts have been deleted. You should probably just register under another name.

[28/12/2008 18:20:32]

Website: I Hate Twilight

Luff the generator!

Wow, some of the Platinum sprites look WEIRD.

I'm feeling really hyper right now. XD

Nice generator, though.

I think it's pretty perfect.

*goes to generate sprites, crossing her fingers for a fusion idea*

Kingdra for the spammifier

[28/12/2008 17:29:16]


Awesome generator, Butterfree!

[28/12/2008 15:25:17]


Okay, I'll re-register….Only to find that it says the username "Pidgeot" (the one I was using) is in use. Did you delete the accounts, or did you just ban them? If you banned them, can you unban mine? And if it was a deletion, than what am I doing wrong?

[28/12/2008 14:45:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, that would mean your account was deleted. All accounts with no posts were deleted in a general purge. I'm sorry you got caught in it, but at least, if you had deleted all your posts anyway, it is not as if you lost much.


[28/12/2008 02:40:27]

Website: LoR
Commenting on: 12-24-08

well what do you think of my website my website

[27/12/2008 22:25:30]


Oh wait, I deleted all my posts before I asked for my name to change. Would that mean my account was deleted as well, even though I didn't register that day?

[27/12/2008 21:08:25]


I asked him to change it a week or two ago, but I haven't been on the internet to log in since then. I think I registered about a week or two after the crash, if that helps any.

[27/12/2008 21:06:39]


No, I registered before that too. It was just after the forum crash. The only major thing that happened was that I asked Opaltiger to change my username from "the guy with no username" to "Pidgeot". I also changed my email address because I made a new one.

[27/12/2008 21:05:07]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Then you registered the same day as a spammer made 600 spam accounts, where all accounts that had not posted were indiscriminately deleted.

[27/12/2008 20:26:31]


No, I registered after the wipe.

[27/12/2008 18:20:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Presumably, you registered before the forum wipe in June. You have to register again.

[27/12/2008 17:58:05]


Why can't I log in to the forums? I know I did everything right….And when I went to reset my password, it said it didn't recognize my email address!

[27/12/2008 17:36:06]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC