
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Icepool : Now it's "Day of Beginning"!

Happy new year, everyone!

[01/01/2009 11:40:11]

Website: Click here

I have to admit, its kind of cool to open up IE and see the zodiac say "Day of Ending."

[31/12/2008 14:55:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, I will be publishing another chapter, but I can't tell you when that will be.

[31/12/2008 13:48:53]


Hello, Christmasmike! I remember when I was new here.

See how we handle problems? With dignity! And pridenigty! And nerdnigty!

[31/12/2008 12:58:03]

Website: ?

Hello I am new here! I read that story Morphic and it is really great! I am wondering if you will be publishing another chapter

[31/12/2008 07:51:31]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, Disturbing Dude, you are a neverending source of amusement.

At the moment I am willing to bet that I am more popular than you, can get better-paid jobs and have a considerably better love life, precisely because I'm such a nerd. I pity everyone who isn't.

[31/12/2008 04:06:31]

Pikachu Goddess

DD: I wouldn't take offence at the nerd part, since I know very well that I am one (and I'm fine with that). Now, I would just like to know why you would post such a hypocritical statement as "get a life" when it seems that the only thing better that you can do is go on to a Pokémon fan site and decide to bash the posters at the guestbook. By the way, I like how you only said "no offence to Typhloise".

[31/12/2008 01:16:37]

Ging x

I see your life is great, you go through websites posting that were corny nerds.

[30/12/2008 21:14:17]

Some Guy

DD, I would take offense at your post if you actually had a brain.

[30/12/2008 19:11:34]

Website: I Hate Twilight

Yes, I'm a nerd. Yes, I have no life. What's your point?

[30/12/2008 17:32:20]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

i mean the ones that are newcomers no offensce to typhloise

[30/12/2008 16:49:06]


Hello, DD. Unfortunately, I don't have a basement.

[30/12/2008 16:42:11]


Have any of you heard of SPORE? It's one of the best games ever!!! Or at least, that's what some I of my classmates said, along with IGN and Gamespot. If you want to know more about it, check out this Wiki article!

Well, I got SPORE in early October, and I was extremely excited. I took an hour to load everything, but it still wouldn't let me play. It said I needed a better video card!!! So I waited, and for Christmas, my parents went out to buy it. But the day my dad was going to install it, his operating system broke down!!! So now he uses our computer, so he can't install the video card until he buys a new system!

[30/12/2008 16:40:50]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

hey NERDS! i just wanna make fun of all you corny nerds who live in there basements and still play pokemon i just use my sisters pokedex to do spam especially butterfree your such a nerd so just wwanna say that your all nerds that need to get a life!!!! XDDDDDDDDD

[30/12/2008 16:40:12]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

hey NERDS! i just wanna make fun of all you corny nerds who live in there basements and still play pokemon i just use my sisters pokedex to do spam especially butterfree your such a nerd so just wwanna say that your all nerds that need to get a life!!!! XDDDDDDDDD

[30/12/2008 16:40:12]


Hey there,Want to affilate?Visit me at

[30/12/2008 14:35:58]


Hey! This New Years, we're supposed to count an extra second! The Earth slowed down a little bit, so that's why!

[30/12/2008 13:30:38]

Ging x

[29/12/2008 23:11:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No, you can't do the same thing with the word Eevee - how are you going to turn it upside-down?

[29/12/2008 20:18:39]

Ging x

I realized an error in your ''Fun Facts'' section. In the first fact it says:"HO-OH" can be read backwards and forwards, flipped horizontally or vertically or rotated 180 degrees without changing. No real five-lettered word in the English language is this flexible.'' Actually you can do the same thing with the word ''Eevee'' though. Ironically it is another Pokemon name. Pokemon is setting all kinds of records. Even more irony-the Pokemon that I'm supposed to type the name of to prevent spam right under me, is HO-OH.

[29/12/2008 19:51:47]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC