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Normally, there's nothing wrong with a coalition. The problem, is that if the coalition is formed, the party would immediately overpower the Conservatives, WITHOUT a vote.
[05/12/2008 20:20:56]
But my point is Le Bloc WOULDN'T be in the coalition. Just Liberals and NDP. Le Bloc just support it, so that they have enough votes in parliament.
And yeah, I understand your point, but in politics compromise is a necessity, and if two parties together can form a majority government and one party alone can't, then they should go for it. Otherwise you get Belgium.[05/12/2008 18:23:40]
Yes, the Liberals want to form a coalition with the NDP and Le Bloc (shoot, I did spell it wrong…) One of the reasons with politics, is that there's always a huge dispute if you announce your party of choice. I have nothing against Le Bloc, except that I don't like how they want to split up Canada, and how they're "separatists" or "sovereigns". The main problem of this coalition, is that because the Conservatives did not get a majority, that if the Liberals and the NDP's join, then they would immedietely overthrow the Conservatives without a vote. That is the main problem with this coalition. Personally, I hate all politicians; it's just who I hate the least that I support.
At school, we were talking about Utopian societies. We brought up one about a place called, "Victory City". I personally think that everyone should check out this link:
Victory City
What do you think?
I was reading a book, and it said that Iceland has had only one robbery in it's history. Go Iceland! Whoop!
I found this really cool game! It's called "Oilgarchy"! If any one has played the McDonalds game, you'll love this!
Tangela for spammifier! Personally, I think it's an Oddish that's covered in vines!
Wow. Long post.[04/12/2008 20:52:48]
Mezmet Sez LOLz
Website: Dracana Firebolt productionsHELLO WORLD!
[04/12/2008 20:06:31]
First of all, a coalition is not a joining of two parties. It is an alliance, so to say, of two or more parties who wish to attain a majority in parliament but cannot do so on their own. I should note that coalition government is the norm in probably a majority of countries.
And, as a quick crash course in Canadian politics tells me, the Bloc Quebecois are not nearly as bad as you make them out to be - and anyway, they wouldn't be in a coalition (they'd only support it). The actual government would be composed of the Liberals and the NDP, both of which I hear are quite good, so far as political parties go. Also, stop complaining. You guys had an awesome government until you put the conservaties back in charge wtf.[04/12/2008 18:26:36]
Pikachu Goddess
Le Blok? Are you serious?! They want to join with Le Blok? That's the most absurd idea I've ever heard! Silly Liberals… you're just flushing yourself down the drain by doing that. Ugh, our government is screwed up. Lucky Americans and their Obama… See, this is why I like NDP and the Green Party. …Yeah, I'm from Canada, too. No funny accent or igloos.
By the way, have you ever watched Air Farce, Typhloise? Best. Political. Comedy. Ever. It's a shame they're just finishing their last season. Last episode's on New Years, by the way! Oh, and Rick Mercer's decent.
And yeah, you're probably the only preteen in the world to like politics. Yes, you spelt "Le Blok" right.[04/12/2008 03:02:34]
Okay. As most of you know, I reside in Canada. And since Canada is a democracy, there are four parties: Liberals, Conservatives, NDP (New Democratic Party), Green, and Le Blok (I think I spelled that right…) One of the main parties, the Liberals, wants to create a coalition; which basically means it will combine with another party. The Liberals want to join with Le Blok. The problem is, Le Blok's main goal is to split Canada into two countries: Canada and Quebec.
I am the ONLY pre-teen in the world to like politics?
I'm asking Ranger 2 for Christmas.[04/12/2008 00:34:59]
Wow, props to you, EeveeSkitty. You managed to post between a double post. That takes some skill! (I remember a while back someone managed to post exactly on midnight…My memory is weird =S)
I finished Shadows of Almia last night, with a game play time of 19:28 and an ownership time of 10 days! The latter is five times longer than the original. Much better.
*holds breath for December crossword*[03/12/2008 20:29:10]
has anyone got any training for a lvl 44 Ampharos, lvl 43 Jolteon, lvl 43 Sharpedo, lvl 44 Ursaring, lvl 44 Ariados and a lvl 43 Houndoom PLZ
[03/12/2008 19:50:46]
[03/12/2008 19:43:56]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, you can not borrow Leta. I thought my sprite terms of use were already quite clear on that my fake Pokémon are not being lent out for use by anyone if I am not personally involved with the project.
[03/12/2008 14:06:11]
Red Palkia
Commenting on: 11-02-08um……can i use some of your own pokemon sprites ex. i will borrow leta……pls email me……
[03/12/2008 08:01:30]
Stupid impostor…sprite gen would be nice but I don't really need it that much as you already gave us the Platinum sprite packages :D
Typhlosion for spammifier~[03/12/2008 08:00:19]
Red Palkia
Commenting on: 11-02-08um……can i use some of your own pokemon sprites ex. i will borrow leta……pls email me……
[03/12/2008 08:00:18]
sprite gen…. PLEASE!!!!!
[02/12/2008 02:39:43]
God..i cant spell my spammifier….picharichu?…
well on the ranger game the 2nd one is the only one i played and it is definetly worth my like 35$ >.> but seriously it was cool very nice story and all the styler capture different effects and i played it for about…lemme thhink ..prolly 20 hours? And i almost didnt stop it was more than a day so maybe 30 hours even omgosh it was awesome id say if yur thinking about it buy it.[02/12/2008 01:53:47]
Personally, I loved the Ranger franchise.
On the topic of websites shutting down, I hate with a fury when a site is shut down, without the admin informing anyone. Like Pokechow, or Valley of Nightmares.[01/12/2008 20:27:33]
Did anyone else have problems with the site at around 7am this morning? I couldn't post on here or access the Quest Blog. Everything else I tried was fine.
Spoon, I bought the game last Saturday. I'd recommend it to most people, especially those who liked the first Ranger game - most importantly for me, it's LONGER! The first game was so short. In this one, the plot is nice and juicy, and, of course, there are the 60 side quests to keep you playing, so it's a lot better. The health bar system is also a big improvement, though it does make the bosses sort of easy.
The website reference on the impostor's post is also wrong…a pretty poor attempt at an imitation, if you ask me.
Rayquaza spammifier =] First ever legendary![01/12/2008 18:08:57]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies*very, very amused*
Come now, my grammar is better than that. :P "has went a long way"? "it's time has come"? "to old"? And I always write "Pokémon" with the é.[01/12/2008 12:23:31]
Props for actually coming up with reasons for shutting down thesite unlike the majority of people though. And you almost made me lol. Almost.
[01/12/2008 06:48:08]
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