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ok for the twiligh part.the ggirl did blink 84x a second but urgh my sister got a t.v. an i pod and a $384 ring. im gettinng my sis' old ipod and a new shirt…..alli asked for was a psp…… why is my family so g~y? btw butterfree i made you the professor in my rom hack :]
[24/12/2008 21:29:16]
Website: I Hate TwilightWhat about Jasper in the movie? That was flippin' hilarious. I wanted to cringe and laugh simultaneously whenever he came onscreen.
Furret for the spammifier. I /always/ confuse Furret and Linoone. Why are they so similar?[24/12/2008 19:22:39]
Website: I Hate TwilightYeah, I saw the movie. It went something like this:
Bella: *breathing heavily, in a monotone* Oh *blink* Edward *blink* I *blink blink* never want *blink blink blink* you to leave.
Edward: *fangirl scream for no reason other than he's Edward, p-shaw* *also kind of emotionless* I feel very…protective of you.
On Youtube, I found this amazing parody called Dimlight, and another really good one just called Twilight Trailer Parody. They're hilarious; I put them on my site if anyone wants to see them.[23/12/2008 23:07:03]
Emerald Espeon
Grr. I don't understand Edward fangirls D: Sure, I like Twilight. But I don't obsess over Edward or anything…have you guys seen the movie? I LOVED the people who were in the theater watching it when I was. Every time Edward said something, half the audience would burst out laughing.
[23/12/2008 19:51:34]
Website: I Hate TwilightYeah, Twilight's not worth 20 bucks or whatever they charge for it. Don't let my opinion influence you though, read it. You're free to enjoy it.
Bidoof for the spammifier. I hate Bidoof. I call it Big Doof.[23/12/2008 18:05:54]
Has anyone ever played NHL 2K9 for Wii? Well, this is what IGN rated it!!!
Presentation- 5.5
Graphics- 5.0
Sound- 7.5
Gameplay- 7.0
Lasting Appeal- 6.0
Overall- 6.8/10.0
I personally played the game at a cousins yesterday, and this is MY rating!
Presentation- 8.0
A hockey game for Wii? That says it all!
Graphics- 5.0
I agree, how the graphics are like they're from NHL 2K3!
Sound- 8.0
Still the good ol' hocvkey game! Just announcers are a little tedious.
Gameplay- 8.5
Playing hockey is amazing on the Wii! Just needs to increase the frame rate.
Lasting Appeal-8.5
If you're a hockey fan, this will last for a while!
Overall- 7.6 Good game.[23/12/2008 16:15:50]
But do you not use an Action Replay or Gameshark to alter the games code so you happen to have that Pokemon in your party? (I love deep discussions! I should get into polotics!!!… Or not.)
I've just come back from vacation, and then I'll be going to a big family get together on Christmas Eve. You know, i should really read Twilight. But not buy it. I have better stuff to spend my money on. Like NHL 2K9 for Wii! *Woop*
Sableye for spammifier! I had a Sableye in Emerald. And it was awful. (Don't ask me why I kept it anyway.)[23/12/2008 12:44:47]
Commenting on: 12-20-08yeah, I heard about that a couple of days ago. Pretty awesome, eh?
[23/12/2008 12:36:24]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh, yes, I know. That's why it's already on my Wall of Shame page…?
[23/12/2008 03:56:57]
red dialga
Website: home row keys of pokemonpokemon fossil stole your own sprites
!!dozen of your sprites[23/12/2008 03:25:15]
Website: I Hate TwilightI love your sprite generator- it's inspired some of my best fusions! Just felt like saying.
[22/12/2008 23:17:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJust about nobody has shiny Emerald sprites; they're kind of lacking on the Internet, and since I just compile sprites available elsewhere, that leads to lack of them here. It's not difficult to make yourself a shiny Emerald sprite, however; just take an Emerald sprite and recolor it with the shiny R/S sprite's colors. :/
[22/12/2008 03:45:13]
you don't have any shiny emerald sprites
[22/12/2008 02:55:07]
I'm dying…[21/12/2008 18:18:39]
Thanks, greenumbreon.
Ranting is my talent.[21/12/2008 17:03:52]
Lorem Ipsum
Commenting on: 12-20-08Baltes looks like Jesus.
[21/12/2008 11:14:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPokémon are said to be "hacked" when they were created with a cheating device rather than generated with the game's random number generator as they ought to be; I would say it is quite appropriate to call it that, seeing as it is directly modifying data in the game.
[21/12/2008 04:14:56]
*is annoyed*
I know it sounds irrelevant, but Flyer 79 wasn't hacking. And you can't hack with a gameshark or action replay, as hacking is altering the game's code. For example: making a new town somewhere. What Flyer 79 does is CHEATING. And there's a big difference between HACKING and CHEATING. Hacking requires special software, whilst cheating only need a cheating device.
Oh, me and my irrelevance…
And nice site, Taite. People really do like Twilight a bit too much. Even the teachers in my school are reading it now.
Though, perhaps I should read it sometime, and form my own oppinion on it.
Bagon for the spammifier.
A bagon sits atop my christmas tree,
And scares the many passerby,
By shouting and yelling until they pee.
Oh, if only I could make that bagon evolve and fly!
And get it off my tree.[21/12/2008 02:36:16]
Website: lakeofrage
Commenting on: 12-20-08that is pretty awesome.It makes me want to but not actually do.Whatever they want.I have no clue who these people are but whoever is the middle in age he rocks.
[21/12/2008 02:18:20]
Uh, nothing really; just the generic Christmas get-together, with both sides of the family.
[20/12/2008 23:47:53]
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